
Elemental High-School

sonicpanda1_2507 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Available Spells

More spells will be added when the characters learn more spells. Also, will try to keep track of any changes to spells, such as increases in effectiveness.

Joseph Zephyr:

Air Bullet - Joseph releases a small blast of air from his fingertip in the form of a small ball. This bullet is fired in whatever direction the finger is facing.

Air Blade - Joseph slashes his arm through the air, releasing a sharp blade of wind in the direction he's facing. The blade is made in the direction he swings his arm (vertically, horizontally, diagonally).

Tornado - Joseph swirls the air and creates a wind funnel, sucking in anything in its surroundings. The spell requires a constant supply of mana to remain active, otherwise it fizzles out and returns to being calm air.

Joshua Blaze:

Fire Bolt - Joshua condenses his flames into a ball in his hand, which upon impact with something explode. The spell can be modified to have smaller balls of fire in both hands instead of a larger more compact ball.

Flamethrower - Joshua fires a stream of fire from his hand, incinerating anything that gets in its way. The spell requires a constant mana supply otherwise the fire will extinguish.

Fire Blanket - Joshua waves both of his hands horizontally and releases a blanket of fire. This blanket expands until it is five meters and then it begins to move in the direction it was released from.

Riley Bolt:

Lightning Bolt - Riley gathers his mana in his hand and shapes it into the shape of a lightning bolt. The bolt is able to temporarily paralyze weaker beings that it touches.

Lightning Trail - Riley covers himself in his magic, causing sparks of electricity to appear to be dancing around him. This spell doubles his speed, giving him a trail of lightning that follows him. This spell does increase Riley's stamina usage.

Flash - Riley condenses his mana and releases it as an explosion. This explosion blinds his enemies, leaving them open for an attack.

Logan Shade:

Dark Bullet - Logan releases a bullet of mana from his fingertip. This bullet has corrosive properties, rotting anything that it comes in contact with.

Haze - Logan releases a cloud of black smoke, that when it comes in contact with a living being condenses in front of the beings eyes, leaving them blind.

Shadow Bind - Logan manipulates the shadows to create tendrils that are able to restrict a target. Mana needs to be constantly supplied to keep the spell active.