
Elemental Walkers

SPPrincess · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Night terrors are the last thing any kid would want. Especially Aiden. Every night since his sixth birthday he's been having vivid dreams of being burned alive or burning down towns.

Aiden hated the creature that waited for him when his nursemaid blew out the candle. Now ten, he shouldn't be afraid of these things anymore but he was.

He was sometimes too scared to go to sleep at night. Aiden pulled the covers up to his chin and trembled, he hated feeling so small, so weak.

"Dad!" Aiden squeaked. "Dad!"

His dads came running into the room looking as though they just rolled out of bed. Elias hurried over and lit a flame on the candle. Toby sat on the edge of the bed and scooped Aiden up.

"What's wrong buddy?" Elias asked, sitting on the bed.

Aiden covered his face with his hands. "I', scared, papa. I hate the dark."

"I thought I told the nursemaids not to bow out the candles," Toby murmured.

"Maybe they forgot," Aiden whispered, not wanting the nursemaids to get in trouble.

Elias smiled and pushed Aiden't hair out of his face. "Why are you scared?"

"It's the darkness It's like a big scary monster with claws waiting to snatch me up." Aiden sniffled.

Toby sighed and kissed his hair. "And what's the best way to defeat this monster, hm?"

Aiden sat up. "By making friends with him."

"Someone's been listening to my stories." Elias beamed. "That's right, son."

Aiden rubbed his nose and then crawled back under the covers, putting his head on the pillow.

Elias ruffled his hair and tucked him in again. "You feel better?"

"Yeah, pops."

Aiden watched as Toby took the candle and placed it on the nightstand. Elias kissed his forehead before getting to his feet.

"Could you..." Aiden started then bit his lip. He hated that he was so needy. His older siblings constantly called him a baby and a wimp.

Toby cocked his head. "Do what?"

"Tell me a story," he whispered.

Toby and Elias exchange a knowing smile before climbing into the bed with him.

"Could you tell me how you met Daddy?" Aiden asked.

Elias chuckled. "That is quite a long story."

"Well," Toby muttered. "You could just skip to the good parts."

Aiden giggled and Elias shook his head, smiling. "Your father is full of jokes. Those parts are not going to be mentioned."

Toby laughed.

"Now if you're ready, let's begin. It was ten years ago..."


Aiden rather enjoyed life in the Dragon Dynasty faction. Dragons were everywhere, always roaming about and then there were the humans who could transform into these beasts.

Since his dads worked in the palace training new soldiers, he had become friends with Gerof's son. Gerof was the oldest and wisest dragon around.

A week ago his siblings suddenly woke up with strange elemental abilities. Aiden felt more alone now than ever because he had no abilities and his siblings never played with him.

He was the youngest of the triplets. Elijah and Hazel came running into the room.

Aiden watched as Elijah rose up into the air as if he were lifted by a long and invisible string. He floated over and ruffled Aiden's hair. "Hey, baby bro. We're going to play with some friends."

"Can I come?" Aiden asked, hoping.

Hazel folds her arms. "You won't be able to keep up!"

 Before Aiden could open his mouth to argue, they raced out the door leaving him alone.

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