

the story about a girl who love her brother more then anyone in her life BUT..... WHAT HAPPENED WHEN SHE LEARN ABOUT AWAKENED ONES? AND JIWOO IS ONE OF THEM?!! will she help him to grow stronger? or live a normal life? or will she leave him?!! and what if she also an awakened one?!! wanna know? go read this I don't own eleceed it's just one of my ideas I want to see in eleceed and English is not my first language so you can find many grammar and spelling mistakes sorry for that in advance please comment on my mistakes I solve them thanks for reading the synopsis

SAM_ZOLDYCK · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Welcome back, back the welcome

I'm done...don't misunderstand!!...I don't mean I'm gonna drop the story...I mean I'm done preparing for the exam...well not completely I still didn't complete the computer...but I can study that after midnight...so the thing I wanna say is I'm gonna write all day...maybe not in the afternoon cuz I have tuition...but yeah you get the gist right? I'm gonna continue the story...and to be honest I also want to continue this story chapters and start working on my other works...like I have to work on my first story after I complete the 17 chapters here...also work on my other fanfics...like before it was 15... now it's gone up to 21...and I wanna work on all of them...hehe, sounds kinda greedy right?...well can't help myself when I got a story idea...oh and I still have one month before the exam hope I can write for both chapters in my two fanfics...and the only problem is...I lost my chapters....well it's not a big problem cuz I can just write again...but kinda hurt...like I write a lot and did the grammar and stuff...also the sound effects...words...well, I can't do anything about it anymore...and yeah I stopped using my phone for the past few months or talking...like always on my study table all day long...even not picking up my sis's call...like I said before she went back to her uni...and I mostly don't pick up the calls and keep my phone silent while studying only picking up the professor's call...since it's important... And even at tuition I used to stay silent...like sitting in the back with the seniors well I'm kinda tall and slim so yeah I kinda fit well with them...and I'm kinda introverted like very introverted so I prefer to be left alone when I study I saw the other students joking around and stuff...but that doesn't interest me...so I only talk when necessary when the others left and only seniors are there...and talk mean asking questions and stuff to the professor...since if I ask something when other students same year as me around like all of them turn back to me...its make me kinda uncomfortable although I don't even glance at them and only look at my professor and give him my INFJ stare...hehe, kinda funny he turn and look at others and when he see nobody looking at him, he again turn back to me...and bro I keep looking at him...hehe, I bet he feels kinda intimidated by my stare...but yeah I don't do that to scare him... it's my way of showing that "I'm listening to you and giving you my attention" but yeah sometimes it scares them...well forgot it my life is not that important or interesting so let's talk about what you are all here for I will upload chapter on my both story the Sam one and the Samantha one...I really wanna done with this both and start working on my new stories that I left with only one chapter...haaa...huuu...so how have you all been? Busy with study or trying for a job? Well, I stop and door-slam all my online friends...cuz yeah I'm done...and I can't do anymore...well it's kinda good now I can focus on studying and writing fanfics for my handsome and beautiful readers...hehe se'ya