Miss shina : hello everyone one we have a new student please welcome him has he come in and please be nice
Ichikawa: good morning you all my name is ichikawa Kawasaki and am going to be in class with you all, I look forward to make friends with you all
Shiran: were did this garbage come from, and did he get in the academy in the first place
Kusabe : shiran can you be nice for once in your life, don't ruin the guys first day
Miss shina: you all keep quiet, ichikawa go to the table next to Alya and be quick about it
Ichikawa: yes ma'am, ...."wow can someone this beautiful exist in this world"
Alya: who you starring at . Perv
Ichikawa: Am sorry, I was stunned by your beauty
Alya: don't say silly things like that
Ichikawa:well it not silly to me, that aside can you please share some info on the school,I will be glad if you would
Alya: I don't mind at all and think of this as a thanks for the comment earlier. Well elemental high consist of four classes the class D which is the lowest class, class C, class B , then class A class of the elites. So if you want to go higher there are to things you have to do to go higher, one is earning Strick stars, they are gold look Stars you know it when you see one, and the other way is to beat an upper class men which is impossible for someone as weak as you.
Ichikawa: wow that much to take in, if I may ask please what class are we now?
Alya: we are in D class, which is obviously is the lowest in the school
Ichikawa: haaaa so this class full of weak guys
Alya: idiot you weak your self you know that
Miss shina: you guys cut the chit chat over there. And ichikawa you are new here will you please show some restraint
Ichikawa: am sorry ma'am
Shiran: I thought as much, am sure he will be useless as he is.
Ichikawa:am sorry Shiran but I make sure you see my worth during the days we use in this school together.
Shiran: whata could you be less creapy. Garbage. And if I may ask what type of magic can you use
Ichikawa: well... I haven't used magic at all
Shiran: what....
Alya: how did you even get in the school if you can't use magic
Ichikawa: well I don't know how to put it but luck I guess
Kusabe: wow shiran is right you as pathetic as it comes
Shiran: told you his useless, if there was a lower class than D you would fit perfectly
Ichikawa: I know can some put me through
Alya: have you gone through a test of magic capabilities, and other stats or so
Ichikawa: I haven't
Kusabe: tell me how can we see what you are capable of if you haven't you idiot
Miss shina: that right he shall take his test today, so ichikawa come with me to the headmaster office
Ichikawa: ok ma'am
Alya: good luck