
Elemental Tear

"Elemental Tear" is a medieval fantasy novel about a world where humanity faces an unknown threat - monstrous creatures called "teras" that suddenly appear and start attacking humans. With only 20% of humanity remaining, four heroes with the powers of the elements of fire, water, air, and earth emerge to help build cities and walls to protect the remaining population. The story follows Alex, the heir to the power of the element of fire, as he embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind the mystery of the teras' appearance. Along the way, Alex learns to control his power and interacts with various characters, leading him to discover the secrets of the world he lives in.

DubiousTone · Fantasy
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49 Chs

A Monster

When the first day at the EIL came, Alex rushed towards the EIL, he couldn't help but marvel at the colossal building before him. The school was a grand structure made of white marble, with towering spires and elegant arches. The front entrance was a massive set of double doors, each intricately carved with arcane symbols and surrounded by statues of legendary mages and warriors.

Once he entered the building, Alex found himself in a massive lobby, with a high ceiling and grand chandeliers hanging from above. To his left was a wide staircase leading up to the upper floors, and to his right was a large bulletin board displaying various notices and announcements and missions, alongside a list of criminals with their bounties.

As he walked further into the school, Alex saw classrooms and lecture halls lining the hallways, each with their own unique atmosphere and equipment. The school was a bustling hub of activity, with students and teachers alike hurrying to and fro, immersed in their studies and research.

EIL was a school that offered a wide range of disciplines to its students. From arcane magic to potions, sword arts to history, teras anatomy to scroll writing, healing magic to conjuring magic, and much more. The school was designed to cater to the needs of all kinds of students, from those interested in the more practical aspects of magic to those seeking a more academic approach.

As a first-year student at EIL, Alex quickly learned about the school's uniform system. First-years wore white, second-years wore blue, and third-years wore green. This was strictly enforced and helped students identify their level. Alex was thrilled to be attending such a grand institution, with a rich history of producing some of the world's most powerful mages. As he walked through the halls, he felt a sense of excitement for the journey that lay ahead.

But his excitement was short-lived, as he was quickly stopped by a green-uniformed student who belonged to the student council. The student indicated for Alex to follow him to a large hall where many white-uniformed students were already gathered. The students murmured nervously as Cecilia White, a stern-looking woman with graying hair, stepped forward to address them. "Good afternoon, students," she began, her voice commanding attention. "I am Cecilia White, a member of the board. It has been decided that it is time for a diagnostic evaluation of your ranks."

She paused for effect, letting her gaze sweep over the room. "These tests will not be easy. They will test your stamina, your strength, your agility, your intellect, and your mana capacity. And make no mistake, we are looking for the best of the best."

A murmur of worry and apprehension rippled through the crowd, but Cecilia wasn't finished. "After the tests are complete, each of you will have a psychagogic interview with a random professor. So make sure you're at the top of your game, because we will be watching."

The students shifted uneasily as Cecilia stepped back, her eyes still fixed on them. It was clear that she meant business, and that the tests were not to be taken lightly.

The students grew nervous as Cecilia White's potent voice hurried them to start.

Alex, feeling the pressure, decided to tackle the intellect evaluation first. He sat down at an available desk and took the IQ test. Thirty minutes later, he was done. As he wondered which test to take next, a commotion broke out. Max, Alex's friend, was taking the strength test and breaking records left and right. Max lifted a bar with 70 kg, breaking the previous record for a 12-year-old of 55 kg. Alex and the other students cheered him on.

Max moved on to the agility test, where he sprinted 100 meters in just 9 seconds, breaking yet another record. He then aced the stamina test before moving on to the intellect evaluation. Alex and the other students were shocked as Max's intellect score was beyond anything they had ever seen. Despite being amazed, Alex was happy for his friend's drastic change of power in just one month.

As Max moved on to the next test, no one else seemed to want to go after him. So, Alex stepped up and was asked to state his first and last name by the teacher holding a pen and paper

"Alex Stern," Alex responded. When the teacher listened to the name, he looked at Alex, analyzing him. "Go on, I don't have all day." Hearing this, Alex went for the kill and chose to set the weight at 50 kg. He picked up the weight and lifted it. After he dropped it, the teacher intervened, "Sorry, but you have to do it again. I didn't watch properly." Alex gasped for air and was dumbfounded, but he didn't want to be rude on his first day with one teacher, so he endured. After doing it again, he finally moved on to the sprint. He was very tired, and he had been in bed for one month. His physical condition wasn't at its best, but even so, he managed to do the 100 meters in 10.5 seconds. It was really good, but as Alex was feeling proud of his time, the teacher said, "Alex Stern, you started earlier than the bell. One second will be added to your time." Alex had an excellent time, but now it was only average. Alex was fuming at this professor; they were treating him differently from the others. He continued to the stamina test. After lifting twice and running, Alex was a bit tired, but he aced the stamina test anyway. As he was going to the last test, he saw a big line of people waiting. This was the line to take the mana capacity test, and the next person taking the test was Samantha. The test was simple; you only needed to stand still, and an old woman from the church would use her hereditary and unique ability, "Eyes of Truth." This ability allowed her to see the mana capacity of a person with her eyes. After seeing it, she would turn and grade it to Klaus, who was seated at a desk, writing the ranking of mana capacity.

As Samantha stepped forward, the old woman used her "Eyes of Truth" on Samantha. She was shocked; she had never seen such a big mana capacity. Admired, she turned and said to Klaus, "Truly terrifying, she is S tier." Klaus, shocked, smiled and wrote the grade. Next were two students who were normal C tier, and after them was Emily, who also scored an S. After ten minutes, it was Max's turn. Klaus smiled as he saw Max. When the lady used her "Eyes of Truth," she gasped and clapped. She praised Max; his mana capacity was so powerful it almost touched the ceiling of the hall. "Truly magnificent. The first SS I see is amazing just by looking at it. It's making my eyes hurt," she praised. After about ten minutes, it was finally Alex's turn.

He nervously walked to the old lady and said with a timid voice, "Alex Stern." Klaus, hearing it, yawned and relaxed, not expecting Alex to be any good. As the old lady looked at Alex with her "Eyes of Truth," all of a sudden, the lady grabbed her stomach and started to vomit. On the floor, crawling and screaming, she started to scream to Klaus while coughing, "RUN! RUN! RUN NOW! MONSTER! RUN!" .

As everyone, including Alex, looked on in terror, the old lady screamed about a monster. No one knew what she was talking about, and she fainted from exhaustion. Klaus ordered the other teachers to take her to the infirmary. Alex couldn't believe his luck. He had been waiting for his turn to demonstrate his powers, but when he finally got his chance, the old lady had to go crazy. The students started gossiping, saying that Max was so powerful that after she used her abilities on two more other students after Max, she went mad. Alex realized he had only one option: he had to go to the psychagogic interview.

He entered the interview room and smiled when he saw that Olana would be the one interviewing him.

"Hello Olana," Alex greeted the interviewer with a joyful tone.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Alex Stern," Olana smiled back. "How did the test go?"

"Good, I guess," Alex responded, but he couldn't help but add, "You should have seen Max. He was really good. He broke every record and even made that poor old woman go crazy with his power!"

Olana nodded in understanding. "I know, I know. But let's focus on you now. You can choose your own classes, other than arcane class and elemental teaching, of course. Pick another three or four to your liking."

Alex's eyes lit up at the opportunity to choose his classes. "Hmm, let me see," he pondered for a moment. "I want potions, sword arts, and teras anatomy."

"Excellent choices," Olana grinned. "But do you know what the elemental teaching class is all about?"

"No, not really," Alex admitted, intrigued.

"It's the best class, especially made for the four heirs," Olana explained with a devious smile. "And the teacher is the most beautiful woman in the city, Olana Grace."

Alex couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Of course, it is," he said with a smirk.

Olana laughed and patted him on the head. "You're too funny, Alex. But in all seriousness, I'm glad to see you're doing well. You've been through a lot."

Alex's expression softened. "Yeah, I miss them every day. But thanks to you, I've been able to keep going."

Olana smiled warmly. "That's what I'm here for, Alex. Now go choose your classes and make the most of your time here at the Institute."

In the infirmary, Arnold, the headmaster, entered wearing his half-moon spectacles and with his long, silver beard. He went to the bed of the old woman and asked her what had happened. "He is a monster, a complete monster," she said. Arnold tried to calm her down and asked how big it was. Terrified, she responded, "I don't know, headmaster. I couldn't see the end of it." Arnold took a step back, frightened by the idea that a person who could measure his mana capacity with one look couldn't see the end of a 12-year-old kid's power. He closed his eyes and thought to himself, "Alex Stern, I knew you wouldn't disappoint me."