
Element of Courage(Discontinued)

A 17 year old boy dies a tragic death, he then meets the God of Reincarnation and gets the choice of being reborn into a world of his choosing, the boy chooses the world of Equestria. Now a new legend will be born.

XOmni · TV
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10 Chs

Ch 1 Death and Reincarnation

A young man stands on a sidewalk on the side of a very busy street, the young man waits for his opportunity to cross said street.

He looks out into the street and notices a little girl, she was walking across the street, the girl had yet to notice the vehicle heading her way.

Without thinking the young man dashes out into the road, he pushes the girl out of the way, but isn't fast enough to get away himself. The large vehicle slams into the young man and everything goes black.


The young man opens his eyes, he was in some strange white room, in the middle of the room there was a black desk, sitting at the black desk was a man with short red hair and bright yellow eyes.

Yellow eyed man: " Welcome Alex, to the world in-between worlds."

Alex: " How do you know my name?"

Yellow eyed man: " Hahaha, It's quite simple, my name is Aldren and I am the God of Reincarnation, and you Alexander are one of the lucky few."

Alex: " Lucky? How am I lucky?! I just died!"

Aldren: " Yeah, sorry about that, you can blame the God of Fate for that. I'm here to give you the option of being reborn into any world you wish."

Alex: " Any world?"

Aldren: " Any one you want, doesn't matter. Though if I were you I would pick a world that you won't die easily in."

Alex stands there in contemplation for a few minutes until an idea popped into his mind.

Alex: " I wish to reborn into the world of Equestria."

Aldren: " Not a bad choice, pretty peaceful world. When would you like to be reborn?"

Alex: " I want to be able to live through the events of Friendship is Magic."

Aldren: " Can do, first things first you need to pick a race to be reborn as, you can't be reborn as a human in this world after all."

Aldren takes out several cards which he then laid upon the desk. Alex looks at the cards upon the desk, the first was of an Earth pony, the second was of a Pegesus, the third of an Unicorn, the fourth of a Griffon, the fifth of a Dragon, and the last card was of a fox with multiple tails, this one drew Alex's attention, because he had never seen one of these in the show before.

Aldren: " That one caught your eye huh? That is what's known as a Kyuubi, a multi tailed fox, capable of using magic aswell as a special type of magic called spirit magic. They live in a far away land outside of Equestria, but in recent years have been moving to Equestria."

Alex: " I'll go with the Kyuubi."

Aldren: " I thought you might say that."

Aldren's eyes glow a bright white and Alex is engulfed in a bright white light, the light disperses a moment later revealing a 3 tailed yellow almost white fox with red eyes, the fox was a little bit smaller than an adult stallion of Equestria.

Alex looks over himself with wide eyes and a large smile upon his face.

Alex: " Whoah, this is so cool."

Aldren: " I'm glad you like it, now a few things to help you along."

Aldren snaps his fingers and a saddle bag appears on Alex's back.

Aldren: " Now in that saddle bag is a pouch with 500 bits within, you will need it to purchase a house within Ponyville."

Alex: " I understand, thank you for this second chance."

Aldren: " Hahaha, you're quite welcome, I've thrown a few other surprises in there for you, I hope you enjoy. I'll be keeping in contact with you, to see how you're doing and because I have nothing better to do. Are you ready?"

Alex nods his head and Aldren snaps his fingers and once again everything goes black.