
Eleceed ~ Jiwoo's Little Sisters

As you can already tell two girls got hit by a truck and reincarnated into their favorite manhwa Eleceed with the proclaim strongest jujutsu sorcerer abilities. Watch as she Yulius and Chelsea Seo grow stronger to support their big innocent older brother and become known as the strongest. ... - First fanfic - Twins that are Fem version of Gojo Satoru - Twin connection - Limitless and sixth eyes without side effects - Time control - Strongest Eleceed and its characters are not mine! Credit to its rightful owner!

Foxaloux · Teen
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48 Chs

[Chapter 27] Foxes V/s Wolves Part 17 ~ New Additions to Eminence

[South Korea, Wolves Headquarters] 

[Midnight 1:57 am]

[Attack Commence on the Wolves]


Yulius: "Now then, I believe it's best to discuss your current situations and why both my sister and I are here." 

She calmly state as she looked around to the attentive listeners who now have her full attention. Seeing this, she began explaining who she was and why she is here. Talking about Eminence and its purpose. Then going on to say they have already recruited the white tiger clan. 

Many didn't want to believe it, but a simple phone call from Jason who happens to be the purple mask tiger, was enough to cease all their disbeliefs. With that all said and done, she reminded them that they shouldn't feel pressured into joining their organization. 

If they want to leave here and live their awakened life as an unaffiliated awakener, they are free to do so. It's just that they would have their memories of her and her sister along with Eminence erased from them. 

While explaining that, many foolish foxes protested saying how unfair that was. After all, they wanted to sell information about Eminence in the future to gain not only money but perhaps force controls from some organizations in return for the information they sold them.

Talk about greedy b*tches. 

Moreover, they wanted to make note of the dangers that comes with crossing path with Eminence, so they know to avoid them at all costs in the future. Having their memories erase won't do them any good. Neither of the foxes from the previous clan head's fraction will sit still and let their memories be stripped away from them. 

Not that they have much of a choice if you asked anyone there. As nobody is foolish enough to attack them. But these foxes are very arrogant awakeners. They concluded that the twins should be tired from healing every single awakener there, so it should be easy to deal with them.

Stupid of them to assume they even wasted a tenth of their reserves in the first place. 

Luckily for the twins, the ones who are attacking them are the criminals they were going to put down sooner or later. It just so happened that they started bluntly attacking them out of nowhere, which surprised them slightly. Not really. But in the end, it didn't really matter as it saved the sisters the time from explaining themselves. 

The ones that didn't attack just stood there and watched the whole thing like it was an opera. They were well aware neither of the twin's required assistance, so they stayed put. What they didn't quite understand was why these foolish idiots decided it was a good idea to attack someone way above their league? 

It's true that being stripped of some parts of your memories is unfair, but it's better than getting killed. How stupid must they be to not understand that? Moreover, they understood from the twin's perspective that for both of their safety, it's better if they didn't have such important information that could possibly be used against them. 

Sighing in confusion, they continued to observe the one-sided beat down. Why must idiots not value their own life?

Later, that was proven pointless as the twins explained that they were going to kill them either way because they have done too many cruel acts against humanity that are too hard to ignore for any longer, while also providing proof which wasn't really needed as many decided to put their trust in the sister's words itself. 

Anyways, after that small little dispute was handled, Yulius asked everyone there whether they wanted to join Eminence. The remaining 12 foxes were quick with their answers and agreed wholeheartedly. If Zefron trusts her, then so will they. 

The wolves on the other hand were uncertain. They've been so loyal to their clan head for so long, that serving a new master just doesn't sit right for them. Luckily for them, Shiro stepped forward, diminishing their worries as he relinquishes his status as the wolf clan head and swore loyalty to Eminence and the Seo sisters. 

Seeing their previous patriarch acknowledging Eminence and the overpowered twins as his master, slowly every one of the wolf members step forward and pledge loyalty to them. Kneeling, they repeated the same phrase Shiro did. 

"I, [name], swear loyalty to Yulius-sama, Chelsea-sama, and all of Eminence. You have our words that we will fulfill each and every task you give us as best as we could, till our last dying breath. You can count on that, master-sama!" 

And just like before when the tigers did this, Yulius and Chelsea couldn't help but wince at their title as they made a fuss over it.

"Don't call me..."

"There's no need..."

"Yulius/Chelsea is just..."

Witnessing their new masters fight over themselves on how to refer them as casually as possible, everyone couldn't help but grin happily. Truly, they made the right decision to follow and serve such people. 

Eventually, they cooled down even after their newly loyal subjects refer to them as the same as before. They couldn't help but grumpily accept the outcome as they opened a portal that led to the main base of Eminence. 

The second they stepped in, leading to another part of the world, they couldn't help but be left in awe for a good hour. 


{~𝕊𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖~} 


[South Korea near Jirisan National Park, Eminence Headquarters] 

[Midnight 2:11 am] 


At the sight of their newly home, they were quickly guided in by one white tiger members as they explained the leveling system, ranking system, etc. All in all, the troublesome yet important things one would have to know as someone affiliated in Eminence. 

While this happened, Yulius updated H.A.V.E.N.S. authority for the wolves and foxes, allowing them permission to most of Eminence's facilities, while also assigning all 46 wolves and 12 foxes their keycards and rooms. 

Making the total awakeners affiliated with Eminence a total of 90 if you add the 46 wolves, 12 foxes, and the 32 white tigers together.

'3 clans down, 5 more to go.'

Yulius thought, sitting down on an expensive navy-blue couch in the main lobby with Chelsea lying down on her lap, comfortably if I might add, as she scrolls through her tablet in hand, researching more information about the dragons and basilisks. 

Going over the information, she couldn't help but notice that some things didn't add up. But before she can continue her investigation, the wolves and foxes made their presence known. She looks up, meeting all their sh*t grinning smiles. 

Bowing, they say their thanks and how they will not let her down. The reason for this unusual behavior was due to what both her and her twin did from earlier when they were healing them. It was force control.

While using RCT, they implemented a high leveled force control for each of the clans. And this was before the negotiation, where they were still affiliated with the Great Mythical Beast Clans. To give them something so important, free of charge, was something they found very hard to believe. 

I mean, it's not every day an awakener willingly gives you a high-leveled force control. No, it doesn't even happen at all. For such a thing to occur, it is only done when the other party receives something in return for it. But these two beautiful human beings gave them free of charge. Even going as far as healing them when they didn't have to.

Moreover, they didn't incite any form of pressure on any one of them to forcibility make them join their organization. All they did was provide pros and cons about their organization and why it would benefit them even if there are some drawbacks. 

Though the drawbacks aren't that big of a deal as there are more benefits than drawbacks. Also, the drawbacks are easy problems to solve with or without the help of Eminence's chairwoman. So as far as I can say, they are in very good hands. 

All the more reason as to why they're very emotional in the face of their masters. Their care for their subordinates truly touched their hearts. And after hearing from the once arrogant white tiger clan about the good treatment they have been receiving from their chairwomen, they couldn't help but feel touch. 

If an arrogant clan like the white tigers could change by a simple act of kindness, couldn't the same be said for them and many more. They also appear stronger than the phoenix clan, and that's saying a lot for a clan Rank 3 in the Mythical Beast Clan ranking system. 

All in all, the white tiger clan experience so much change within a couple of days of being affiliated with Eminence. Whether it was mental or physical changes, you could really see it in full display. 

It's truly saddening that most awakeners aren't able to access their full potential because they are cast aside for whatever reasons. Altogether, they were thrown away because they were of no use to the organization or their master.

Which was why everyone in Eminence's couldn't help but feel warmth spreading in their heart, erupting like a hot spitting volcano. It was hot, but not unbearably hot. It was just right and enough for them to function benevolently. 

Why, some may ask. 

Well, warmth is uncommon for most awakeners. 

It's something that doesn't happen much in the awakened world. As all awakeners know is heartache, and pain upon more. A dangerous world they live in, yet for once in their life, they have a place to call home, gain power like no other, and more. 

All because of Yulius Tsuna Seo and Chelsea Alora Seo. 

These 2 names, they burned fervently in their head, reminding them that their loyalty will lie only with them. Always them. Even if they were tortured to death about any information residing Eminence and their master, none of them will utter a single word. 

None of them. 

Not a single word. 

Talk about their loyalty soaring new heights. Just like the tigers, but theirs are quite far so the wolves and foxes have some catching up to do. 

Speaking of catching up to do, H.A.V.E.N.S. already developed a training regime for each and every single one of the new recruits. As for how an A.I. is capable of processing 58 awakeners, it's called scanning. 

If you ever hear of an X-Ray machine. Then you know. Just add the A.I. function to it and you'll understand how good one is. So, processing 58 awakeners while hacking into the World's Top 10 awakeners' organization was no biggie. 

Really, it's not hard. Especially if they're the only ones in the entire Eleceed world that has an A.I. in the first place. Moreover, they have the ultimate defense so it's practically impossible for anyone to break into Eminence. 

In fact, I beg to differ that it's one of the safest places on Earth. The 1st is obviously being in either one of Eminence chairwomen's presence as they are the ultimate defense. Nobody can top them. And no one in the future will.

As they are immortals. 

True immortals. 

A suitable title, don't you think? 
