
ELEMENTAL: Heir of Indra

In the tumultuous annals of destiny, Aryan Indra stands as an unfortunate prince, shackled by the weight of a tragic fate. Bereft of his father at the hands of ruthless invaders and orphaned by the cruel hand of destiny, his mother's life extinguished in the act of giving birth, the throne that was meant to be his birthright was cruelly snatched away, entrusted to traitorous hands even before he could bask in its glory. Yet, in the face of such overwhelming adversity, Aryan refused to bow before the relentless march of fate. He embarked on an arduous journey, resolute in his determination to forge a destiny befitting his true lineage. With unwavering resolve, he sought to reclaim the throne that had been wrongfully usurped, vowing to make the world reckon with the consequences of their callous manipulation of his destiny. This is the tale of Aryan Indra, a story that unfolds in the grand tapestry of the Origin world, where he sets out on an extraordinary odyssey. His ultimate goal: to ascend to the pinnacle of elemental mastery and claim the title of the strongest Elementalist and snatch back what belongs to him. As his journey unfolds, he will leave an indelible mark on the world, altering the course of fate itself.

Silent_Poet · Fantasy
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6 Chs

1. A Tragic Birth


The Symbol of destruction, also known as Heaven's Wrath, punishment from God.

Every living being feared it, gazed upon it with awe... Chicks tremble under their mother's wings. The wilderness quivered in terror. Men were no exception; they trembled at the mere sound of its roar.

As though ingrained in their primal instincts, hearts quaked with every rumble of thunder, and flashes of lightning painted the starless sky.

Advanced warships, armed with weapons of mass destruction, dared not take flight. In the face of its might, they were mere trinkets crafted from scrap metal. A single bolt of lightning, if struck a warship, could send it crashing to the ground, ablaze!

On that day, thunder danced like a dragon across the boundless, dark sea, proclaiming, "The punishment of God is upon you. Prepare to face your fate and the annihilation I bring."

The sky wept over the Indrath Kingdom, mourning alongside its people. It was a day etched into memory, not only for the kingdom but for the entire planet.

The King, accompanied by his trusted War gods, had fallen. These War gods were the pride of Indrath, striking terror into the hearts of other nations. Their might formed a military force capable of laying waste to any kingdom within days.

Yet, even they could not withstand the onslaught of the invading allied forces. The sheer numbers overwhelmed the isolated kingdom of Indrath. And to add more fire to a burning house, traitors hiding in the dark flashed their sharp fangs. , sealing the kingdom's fate.

However, amidst the kingdom's engulfing flames of war, an unexpected event unfolded within the Royal Palace.

The news of the fallen King delivered a devastating blow to the Queen, who was in the midst of her pregnancy. The mental anguish of loss proved unbearable for a heart filled with love and care. Were it not for her high vitality grade, the stress would have resulted in a miscarriage. Unfortunately, the situation remained grim.

In a dimly lit room, surrounded by midwives, a pregnant woman braved excruciating pain. She was none other than Mavia Indra, Queen of the Kingdom. The royal obstetrician, sweating profusely, examined the Queen's condition. A deep frown etched on her already wrinkled face, conveying the gravity of the situation.

Exiting the chamber, the old lady stated, "The day of labor has arrived earlier than expected, leaving the fetus underdeveloped. For unknown reasons, the child's vitality is continuously diminishing. If this trend continues, the violent bloodline of Indra will prove too much for a baby with such low vitality."

"What are you implying, Granny Jora?" inquired a dignified female voice.

The obstetrician remained silent, directing her gaze towards the humanoid android standing beside her.

The android's eyes glowed blue as it spoke in a girlish voice,

[Full body scan complete.

Her Majesty's life force is normal.

Other organs are functioning and responding to the labor pains as they should be.

However, abnormalities have been detected in the fetus's life force.

Life force status: Decreasing - 62%, 59%... Fluctuations detected.

Probability of death: 100% under current circumstances.]

The dignified woman, Alina, Head Guardian of the palace and a trusted protector and friend of the Queen, furrowed her brow. Swore to protect the Indra family to the last breath. Yet, she couldn't do anything, even when it prophesied the tragic fate of the royal's last bloodline.

On the other side of the wall, the Queen, in the throes of unbearable pain, was aware of everything happening outside. Naturally, Alina and the obstetrician's conversation reached her ears. She could also sense her child's vitality slipping away.

In this condition, even if her child were not stillborn, the combination of the royal bloodline and its inherent 'Annihilation Thunder' properties would consume the infant's life. Determined, she silently made her decision.

Despite hours of intense labor, the cry of a newborn did not resonate within the silent palace. When the obstetrician emerged, she sighed heavily.

"Her Majesty has made her decision. She has made the ultimate sacrifice."

Alina failed to understand. "What decision? What sacrifice? The child is stillborn. The last ember of Indra's lineage has been extinguished. What now?"

But upon entering the room, she saw a newborn lying beside the weary Queen. Though the child had yet to utter its first cry, Alina detected vital signs and a beating heart within that small, fragile body. At that moment, she felt an overwhelming joy at the sight of the child, the last hope for Indra's bloodline.

"Praise the Indra! He's alive! It's a miracle!" she exclaimed.

However, as she looked at the one responsible for this miracle, her voice stuck in her throat.

The Queen, whom she had faithfully served, had transformed into a majestic old lady, her face etched with countless wrinkles. Her once beautiful, jet-black hair, cascading like a waterfall down her waist, had turned gray. The epitome of beauty that Alina had accompanied until now was no more. Understanding dawned upon Alina as she comprehended the meaning behind those lines.

"Her decision... the ultimate sacrifice..."

After a moment of silence, Alina managed to utter a single word, "Why?"

In a weak voice, Mavia replied, "Can you find a mother who would let her child perish before her eyes? Especially when it's our child." A bitter smile formed on her lips.

"You could have used only a portion of your life force. That would have been enough to save him, right? Why resort to such extreme measures?" Alina cried out, struggling to make sense of Mavia's actions.

Thunder resounded, as if the sky itself expressed anger at her decision.

Mavia weakly shook her head. "Things are not always as they seem, Alina. And there would be no future for him if I didn't do this. No life-saving treasure would be able to preserve his life. His body only accepted my life force when he was in my womb, because I am his mother."


"No 'buts.' My life without him... it's meaningless. The pain of losing him... it tears at my heart. I can't bear it anymore." Pearl-of tears moistened Mavia's cheeks, unbeknownst to her.

Alina attempted to say something but hesitated, while Mavia continued in a low voice, "This child is the result of our love. I cannot allow anything to happen to him, even if it costs me... Cough... Cough... Ahh..., it seems, I don't have... much time left."

Alina could only remain silent, her eyes glistening with tears.

The Queen gazed upon her child , planting a gentle kiss upon his forehead and cheeks.

"Becoming an orphan just after the birth, what a tragic fate you have. But I believe in you, my child. This fate will only make you stronger. This tragedy will steel up your resolve."

She whispered in his ear, words that would be etched into his very soul.

"You won't kneel to this fate, won't yield to anything. You will stop at nothing and be ever victorious."

"Promise me, my child."