
Elemental Tear

"Elemental Tear" is a medieval fantasy novel about a world where humanity faces an unknown threat - monstrous creatures called "teras" that suddenly appear and start attacking humans. With only 20% of humanity remaining, four heroes with the powers of the elements of fire, water, air, and earth emerge to help build cities and walls to protect the remaining population. The story follows Alex, the heir to the power of the element of fire, as he embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind the mystery of the teras' appearance. Along the way, Alex learns to control his power and interacts with various characters, leading him to discover the secrets of the world he lives in.

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49 Chs

The Ceremony

After what felt like an eternity, the eagerly anticipated day arrived. The two remaining children who possessed the elemental powers had finally arrived in Lotardale. The church bustled with preparations for the grand ceremony that would formally welcome the heirs of the four ancient heroes. Throughout the two weeks leading up to the ceremony, Alex and Max forged an unbreakable bond.

They spent their days exploring the enchanting streets of Lotardale, embarking on exciting adventures, and strengthening their friendship. Alex's heart overflowed with joy, for he had spent much of his time in his previous town feeling alone. But now, he had a companion, a kindred spirit to share his joys and discoveries. And when he returned home, his family embraced him with open arms, filling his heart with a warmth he had never experienced before. It felt as if he were living in a dream, a dream he never wanted to wake up from. As the day of the ceremony approached, Lotardale buzzed with excitement.

The streets were adorned with colorful banners, and the townsfolk eagerly anticipated the arrival of the esteemed guests. The entire city seemed to come alive, their collective energy radiating with anticipation and hope. On the day of the ceremony, Alex's parents accompanied him to a local dress shop, where Sarah and Max's mother joined them to choose their attire.

The women carefully selected elegant dresses for Sarah and Max's mother, while Alex and Max tried on their new suits. They marveled at how the clothes made them feel special and ready for the momentous occasion that awaited them.

As they prepared for the ceremony, Alex's parents urged him to hurry up so they wouldn't arrive late. The cathedral, where the ceremony was to take place, was a short 10-minute carriage ride away, and they didn't want to miss a moment of the event. Alex apologized and quickly dressed up, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Finally, after a swift carriage ride, the Stern family arrived at the grand Cathedral.

The imposing structure stood tall, its intricate architecture an awe-inspiring sight. Olana, Max, and their parents awaited their arrival with smiles of anticipation. As Alex stepped out of the carriage, he couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous energy. The grandeur of the Cathedral and the significance of the ceremony weighed upon him. However, the warm presence of his family and the sight of Max's friendly face filled him with a newfound confidence.

As Alex and his family entered the grand Cathedral, their eyes widened in awe at the elaborate decorations adorning the sacred space. The air was filled with an atmosphere of anticipation, as if the very walls of the Cathedral were buzzing with excitement.

The Cathedral had been transformed into a majestic setting for the special ceremony. Intricate tapestries depicting scenes from Lotardale's history adorned the walls, their vibrant colors capturing the essence of the ancient heroes and their elemental powers. Chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, casting a soft and warm glow over the gathering.

The left hall of the Cathedral had been prepared to accommodate the distinguished guests. A stage stood at the front of the hall, serving as the focal point of the ceremony. Circular tables were arranged in front of the stage, providing seating for the attendees. Each table was beautifully set, with fine tablecloths and elegant tableware.

As Alex and his family made their way to their designated table, they noticed the presence of prominent figures from the three cities. The great Ministers, the highest representatives of the Elemental Church, and nobles from various cities had come together to witness and celebrate this momentous occasion.

Alex's family found their place at one of the four circular tables positioned directly in front of the stage. They took their seats, grateful for the opportunity to be part of such an esteemed gathering. The table was adorned with floral centerpieces, and the soft glow of candlelight created an ambiance of warmth and grandeur.

Just a few steps away, Max's family occupied the next table, their eyes meeting Alex's with a shared sense of excitement and anticipation. The bond between Alex and Max had grown stronger in the past weeks.

As the hall filled with distinguished guests, the murmurs of conversation filled the air, blending harmoniously with the gentle music playing in the background. Alex's family couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and humility as they realized the magnitude of the event they were about to witness.

As Alex scanned the tables, his eyes fell upon the first table beside Max's, where a family sat. It consisted of a distinguished couple who exuded an air of nobility, accompanied by a young girl who appeared to be around 12 or 13 years old. Samantha, as Alex later learned, possessed a radiant beauty with her long, curly blonde hair cascading down her shoulders. Her parents, Lord and Lady Williams, seemed to command respect and admiration.

His gaze then shifted to the end table, where another girl, about his age, was seated with a well-to-do couple. Emily caught his attention with her brunette hair and striking green eyes. The aura of wealth seemed to emanate from her parents, Sir and Lady Parker. Alex wondered what unique powers these two girls possessed, knowing that they, along with Max and himself, were the chosen heirs of the ancient heroes.

As Alex's observations came to an end, his attention was drawn to the stage, where an elderly man dressed in pristine white garments stood. It was the Pope of the Elemental Church, the spiritual leader, who had the honor of presiding over the ceremony. With a commanding presence, he welcomed everyone who had gathered for this auspicious occasion, expressing his gratitude for their presence and emphasizing the significance of the event.

The Pope then announced that before the ceremony could commence, it would be appropriate for everyone to enjoy a meal together. As his words resonated through the hall, approximately 100 staff members entered, each carrying trays filled with delectable-looking dishes. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of the food, making everyone's mouths water in anticipation.

Following the Pope's instructions, the attendees moved to their respective tables, settling down to enjoy the feast. Soft, melodic music played in the background, creating an enchanting atmosphere that complemented the delightful dining experience. Alex and his family joined in the conversation and indulged in the mouthwatering dishes served before them.

Taking a moment to savor the flavors, Alex looked at his parents and couldn't help but express his satisfaction. "The food is delicious," he remarked, a sparkle of delight in his eyes. His parents nodded in agreement, their faces filled with contentment. The joy of the occasion was not only in the grandeur of the ceremony but also in the simple pleasures of sharing a meal with loved ones and new acquaintances.

After the dinner concluded, the atmosphere in the hall shifted as the Pope returned to the stage for his speech. Alex's heart raced with anticipation, hoping that this would be the moment where he would receive the recognition and applause he had dreamed of. But as the Pope began to speak, his words carried a different tone, one that would leave a lasting scar on Alex's spirit.

Pope: "Ladies and gentlemen, today is a special day for all of us. Many years ago, humanity teetered on the brink of extinction, threatened by monstrous creatures born of evil magic. In our darkest hour, four heroes emerged to save us all. They built the great walls that safeguard our cities, and today, we are privileged to witness the emergence of their heirs."

Alex, Max, Samantha, and Emily stepped forward, their eyes shining with a mix of excitement and nervousness. As the Pope presented each of them with a medal, symbolizing their elemental powers and the weight of their responsibility, the applause erupted throughout the hall. But as Alex received his medal, the response was noticeably subdued, a mere ripple of polite claps.

The weight of disappointment settled upon Alex, an invisible burden that grew heavier with each passing moment. He could feel the eyes of the audience upon him, their expectations seemingly diminished. It was as if the light that had shone brightly within him had been overshadowed by the brilliance of the other heirs.

The Pope's speech continued, praising the children as the hope for humanity and promising their triumphant victory over the monsters. The cheers and applause swelled, filling the hall with excitement and hope. Yet, amidst the jubilation, Alex couldn't shake off the feeling of being overlooked, of not being seen as equal to the others.

As the ceremony concluded, the attendees returned to their tables, mingling and congratulating the heirs and their families. But to Alex's dismay, no one approached their table, except for the great minister of Arindale, who felt obligated to acknowledge their presence, and an elderly high-born lady. It was a stark contrast to the attention showered upon the other families.

Alex's heart sank, and his spirit felt scarred by the undeniable sense of exclusion. The realization that he was perceived as lesser, unworthy of the same recognition as the others, left him questioning his own worth and place among the chosen heirs. The joy that had filled his heart earlier in the day now seemed distant and faint, replaced by a sense of isolation and despair.

Seeing the pain etched upon their child's face, Alex's parents exchanged a glance of shared concern. They felt the weight of their own disappointment, knowing that their beloved child deserved better than this. Unable to bear the injustice any longer, they made the difficult decision to leave the ceremony early, seeking solace and comfort away from the prying eyes and indifferent gazes.

As they walked out of the grand hall, the echoes of applause faded into the distance. The scars left by this moment would linger, reminding Alex of the harsh reality that not all dreams are met with equal recognition, and that sometimes, the world can be a cruel and unforgiving place.

As they entered the carriage, Alex couldn't help but notice the whirlwind of attention surrounding Max and Olana. Nobles and church officials clamored for their presence, leaving no room for a goodbye. As the carriage began to move, Alex stared out the window, aching with a sense of being left out and forgotten.

Inside the carriage, David and Sarah sensed their child's anguish and attempted to offer comfort. "It's not your fault, son," David said softly. "It's ours. Samantha's parents hold great influence as nobles, Olana is hailed as a prodigy in the church, and Emily's parents are renowned doctors on the Continent."

Alex gazed at his parents, realizing that his own disappointment was burdening them. He managed a bittersweet smile and replied, "Don't worry, Mom and Dad. I didn't want to stay there anyway. That ceremony was as dull as a rainy day."

His parents chuckled, embracing him tightly. However, their laughter was short-lived, as the carriage suddenly came to a jolting halt. Concern creased David's brow as he called out to the driver, but no response came. Instinct tingled within him, urging him to investigate. He stepped out of the carriage, his eyes darting to the shadows where movement stirred. Something was amiss.

A surge of adrenaline pulsed through Alex's veins as his mother and he hurriedly exited the carriage. They began hastening towards the safety of the cathedral, the urgency in their steps escalating. Then, an eerie noise pierced the air, sending shivers down their spines. Without hesitation, they broke into a sprint, their hearts pounding in sync with their pounding footsteps.

But in the chaos and haste, tragedy struck. Alex's mother stumbled and fell, her long dress entangling her legs. Panic surged within David, who shouted to Alex, "Keep running! I'll go back and help her!"

Alex fought against his instincts, torn between loyalty and self-preservation. With a heavy heart, he continued sprinting towards the cathedral, hoping against hope that his father would catch up. Yet, fate had other plans.

A tremendous force thrust Alex forward, propelling him several meters away. Turning his gaze back, horror gripped his soul as he beheld a towering wolf-like creature composed of gnarled branches and twisted wood. It loomed over his parents, eyes filled with an unholy hunger. Fear coursed through Alex's veins, but determination burned in his heart.

David and Sarah, with resilience in their veins, pushed themselves to their feet and attempted to flee. But before they could escape, the monstrous creature raised its paw and brought it crashing down upon the ground. Sharp branches erupted from the earth, impaling Alex's beloved parents with a sickening finality.

Desperation surged through Alex as he sprinted towards his fallen parents, desperately reaching out in a futile attempt to save them. But time slipped through his fingers like sand in an hourglass. His mother coughed up blood, her voice feeble yet filled with love. "Despite not being my true son, you will always be." she whispered before her eyes closed, her life extinguished.

Overwhelmed by grief and the weight of this merciless tragedy, Alex felt an intense pounding in his temples. The world around him blurred, the ground beneath his feet transforming into molten lava. Heat suffused his lungs, searing his throat and making each breath a struggle.

In the throes of despair, Alex's body succumbed to the overwhelming pain and anguish, his consciousness fading away as darkness claimed him collapsing and losing consciousness, he looked at his hands and saw them filled with ashes, as if they had ignited.