
Eleceed ~ Jiwoo's Little Sisters

As you can already tell two girls got hit by a truck and reincarnated into their favorite manhwa Eleceed with the proclaim strongest jujutsu sorcerer abilities. Watch as she Yulius and Chelsea Seo grow stronger to support their big innocent older brother and become known as the strongest. ... - First fanfic - Twins that are Fem version of Gojo Satoru - Twin connection - Limitless and sixth eyes without side effects - Time control - Strongest Eleceed and its characters are not mine! Credit to its rightful owner!

Foxaloux · Teen
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48 Chs

[Chapter 28] Slight Training Arc ~ Woohoo!

[South Korea near Jirisan National Park, Eminence Headquarters] 

[Morning 11:30 am] 


The foxes and wolves have settled into Eminence soothingly. Each clan have come to an agreement to stick to their clan only in name. Once the rest of the Great Mythical Beast Clans have fully integrated into Eminence, will they change their group name if they so desire to.

Yulius thought of distinguishing them by colors. For example, the foxes could be orange squad, white tigers gray, wolves blue, griffons yellow, hydra purple, phoenix red, basilisk black, and dragons white. 

They'll still be able to have their respective clan mask, it'll just be in the assign color of their squadron. All in all, each section, whether it's Anbu, Roots, Genin Team, etc, will be identified by their clan color. 

With that out of the way, Yulius and Chelsea spent their time, making rounds around Eminence, observing their newly recruits as they train until their legs gave out on them. During their break, they made sure to make comments and concerns about their training regime. 

Some days, they even participated and spar against them. And it wasn't 1v1, more like 1v20 on most days, but sometimes 1v50 or even all 90. All in all, you can already figure out the outcome of those matches, in favor of the twins of course. 

During these matches, not once have they felt discourage for losing badly against their chairwomen. It just goes to show that they need to work 5, no 10, probably more than 10 times, but you get the point. They need to work harder and then, even harder than that in order to be of use to their master. 

Personally, in Chelsea's opinion, to get the best results, you must follow the Great Saitama's workout routine. Consisting of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10 kilometers of running every day for about 3 years. 

But they do not have 3 years. So, they must do more than that, at least until their hair all falls out within a year. Luckily for them, if such consequences of harsh training were to occur, both sisters offer to give them back their hair. 

Though nobody said it, even if they were to become hair lost freaks, they'll wear it proudly to display all their efforts have not gone in vain. Then again, Yulius won't sit still if that were to ever happen as that'll just attract unnecessary attention. And you know how Yulius feels about attention.

I mean, just think about it. A bunch of men, wearing animal mask while being bald. One would think they're in a cult. A very weird a*s cult. And before it can come to that, Yulius will most in definitely step in. So will Chelsea, but she won't do so until much later as she likes chaos very much. 

And just like that, a couple of months have gone by, leaving on a year left till the annual gathering. 


[~𝟜 𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕤 𝕃𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣~]


Punching bags are hanging from celling in one of Eminence's main gyms. Chelsea is walking around, watching her men practice their punches. Yulius on the other hand is sitting nearby, lost in her own world as she concentrates on the dragon and basilisk's investigation. 

Noticing her men slowing down, Chelsea shouted playfully but sternly, "come on! I hit harder than that when I was in my mother's womb!" Earning a chuckle from Yulius. 

Chelsea: "You are proud awakeners. Use your damn strength!"

Just like that, they started hitting harder. 

Chelsea: "Rápido, rápido! (Faster, faster!)"

She yelled, before turning her attention to some. 

Chelsea: "Henry! What did I say about your posture?!" 

Henry, from the fox clan, hurriedly apologize, "sorry," as he fixed his posture. 

Chelsea: "Landon, stop putting pressure on your right foot! Balance yourself out!" 

Landon, like Henry, utter his apology and fixed his stance without putting much pressure on his right side. Unfortunately, that wasn't good enough as it put him in an uncomfortable position. 

Yulius looked up, noticing this and couldn't help but stare. Chelsea didn't see this because she moved on to the next to insult, all in all, let her mouth run wild.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but sigh, muttering the word troublesome underneath her breath as she made her way towards the struggling members. 

Starting with Landon, she instructed him to move his right leg back and left leg forward, telling him to try relying on using his left side without moving any part of his right side, before giving him a set of exercises he could do to balance out both sides. 

She moved on to the next member once Landon from the white tiger clan got the hang of not relying on his right side. Jake, one of the wolf's elites was next. He struggled with having his strikes consecutively being at the same speed and power. 

This was easily fixed with a power and speed monitor that Yulius just made a couple of minutes ago and let him attach it on his wrists. Moreover, there were weights on them so while he was trying to fix his attack patterns, he can increase his strength overall. 

Once he got the hang of it, she moved on to the next, and then the next one, for about 4 hours, before sitting back down to look back at her tablet. Investigating the griffons, hydra, and phoenix were fairly easy. 

But why was the dragons and basilisks different. It wasn't that it was hard, it's just the information didn't match one another. There were different time frames and signatures for certain events that couldn't have happened within that set of time. 

Moreover, some of the agreements made seems to be fulfilled, and there's 'proof' of it happening, but Yulius gut feeling told her a different story. In addition, some signatures seemed forged. Fake. From outsider perspective, it's a perfect forgery, but like I said before, nothing can escape the sixth eyes visions. 

Every detail she has looked through relating to the dragons and basilisks either led her to dead ends or more unanswered questions. All in all, it was such a pain in the a*s. Eventually, after another hour or so, she decided to call it a day. 

Looking up from her tablet, she sees every member lying on the ground out cold with many bruises marked all over their body. She looks over to her sister who is sitting on a top of a human pile hill, sighing tiredly when she gets a mischievous grin in response. 

Yulius: "You do understand that this is nothing more but training. There's no need to torture them till they can't walk." 

Chelsea: "Nah. They'll be fine. And it's not torture, it's training. Besides, we could always spam RCT on them." 

Yulius: "There's a fine line between overdoing something and taking it too far. Now I don't necessarily believe you are taking it too far, just make sure to let them rest, alright." 

Chelsea: "Hmpt, what do you think I'm doing right now?" 

She deadpanned, "you knocked them out cold." 

Chelsea: "No, I just exhausted them till they fell asleep. That's right, they fell asleep when they were supposed to be fighting me. I had nothing to do with knocking them out!" 

She said, puckering her lips to the side as her eyes followed. 

Yulius: 'What a terrible liar...' 

She sighed, "anyways, we have other matters to discuss." 

Chelsea: "We do?" 

Yulius: "Yes, we do." 

Chelsea: "About what? Wait don't tell me- does it have something to do with your investigation with the dragons and basilisks?" 

Yulius: "Not really." 

Chelsea: "Then what?" 

Yulius: "I believe it's about time Eminence makes its presence known." 

She announced, earning a painful groan from some, who's ears tickled from her announcement. Next thing they knew it, they sat up straight, eyes wide open as they yelled, "huh?!" 

Confusion mixed in with excitement erupted over all their faces. The reason for this is because their chairwomen agreed it was best for them to train for at least 4 months before they return back to the awakened world. 

They agreed without much thought to it because they're aware of how weak they are. And in order to support their master, they must train to death, to obtain stunning results that will please their chairwomen. 

Little did they know how boring it would get, not being able to engage in the awakened world. But even so, they obeyed their master nonetheless because training was in their best interest to get much stronger before challenging the other Great Mythical Beast Clans and other strong awakeners in general. 

"Wait so we can finally enter the awakened world again?" 


"Not more torture- I mean training?" 


Many whispered, eager to make names for themselves in order to bring fame to Eminence. The older Seo looked at their enthusiasm self and answered each of the questions. 

Yulius: "Yes, yes, and yes."

With that, they cheered in celebration. Embracing one another. It's a funny site to behold. Not even a year ago, these 3 clans were at odds with one another. But now, they're chatting happily with one another, free of the shackles of the Great Mythical Beast Clans. 

"We're free!" 


"This calls for a celebration!" 

"Party time!" 

The younger Seo could be seen pouting in a corner near Yulius. Her sadistic rein has come to an end, temporarily, but still. She can no longer torture- train her fellow loyal subordinates as harshly as she did these past 4 months. 

How disappointing? Who will be there to beat them to pulps, or blast mini blue techniques to their heads? It's not that she was deliberately trying to kill them. She was just trying to teach them a lesson. And for that, she couldn't help but sniffle her nose. 

'They've grown! Is this what being a mother feels like?' 

Watching their child growing up into adults before setting out into the world and making a name for themselves. Yep, this is what it feels like to be a mother duckling. Yulius couldn't help but sighed troublesomely at the dramatic sight of her twin. 

She was related to this idiot; can you believe that?

Most would not if it weren't for their physical appearance being the exact same. Same white hair, same unique blues eyes, same height, etc, you get the point. They're twins, even if they behave so differently from one another. 

Anyways, Yulius ignored Chelsea completely before waiting for her people to settle down so she can continue with her announcement. Once they did, she began asking questions about certain clans, starting with the hydra and phoenix clan slight disputes over the years. 

It is said that they were in good terms before the peace agreement and even after the peace agreement was signed. But eventually, 10 years after it was signed, tension suddenly arose between them. For different reasons, resulting in a war almost ensuing. 

Yet somehow, they were able to avoid war completely due to either the basilisks or the dragon's clan stepping in. Because of this, the basilisks have close ties with the hydra clan and the same could be said with the dragon and phoenix clan. Which is very suspicious.

Most wouldn't think much of it, but Yulius couldn't help but feel there was some bigger play involve. Pheonix and hydra clan being on good terms for so many years and then suddenly became at odds with one another. And the basilisks and dragon clan just so happened to swoop in and 'stopped' them from killing each other.

That basically screamed 'SUS!' in both twin's eyes. Even the other members couldn't help but feel suspicious of the situation. They weren't able to think much of it before because they were so focused with their clan, but now that they have the time and day to do so, it felt unsettling. 

To not know what has been going on behind their backs and in the shadows, is very disturbing, many thought. But they weren't worried one bit, as whatever happened in the dark, will come to light. 

Whether it is by their hands, or not, it will come up eventually. 

Light shall prevail!

And Eminence is certainly going to make sure of it. 
