Zakou: Um, what's going on Dad.
Dad: Jeje, I want to see what you two are able to do, So, Come at me both at the same time.
Jonetsu & Zakou: W-What?
Dad: Well anyways, get ready and-
Jonetsu & Zakou: W-WHYYYYYYY!?
Dad: H-HUH!?
Dad: Jejeje, Well then - *Swoosh*
Jonetsu & Zakou: *Spit Blood*
Dad: That's an even bigger reason for you guys to show me what you can do. If you two aren't able to get this necklace off my neck in 20 minutes, you will both be spending the night here, without taking a shower and no sleep.
My dad had nerve darted us both into the wall completely overwhelming us.
Jonetsu: B-But my Parents-
Dad: Oh don't worry about them, Jeje, If you guys cant make it I will make sure to get there approval.
Jonetsu: Zakou's Father, Soshikabe Michio, The man said to have the strength of 3000 men. And It's certainly true, I don't even know if we have a chance to go up against him.
Dad: To even give you a chance to get this necklace, I won't use either my arms or Element, It is pretty damn fair I'm not gonna lie, So don't disappoint me...
Jonetsu: The look on his face gives me chills down my spines... Hey Zakou- Wait,
Zakou: Yeah He did "That", His Nerve Dart is on a whole other level than mine, He can mix the use of nerves, Basically if you try to move your arm, your leg will move and vise versa.
Jonetsu: If that's the case then...
Dad: *Subconsciously* Here it is, their impeccable teamwork, With Zakous planning and Jonetsu's coordination and calm mind, they are unstoppable. So Jonetsu is cooling his veins with his Ice Element to reset the blood flow of his veins, He's not bad.
Jonetsu: Hm.
Zakou: Oh I see, Jonetsu it didn't affect my body as much due to the fact that I am an assassin.
Ever since Jonetsu and I were little, we were amazing at teamwork and have always been able to come up with amazing plans and we both understand each other perfectly.
Zakou: Ok then let's go with that one ok?
Jonetsu: Yeah its the only one that will work.
We have made combat tactics in the past so that we know how we are going to fight someone on different occasions. On this occasion, it's my father, how I have the upper hand in close combat, I'm going in and he's going for ranged attacks. We know what tactics were doing with hand signs, we often change the tactics due to there being circumstances changing throughout a fight.
I started the battle with small punches and kicks trying to corner him into a wall, after I was able to get him close to a wall Jonetsu sent a few Ice Shards, But he easily deflected them with a few kicks and upper kicked my chin and kicked me back to where I started.
Zakou: You should know how to hold back dad...
Dad: If I do you won't learn.
Zakou: Jeje...
Jonetsu: ZAKOU NOW!
Zakou: Was just waiting for that command...
Assassin Art: Silent Step, Skip!
Our plan was to get my dad distracted so we could freeze his feet from behind, the main reason for Jonetsu sent his ice shards was to block his sight and to able to connect the pieces and make the plan work.
Dad: *Subconcioscly* Jeje not bad, I guess this is all I need to see for now.
Zakou: Haha, WE GOT IT.
Zakou: So Jonetsu, You gonna go home now or what?
Jonetsu: Depends, I gotta see if my parents there yet, *Sigh*, Sorry to bother.
Dad: I already said it, your always welcome don't worry about a thing.
A few minutes later,
Jonetsu: Yeah, ok, I see then, I will check with him.
Dad: Yeah don't worry you can stay.
Jonetsu: I forgot you have an amazing hearing... But thank you for your kindness and sorry for having to stay here.
Dad: *Sigh* you don't have to be sorry all the time, it's ok for real.
After some time, Jonetsu and I took a shower and talked for a bit before going to bed.
Zakou: *Sigh* it's been a huge day.
Jonetsu: Huge is an understatement.
Zakou: Well in a week we get our results, even though I know I'm already in I still want to see my performance to see how well I did.
Jonetsu: Well I think I did well.
Zakou: Hey now that I think about it, Remember before my first match against Tatsuya?
Jonetsu: Yeah what's up with it?
Zakou: Well, after I left Misaki with you I remember I saw her crying for some reason after I cheered her on during her match, I wonder what was that about...
Jonetsu: Well we barely got to know her all that well, but it seems you did take a liking for her.
Zakou: Oh shut up, shes simply really nice.
After we finished speaking I couldn't sleep, I couldn't help the fact of thinking of what was that about with Misaki, But her backstory is bigger than I ever expected it to be, and after some time I dozed off little by little, while I was slowly getting closer to finding out Misaki's hardships.
Thank you all for your patience and for reading chapter 10, I hope you are all doing good and you are enjoying your day, Covid is really annoying... But this is the end of volume 1!
I hope you are all excited for chapter 1 of volume 2 Cuz I'm working on it right away, feel free to leave a rating and a power stone it helps :D