
Eleceed: The Law of the Strongest

A brave young man who sacrificed his life to save a little girl from a tragic fate. After his death, Ares finds himself in front of God, who gives him a unique opportunity to reincarnate in the world of his choice and grant him three wishes of his choice. Driven by his passion for manhwas and captivated by Eleceed's story and characters, Ares decides to embark on a new life within his favorite manhwa. However, his rebirth does not turn out to be as simple as he imagined. Ares discovers that he is now Jiwoo Seo's older brother, but he also faces serious problems controlling his addiction to fighting. This addiction leads him to lose control over himself, falling into an obsession with fighting and constantly putting himself in danger, as well as making enemies all over the world. .... You can access + of 30 chapters in my Patreon. patreon.com/WriterFan .... I don't own Eleceed or any of the characters

WriterFan · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

[12] "Ares v/s Joan"

At the top of a building, two individuals can be found. One is a fair-skinned young person with white hair and green eyes, while the other person has a beard, brown hair, dark skin, and black eyes.

Joan confidently asks, "Your name is Ares, right? I can't believe you dared to challenge me."

Ares responds affirmatively, "Yes... Joan Dos-Santos, ranked 85th in the world."

"Your name has been surprising the world lately. In such a short time since you appeared... But today it will all end," says Joan arrogantly.

Suddenly, Joan emits a strong, bright celestial aura and forms two beautiful wings on their back. "Winged manifestation," they say.

"I've heard that you are a close-quarters and long-range fighter. Let's see how you can harm me if you can't even touch me," challenges Joan.

Ares thinks to himself, 'Fly? At this moment, I can only levitate.'

Ares examines the surroundings while Joan attacks with "Featherstorm," forming many feathers that rise into the sky, creating a storm heading towards Ares.

Ares defends himself with "Light Shield."

A golden light forms and completely covers him. "You took the attack directly? You're crazy," exclaims Joan.

The clash of the attack with the light shield causes a massive explosion, destroying the buildings.

"Nice attack, but with that, you won't be able to break through my defense," says Ares, laughing, surrounded by a lot of dust.

It's Ares' turn. He shouts, "Zeus' Thunderbolts," raising his hand towards the sky, causing beams of light to descend upon Joan. Joan manages to dodge the attacks in the sky.

"You won't be able to reach me with your direct attacks. It's easier to dodge them in the sky. This is my victory, hahaha," says Joan, very confident.

The 85th-ranked individual continuously evades the attacks without receiving any of them.

"Damn it, we'll have to jump," says Ares.

"Spear of Sin," he shouts as he runs across the building and jumps towards his opponent. In the air, he generates many rays of light in his right hand, forming a spear of light and attacking the 85th-ranked individual.

Joan reacts quickly and creates a shield of feathers to defend themselves. But Ares is determined to destroy that shield and directs the lightning-covered spear towards Joan's shield of feathers.

"That's it, come to the sky. You have no way to dodge attacks," Joan confidently remarks.

Ares cuts through the shield of feathers, revealing... "What...?" Joan is surprised.

"Hahahaha, what are you going to do so close to me and unable to move? Bird's Liberation!" Joan unleashes a powerful celestial aura and feathers, which form into a gigantic bird above Ares.

"Shit, I need to protect myself and redirect their attack," thought Ares.

"Die, child," Joan said, madness in their voice.

A loud cry of birds was heard as the attack descended from the sky and collided with Ares.

"(Double Light Shield)," said Ares, and two golden lights appeared, covering him.

Ares thought, 'I have to counterattack to prevent their attack from reaching me.'

He launched a lightning-covered strike to confront the giant bird and redirect the attack elsewhere. With his shield, he tried to protect himself as much as possible from the shockwave.

The gigantic bird collided with the spear, causing a massive explosion that destroyed several buildings in the area, dropping debris and generating a cloud of dust that obscured visibility.

"Hahahaha, I killed Kayden Break's disciple," Joan said, laughing maniacally.

"Whew... It was much stronger than I thought," Ares said as he quickly healed his wounds.

A figure appeared sitting in a half-destroyed building, with minor cuts all over their body and tattered clothes.

"What... you're still alive and only have minor wounds? What kind of defensive power is this? I used a lot of power in that attack to finish you off in one strike. Your defense is terrifying. Isn't your strong suit supposed to be offensive power?" Joan was nervous.

Ares' wounds vanished at an incredible speed, revealing his body without a scratch and fully healed, except for cuts on his clothing.

"Damn, he has healing powers, but what kind of monster is this?" Joan said, frightened.

Ares thought, 'My miscalculation. That's why Kayden told me never to underestimate another awakened one.'

Ares stood up, emitting terrifying rays of light, and bolts of lightning appeared in his left hand (Heavenly Punishment), while many beams of light formed above the 85th-ranked individual and descended upon their head.

Joan looked up. 'I have to dodge.'

Joan narrowly evaded the powerful rays, which demolished the building they were standing on.

Ares chuckled maliciously. "You're mistaken. It's not my goal to harm you with this attack, but to destroy your wings," he said as he aimed his spear at Joan.

"Shit, my wings were their target, and they cut one. I can't stay in the sky much longer," Joan panicked, trying to dodge Ares' next attack. But their movements were restricted, and they didn't have much energy. They could only counter the attack with their own abilities.

"Feather Barriers! Blade Storm!" Joan shouted as their feathers extended and covered the 85th-ranked individual, while others transformed into a sharp storm that rushed towards Ares.

A massive explosion shook the area as the two attacks collided, destroying nearby buildings and leaving behind a thick cloud of dust. When the dust settled, Joan saw a huge wound in their chest, gushing blood. The wound was deep, exposing their heart and internal organs.

"Argh... argh... I'm going to die. What kind of attack was that?" Joan stammered, frightened and trembling as they vomited blood.

Ares descended from the sky, exhausted but satisfied. "You're still alive with that wound. You're persistent," Ares said as he approached Joan.

"Kill me, don't let me suffer anymore. My wounds are incurable," Joan pleaded, agonizing in pain.

Ares laughed maliciously. "Yes, that's what you want. I'll fulfill your last wish," he said as he raised his hand. A sharp, golden light formed around his hand and sliced Joan's body in half.

Joan's body disappeared in a flash, leaving behind only their spirit. Ares smiled with satisfaction. "Another top defeated. They survive like cockroaches, but my name is gaining prestige, and they're beginning to fear me," he said with a diabolical grin.

Ares walked away from the scene, leaving behind the destroyed buildings that slowly began to rebuild themselves. "I caused quite a commotion. I don't want to deal with those weaklings. It's a hassle to kill every single ant. Taking down the leaders of their organization is enough," Ares thought as he headed towards his next target.


1097 words.

Next chapter "In unfamiliar territory"


I came back, I will upload daily chapters and in some two chapters.

I know I was late but I had tests and I got sick and I had to stay home for a week.