
37. Anya's power

Ast and Anya began their duel in a secluded part of the forest.

"Ast you better be ready I am not gonna go easy on you, you need to see how powerful and reliable your older sister is.."

Hearing Anya's words Ast was shocked and now he realised why Anya wanted to spar so badly and he also realised his mistake on how he always try to keep her out of trouble.

Anya used her lightning and activated her skill straight away. She had named her skill 'God mode'. Anya's whole body was covered in lightning sparks, there was thick lightning strands on her hands and feet. Her feet weren't on the ground, she was hovering a bit above the ground. Her eyes had turned purple with sparks flowing in and out of them. She really looked like a lightning goddess.

' Wtf' Ast exclaimed, he was totally surprised by the turn of event. His innocent looking sister was looking like an overpowered final boss of some game.

Ast also activated his skill and quickly avoided a lightning bolt that Anya hurled towards him. Observing Ast disappearing Anya wasn't surprised she had seen Ast fighting with Ray.

She looked around towards nearby shadows but was unable to find him. She dispersed a little lightning towards the ground to feel the surroundings. This was one of the many tricks mentioned in one of the tome on lightning that Ast had stolen from Blair treasury and given to Anya.

Anya quickly found Ast and hurled another lightning towards him. The lightning hit the tree and blasted the tree completely. But Ast again was nowhere to be seen.

Ast also had lightning essence inside his body but he knew it would hurt a lot if he tried to face his sister's lightning head on. This was a difference between someone having lightning essence and someone who was a lightning elementalist.

For the next few minutes Anya kept attacking and Ast kept dodging. It annoyed Anya and now she was quickly sliding above the ground from one place to another trying to figure out Ast's next place. She was focused and was moving at twice her normal speed.

This skill of hers really gave all her attributes a big boost. But both of them knew it was a timed skill and if Anya couldn't immobilise Ast quickly her skill would run out and then Ast would win.

Suddenly lightning all over Anya started to flicker, like it was on its last leg and would run out any time soon. Ast thought Anya would be pissed if he didn't fought her even for a minute when she was using her skill, so he wanted to rush to fight her for a few moments and then defeat her. In this way Anya would be satisfied and he would still defeat her and it would automatically teach her the biggest weakness of her skill.

Ast quickly came out of hiding and moved to the tree shadow near Anya and threw a punch on her back. The punch was swift, it would hit Anya and retreat quickly before Anya could react. But things didn't went as Ast had planned.

Anya had already spread her lightning near her. If one looks carefully small sparks could be seen in the air nearby. Ast came from Anya's right and threw a punch.

But suddenly Anya moved and caught his punch mid air. Before Ast could realise what had happened Anya's lightning ran all over him and he was throw away like a broken kite.

He slammed onto a nearby tree. When Ast opened his eyes he could see Anya was again covered in lightning which seemed more powerful than before. He soon realised that Anya had baited him and struck when he thought he had won.

Basically Anya had used his own tactics against him. Ast was shocked at how quick Anya was on her feet and how carefully she had planned this whole thing out. Although Ast didn't use his weapons or any insidious trick but still he was surprised by Anya's growth.

Unlike Ast she has an ability to overwhelm her opponents and now with her being this clever he was sure Anya's future enemies were in for a world of pain.