
Eleceed: The Law of the Strongest

A brave young man who sacrificed his life to save a little girl from a tragic fate. After his death, Ares finds himself in front of God, who gives him a unique opportunity to reincarnate in the world of his choice and grant him three wishes of his choice. Driven by his passion for manhwas and captivated by Eleceed's story and characters, Ares decides to embark on a new life within his favorite manhwa. However, his rebirth does not turn out to be as simple as he imagined. Ares discovers that he is now Jiwoo Seo's older brother, but he also faces serious problems controlling his addiction to fighting. This addiction leads him to lose control over himself, falling into an obsession with fighting and constantly putting himself in danger, as well as making enemies all over the world. .... You can access + of 30 chapters in my Patreon. patreon.com/WriterFan .... I don't own Eleceed or any of the characters

WriterFan · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

[98] "Shades of Revelation"

The day passed and Jiwoo returned home, continuing to care for and serve Silvia in an exemplary manner. With each passing day, Jiwoo was winning the affection of Silvia, who appreciated his dedication and kindness.


[The next day, in the evening]


Kang Supil sat in his chair, his face showing an ugly and icy expression as he thought with anger and resentment.

"Ares Seo... Kayden Break..." he muttered under his breath. "They'll pay for this, how dare they attack me in public!"

His gaze hardened, and his anger intensified as he recalled the incident. He felt challenged and aggrieved at the audacity.

'And Shinhwa... they did nothing,' he continued in his thoughts. 'The future heirs of Shinhwa and the Union... have some connection with Kayden Break's disciple.'

Indignation burned within him. Kang Supil could not bear the thought of witnessing those he considered his rivals leading the country. To him, it was unacceptable. He felt that Shinhwa and the Union had submitted out of fear of the rumors surrounding Ares and Kayden.

He clenched his fist so tightly that his hand began to bleed, the drops of blood falling to the ground without him feeling any pain.

His cold eyes filled with murderous intent and, in a burst of fury, he struck the table hard.

A clatter echoed through the office, and the desk shattered from the impact.

"I won't allow it," he whispered with determination. "They will learn of Kayden Break's new disciple and identity as Ares' younger brother."

Kang Supil was determined to retaliate and make his enemies pay for their audacity.

Revenge loomed like a looming shadow in his mind, and he was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goal.


[The next day]

[In a part of the world]

A white-haired man, with a white right eye and a black left eye, was completely dressed in black, with blood on his hands and face.

His gaze was emotionless as he watched the two lifeless bodies in front of him, distracted by something in his mind.

'I finished my work. I should go confirm if that information is true,' he thought as he planned his next move.

At that moment, a man with short blue-green hair and eyes of the same color approached him.

Dark turned and fixed his gaze on Dran, showing no surprise at his arrival.

"You're going to go confirm if the information is true, aren't you?" asked Dran with a smile on his face.

"Yes," Dark replied nonchalantly.

Dran continued to smile and proposed. "Let me accompany you."

"If that's what you wish," Dark replied casually, acknowledging Dran's request to join him.


[In another part of the world]

A woman with long black hair, light blue eyes and dressed elegantly in a black suit, stands on a high place, watching the horizon with a thoughtful expression on her face.

As she analyzes the rumors that have reached her ears, her mind works quickly, connecting the pieces of the puzzle.

Rebecca gazed out over the dazzling nighttime city, her hands sheltered in her pants pockets. A thought crossed her mind. 'The location of Ares' younger brother has leaked.' She sighed deeply and whispered to herself. 'I must get in touch with Ares.'

Two figures suddenly emerged behind Rebecca, who turned to watch them. Recognizing Harold and Edward, she calmly pronounced. "What are you two doing here?"

Edward answered tersely. "You know, don't you?"

Rebecca nodded and said. "Yes."

Edward continued. "We have to help him."

Rebecca nodded again and stated. "I'll get in touch with him and brief him on the situation."

Rebecca's eyes glowed an intense dark blue hue, and to her right a towering vortex formed. "We're headed for Korea," she revealed.

Edward nodded, as they both looked at Harold.

Rebecca asked. "Will you come with us?"

Harold sighed and smiled, "Of course, I want to meet Ares' younger brother."

A smile broke out on Rebecca and Edward's faces.

The three of them crossed the portal, vanishing from the scene.


[Jiwoo's place]

During the day, Wooin, Jisuk and Subin had a chance encounter with Kayden and Ares, exchanging a few words and enjoying an awkward but pleasant meal.

Come evening, Wooin, Jisuk and Subin decided to retire to leave Jiwoo alone with his family.

"These kids used to be so loud, and now they have a hard time uttering a word," Kayden commented.

Jiwoo smiled guiltily and replied as he petted Sylvia. "Sorry, they should be scared to know who you guys are. It amazes me more and more how famous you both are."

Kayden smiled arrogantly and said. "Of course, I'm great. I'm the great Kayden, HA, HA, HA!" laughing maniacally.

Ares sighed and watched the warm scene, but everything was interrupted by the ringing of Ares' cell phone.

The phone started ringing.

Ares pulled his phone out of his suit pocket and raised an eyebrow at who was calling him.

Ares answered and shot a glance at Kayden, who understood that something wasn't right.

"What is it, Rebecca?" commented Ares.

"There's something I need to tell you," Rebecca said seriously.

Ares frowned and asked. "I'm listening."

"Have you had any fights recently?", Rebecca asked.

"I wouldn't call it a fight, more like it was a crushing victory on my part, but yes," Ares replied.

"Does he know about your younger brother?" commented Rebecca.

As soon as Ares heard that, he released his aura and the house cracked, leaving Jiwoo, Silvia and Kayden shocked.

"Tell me that's not what I'm thinking," Ares said in a serious and angry voice.

"Yes, information about your younger brother and his status as Kayden Break's disciple has leaked out. It's being sold on the black market at a high price," Rebecca said.

"I am currently with Edward and Harold investigating the person who is selling the information. We will get to Korea soon," Rebecca concluded.

"Thank you, I will be in touch with you," Ares said and ended the call.

He removed the phone from his ear and crushed it in his hand. His eyes released flashes of light and his aura emanated again, feeling miles away.

"Ares," Kayden said.

"Brother?" asked Jiwoo with concern.

"What's wrong?" inquired Silvia as she basked in Jiwoo's affection.

Ares looked at them and regained his usual calmness, though his voice sounded angry. "Information has leaked out about you, Jiwoo."

"And I'm sure who it was," he stopped talking for a moment and then continued. "The president of Baekdu, Sucheon's father," Ares concluded.

Kayden's face immediately turned cold, on the other hand, Silvia raised an eyebrow.

Jiwoo, engrossed, said. "Sucheon's father, why would he do something like that?"

Ares looked at Jiwoo and said. "You are potentially an enemy to Sucheon, and he most likely considers us to be mortal enemies of Baekdu. To try to get others to eliminate us, he leaked the information."

"I can't believe it," Jiwoo stammered, unable to believe the situation.

"That's the way the world works, dear. In due time, you'll have to accept it," Sylvia declared, hinting a note of indifference in her voice.

Jiwoo turned a sad, thoughtful look toward Silvia.

Kayden sighed and said. "Jiwoo, this world is dangerous, and it seems the time has come for you to know that."

"Powerful enemies will come to this country if they believe in the veracity of the information," Ares said casually.

"We will eliminate them at once, it will be easier that way," Kayden said fearlessly, anticipating future enemies.

"Let's chase and catch every one of them," exclaimed Silvia with overflowing joy at the situation.

"Don't get too excited. Not many will believe the information, but by saying he is my younger brother, many might come to clear the doubts," Ares commented.

Kayden agreed and didn't respond, he crossed his legs and lost interest in the rest.

"Jiwoo, you can go on with your life normally. I'll keep an eye on you when you go out and be careful of your surroundings," Ares commented with calmness in his voice, conveying assurance.

"How boring, I should make it clear to them who's in charge," pronounced Silvia, her voice full of discontent, surprising Jiwoo with this new facet she showed.


[The next day]

[In Shinhwa]

The sun slowly emerged, and a beautiful sunrise spread before everyone.

Inhyuk entered Jiyoung's office respectfully and allowed Jiwoo to pass.

"President Jiwoo has come to see you," Inhyuk announced.

Jiyoung looked up and saw Jiwoo, nodded to Inhyuk and said. "Thank you, you may leave."

"Yes, President," Inhyuk replied, bowing, closed the door and left them alone.

Jiwoo looked at Jiyoung with a cheerful smile.

Jiyoung got up from his seat and pointed to an armchair to Jiwoo, saying. "Let's take a seat and talk quietly."

Jiwoo replied, "Thank you," and proceeded to sit in the armchair, while Jiyoung sat to his right in another armchair.

"You can speak quite normally," Jiyoung said, waiting for Jiwoo to start talking.

"Jiyoung, I came here because I want to talk to you, without my brother and Mr. Kayden knowing," Jiwoo said, showing some concern on his face.

Jiyoung sensed the uneasiness in Jiwoo and said in a caring voice. "Relax, you can talk to me."

"I'm worried about you," Jiwoo said, blushing and surprising Jiyoung.

"Cof...cof..." coughed Jiyoung, trying to hide her blush, and asked. "Why?"

With a serious look in his eyes, Jiwoo looked at Jiyoung and said with concern. "Yesterday my brother found out something, and he wasn't thrilled, to say the least."

"The information about me leaked out," Jiwoo revealed, leaving Jiyoung shocked.

Jiyoung raised an eyebrow and returned to her usual calm self as she asked. "Was your information leaked?"

Jiwoo nodded and replied. "My information has been known to be sold on the black market at a high price." He paused for a moment and continued. "My brother says that many powerful enemies will come to this country, and they are not willing to do anything to help you, since the one responsible for leaking the information is the president of Baekdu."

Hearing Jiwoo's last word, Jiyoung felt a rumble run through his whole body and his expression changed.

"I'm worried about you, I'm afraid you will be in a lot of trouble because of me," Jiwoo said with sadness in his voice.

Jiyoung was surprised by Jiwoo's attitude and a warm smile formed on his face, but he quickly hid it, showing his usual serenity.

"I'll be fine, nothing will happen. No one knows what will happen, and besides, the two of them are not normal people. I don't think many will dare to come, knowing that you won't be alone," Jiyoung said with firmness in his voice.

"But..." started to say Jiwoo, but was interrupted by Jiyoung.

"Thank you for warning me. That's enough to protect me and my subordinates," Jiyoung commented with a warm smile on his face and concluded. "Thank you very much, Jiwoo."

Jiwoo was astonished to see Jiyoung's beautiful and radiant smile.


[One hour later]

In Han Seongik's elegant office, he was sitting cross-legged, his serious face reflecting deep concentration as he directed his gaze toward the holographic image of Jiyoung Yoo.

"Chairman Jiyoung, are you implying that Chairman Kang Supil has broken the pact and leaked the information about Jiwoo?" inquired Han Seongik in a grave voice, making the weight of the situation clear.

Jiyoung nodded, his expression serious, and replied. "Jiwoo came to see me and claimed that Ares received this information from someone. Although I can't confirm it yet, I have full confidence that Jiwoo wouldn't lie to me."

A frown appeared on Han Seongik's brow as he thought to himself. 'Jiwoo wouldn't dare to mess with something so complicated, but when it comes to Ares... that's a different matter.'

"Mister Han," Jiyoung interrupted, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Han Seongik was slightly startled and replied. "Yes... what's going on?"

"I think we should keep events completely under wraps for the moment and wait to see how they unfold," Jiyoung proposed. After a brief silence that filled the room with a strange atmosphere, he continued. "We must have a contingency plan in case outside Awakened Ones arrive in our country." His words echoed with seriousness. "We cannot allow South Korea to become a battlefield where we suffer the greatest losses. We must unite and protect ourselves."

"I agree with you, Chairwoman," Han Seongik commented, cracking a smile.

"However, we must consider the problems that could arise if these organizations learn that we are keeping something of this magnitude from them," Han Seongik added earnestly.

"Yes... this is of utmost importance to our country," Jiyoung confirmed.

"President...." At that moment, Inhyuk's voice echoed through the device on the table, interrupting the conversation. Han Seongik raised an eyebrow, but could not hear the conversation.

Jiyoung's expression changed, slightly alerting Han Seongik.

"Thank you for your effort...", Jiyoung was heard to say to Inhyuk.

Jiyoung turned his attention back to Han Seongik and stated. "The situation has reached a level where it is now impossible to hide it. We can't keep covering it up to the other organizations."

"Why?" asked Han Seongik.

"I asked Inhyuk to focus on recognizing and identifying Awakened Ones entering our country," Jiyoung revealed, continuing with determination. "Two criminals we have not yet managed to identify have infiltrated our territory without arousing suspicion. We believe that some internal organization has helped them to enter."

Han Seongik's expression turned grim as he asked. "Baekdu has given them assistance?"

"We can't be sure, but given the tensions between them and Baekdu, it's very likely," Jiyoung commented.

"This situation is getting out of our control. We cannot put all the blame on Supil, although we are well aware of the nature of those two individuals. He is primarily responsible for what is to come," Han Seongik stated seriously.

"I have other information to share," Jiyoung mentioned.

Han Seongik's countenance darkened further, frowning.

"Rebecca Brown, Edward Whitehead and Harold Myers have entered the country," Jiyoung revealed.

Han Seongik's face became completely grim, his frown deepening.

"Those three...?" muttered Han Seongik.

Jiyoung kept silent, waiting for Han Seongik's reaction.

"Rebecca was following Ares for a while, and lately, she's been hanging out with Edward and Harold..." muttered Han Seongik, thoughtfully. Then he continued, with a doubtful expression on his face. "Could it be that they came because they heard about Ares? But... Rebecca couldn't possibly become Ares' enemy, or has she betrayed him?"

"No... that's impossible.... Did they come because they found out about Jiwoo and wanted to protect him... Harold and Edward are so close to Ares? There's something we don't know..." said Han Seongik with dismay in his voice, showing his momentary weakness.

Jiyoung listened to everything in silence, equally dismayed by the situation.

Han Seongik reacted and apologized, "Sorry..." He then added seriously. "This has finally gotten out of hand. Two high-level Awakened Ones, with power comparable to the top 50 and one to the top 60, and in addition two unknown criminals have entered."

"You are right, Mr. Han," Jiyoung stated, adding. "This has gotten completely out of hand. We need to inform the organizations and make sure they prepare for the worst."

"I agree. I will call a meeting in the next few hours to report what happened to Baekdu, but we will keep the infiltrations secret," Han Seongik replied.

"Yes, Mr. Han, are you sure?" replied Jiyoung with doubt in his voice.

"Yes, I am sure. We will be in contact. If any situation or problem arises, please let me know immediately," Han Seongik commented, concluding the conversation.


[At night]

[Elsewhere in South Korea]

On the roof of an imposing skyscraper, Edward, Harold, Rebecca and Tina were conversing while waiting for other individuals to arrive.

Suddenly, two men descended from the sky in complete silence. Ares and Kayden looked up at the people in front of them.

"They took quite a while," Tina commented as she watched them.

"We came the moment we were summoned," Ares replied with a smile and a carefree attitude.

"Could you tell us why you gathered us here?" asked Kayden with his characteristic arrogance and his hands in his pockets.

Tina nodded and said. "The one responsible for leaking the information about your younger brother was Baekdu's chairman, Kang Supil."

"I'll make sure he pays for that," Kayden said with a devilish grin, his eyes reflecting intense murderous intent.

"We already suspected that. Is there anything else?" asked Ares.

"Yes," Tina replied, continuing. "I have control of all the technological security in Korea and can see who goes in and out. Several worlds ranked Awakened Ones are here right now, and we are outnumbered and out powered."

Ares raised an eyebrow.

"Oh... who are they?" asked Kayden.

Tina scratched her head and said lamely. "There's quite a few of them."

This caused both Ares and Kayden to frown.

"Say it," Kayden demanded seriously, as Ares nodded his head.

Tina sighed and said. "First, that trio is here."

Ares smiled and said with a grin. "Those three guys I defeated?"

Tina nodded and continued. "Habib Can, Jan Schäfer and Gheorghe Gisbert." She paused and added. "In addition, the bigwigs of the Qin and Teng families are also here."

These two names caused both Ares and Kayden to adopt a serious expression that then changed to one of enthusiasm.

Rebecca, visibly worried, expressed. "We can't take care of all of them with just us. Harold, Edward and I could barely take out Jan and Gheorghe by paying a big price. Tina can't fight, as her role is to make sure we don't get caught while fighting. she will be watching all of South Korea."

Tina, Harold and Edward showed grim faces, aware of the difficult situation they were in.

Kayden smiled with frightening confidence and said. "Give me time, and I'll take care of them all."

These words surprised everyone, who gasped as they witnessed Kayden's tremendous confidence and arrogance.

"Don't worry, I have a plan," said Ares, capturing everyone's attention.

"What is it?" asked Harold, Edward and Rebecca in unison.

Tina adjusted her glasses and commented. "I hope it's a good one and not one of his usual crazy ones."

Ares, with a nonchalant attitude, replied. "Easy, kill them all."

Harold, Edward, Rebecca and Tina look at Ares and think the same thing, this guy really is an addict that enjoys fights.

"I told you to be a good plan, not that shitty plan" Tina commented angrily.

Kayden sighs with disdain and says. "They just need time, if they buy us time that's enough, and we'll finish them all."

Everyone's gazes focus on Kayden.

"I will help them," said a female voice descending from the sky.

Everyone looked at the woman.

"Lisa," Ares said, then looked at Tina. "You warned her, didn't you?"

Tina nodded.

"I will help them. You know my strength would be able to take on a top 10. tell me who I have to take on, and you won't come out of that match in one piece," Lisa said, seriously looking at Kayden and Ares.

Ares nodded, while Kayden remained serious.


Suman was walking through the corridors of Baekdu, deep in his own thoughts.

Behind him, a man came running up with a face full of worry, clearly showing that something serious had happened.

"Sir... We have a huge problem," the man said, trying to catch his breath.

Suman turned quickly, upset by the urgency in the man's voice. "What's going on?" he asked uneasily.

"Criminals have infiltrated again, and other awakened ones of great power," the man replied quickly and nervously.

Suman frowned, repeating the man's words. "More criminals?"

"Yes, sir," the man replied, confirming the news.

"Who are they?" asked Suman, his face showing concern.

"We don't know their identity yet, the president has kept everything a secret," the man replied.

After a brief moment of silence, the man added in a shaky voice. "But... they are much more dangerous than the Klein brothers."

Suman, with a look of disgust on his face, let his thoughts take shape. 'How far will you be able to go, brother, don't you realize the consequences this could bring us? The deal with Frame, the infiltration of the Klein brothers and now this...'

'But that's not the worst of it, sir,' the man said in a trembling voice.

Suman stared at the man, his concern evident in his eyes.

"Many high-ranking awakened worldwide have come without concealing their identity," the man said, a bead of sweat slipping down his forehead.

"Do you have the names?" asked Suman, upset.

The man nodded and continued in a shaky voice. "They don't hide who they are, I think every organization in this country already knows. Habib Can, Jan Schäfer and Gheorghe Gisbert."

Hearing those names, Suman felt a surge of nervousness and terror run through his body.

"And... there are also Qin Longwei, Qin Shuang and Qin Sheng Wei, from the Qin family, along with Teng Zexian and Teng Xia, from the Teng family," the man added.

"What the...!" exclaimed Suman, his voice filling with terror and surprise.

The man confirmed his words, and his face reflected deep fear.


When we reach 50, 100 and 200 power stones, I will upload another chapter.


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In my Patre on. I am on chapter 128 and here I am on chapter 98.

