

SAMANTHA- I feel subin and jisuk coming close.

JIWOO- huh? subin and jisuk?

samantha open the door and both subin and jisuk surprised

SAMANTHA- you two just checked your rooms and came straight to see us right?

JISUK- huh? yes but how noona know about that ?

SAMANTHA- and subin jump on the bed in her room right?

jisuk looking at subin with surprising face and subin was surprised and blushing in embarrassment

SAMANTHA- hahaha sorry about that you dont have to embarrass about that I was just teasing you come in.

jisuk and subin enter the room and you clearly see subin's red blushing face

JIWOO- oh jisuk and subin also came!

SAMANTHA- jiwoo did you jump on the bed after entering the room?

and subin looking at jiwoo with please say yes expectation and jisuk also looking at jiwoo because he got nothing else to do

JIWOO- huh? oh yes but how you know?

SAMANTHA- well I'm your noona after all.

she said with a proud smile and subin look relieved at jiwoo's answer

JISUK- noona when I was coming I see some people and a unconscious student in strecher.

SUBIN- I also see them going to the medical centre.

JIWOO- huh? what are you talking about?

SAMANTHA- hah... when I was talking with wooin he interrupt so I just shut his mouth.

and again jisuk and subin remember who samantha really is

SAMANTHA- so if I guess right baekho, baekdu, mir, halla,union and shinhwa only those groups teen awakened ones participate in the academy right?

JUSUK- huh? well im not sure.

SUBIN- unnie is right.

SAMANTHA- wooin, jisuk and subin dont use the skills I teach you in practice spar ok?

jisuk, subin and wooin nod

JIWOO- and what if they use the skills sis?

SAMATHA- nothing just the kid was fighting against them will be dead.

samantha said in her casual tone and the answer made jiwoo face pale and others feel the shiver in their spine expect kayden

JIWOO- t-then what about me?

SAMATHA- both three of them have the elemental ability and your one is physical and I only teach you close combat so you dont have to hide that.

JIWOO- oh...ok.

SAMANTHA-(™ same goes for you two dont hold back in close combat and dont share what im talking about)

she said to jisuk and wooin with telepathy both just slightly nod so samantha can only notice

after everyone talk for hours and subin and jisuk return to their different building and samantha and wooin left for their rooms.

next day


I wake up or done with force control and go to the washroom and check the time it 8:43am I leave the room and go to jiwoo's room and going to knock but jiwoo open the door

JIWOO- oh sis good morning .

SAMANTHA- morning let's go call wooin from his room.

JIWOO- ok!

after we knock wooin's room door he came outside and we three enter the sparing room and stand in line and waiting for professor and other kid starts to enter the sparing room and just enter start talk shit about me


{ she rejected to tell those two boys powers to jeongsu }

{ what were she thinking?}

{ I heard she even knockout jeongsu with one punch}

{ whoa really? no wonder she acted so boldly }

{ oh did you hear? they throw a party for the affiliated awakened ones yesterday from evening to curfew.}

{ man they really do get special treatment}

{ I know right? so jealous}


everyone look at the footstep's sound direction and see a guy with black hair the guy stand if front of them and

nice to meet you all my name is giwook jang and I'll be your instructor throughout this Academy. you can call me mr.jang.before we start there's something you guys must keep in mind while you're in here what I say goes and dont think as yourself as special...since you guys are at the very bottom of the pyramid in here.

everyone look like they alrady know that fact expect the short boy he look nerves

JANG- now each of you tell me what your awakened powers are.

red hair boy reply

I can enhance my strength I can lift about 200 pounds with one hand.

the girl spoke

my power is psychokinesis I can move one adult with ease.

JEONGSU- I can enhance my strength and make my body hard enough to withstand external shock I can also lift about 200 pounds with one hand and I dont get hurt too badly even when im hit by a car.


the short boy spoke

uhm...i...i can perceive and analyses the situation quickly.


{ what kind of power is that?}

red hair boy and the girl laugh at the shorty but jeongsu feel bad about the shorty and samantha just standing right side of him and looking at him and ask


the boy look at samantha with his head looking up at her face and the others also looking at samantha

SAMANTHA- dont care about what others think about your power its might not help you that much in combat but its helpful the whole group for making big decisions in short time and analysing the situation and making quick decision is not easy how its sound like.

the boy smile at her encouraging words and she look at the ones who laugh at him both the girl and red hair look down and jiwoo, wooin smile proudly at their sister.

SAMANTHA- oh you can ask why the awakened ones that represent the groups only have combat powers reason because of group safety in the awakened world the only rule is to eat or get eaten so for the safety of group members or for safety of the group always appoint powerful awakened ones or rankers to represent their group.

now nobody said anything but just surprised at her word even jang

JANG-( is she really an newly found awakened one?) so what is your power samantha?

SAMANTHA- ( he know my name? might be from the students list) super speed.

and everyone surprised even her brothers also surprised at her word

JANG- next

JIWOO- im sorry I cant tell you what my awakened powers is.i was told that I shouldn't tell others about my power...

JANG- I know the rules you dont have to remind me. but...what difference does it make even if you tell us what your awakened power is? do you think your power is that special compared to the others here?

jiwoo looking down and the others looking at him

JANG- listen kid its wiser for you to disclose your power and learn than to hide it.beside people will eventually find out what your power is during the Academy.

JIWOO- im aware of that too I also dont consider my power to be special compared to the others.but I dont want to disappoint the one who taught me to hide my awakened power as much as possible.( I dont want to let noona down just for my convenience.)

SAMANTHA-(jiwoo noona proud of you!)

JANG- hmph not bad.you are an awakened one after all huh? fine I respect your choice but you refused to do as I said run 20 laps here.

JIWOO-yes sir!

jiwoo said with a happy and proud smile and start running and samantha and wooin also turn right

JANG- and where are you two going?

WOOIN- im sorry but I can't tell you either.

SAMANTHA- and im the person who taught jiwoo to hide his power I should take responsibility for my words.

and in 5 minutes they complete 20 laps

and standing in front of jang for jiwoo and wooin running is much easier then blocking samantha's attacks for 8 to 10 hours so both of them look perfectly fine.

JANG- since today is our first day you guys will spar with one another lets see how good you are.

the shorty ask

I'm..but sir I have a none combat power.

KANG- for an awakened one its important that you're ready for this kind of situation.you cannot excuse yourself form this.

he reply in a low voice

yes sir...

JANG- who will go first?

SAMANTHA- sir I want to spar with jiwoo.

samantha said and surprise jiwoo and wooin

JANG- you can but is there any special reason for that ?

SAMANTHA- well he is my stepbrother and I never fight him even one's so I want to test his power level myself.

jang is surprise and others students that she is her stepbrother and jiwoo is so excited about to test his power at full potential