

the story about a girl who love her brother more then anyone in her life BUT..... WHAT HAPPENED WHEN SHE LEARN ABOUT AWAKENED ONES? AND JIWOO IS ONE OF THEM?!! will she help him to grow stronger? or live a normal life? or will she leave him?!! and what if she also an awakened one?!! wanna know? go read this I don't own eleceed it's just one of my ideas I want to see in eleceed and English is not my first language so you can find many grammar and spelling mistakes sorry for that in advance please comment on my mistakes I solve them thanks for reading the synopsis

SAM_ZOLDYCK · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs



I regain my consciousness and see Samantha and jiwoo eating something and I was lying in the sofa I stand up and walk toward her and give a angry glare


JIWOO- um sis...

and jiwoo point his eyes at me


she looks at me and still continue eating her food

SAMANTHA- if you want some go ask jiwoo I'm not gonna share from my.

KAYDEN- oh you food addict you don't get fat if you just share some.

SAMANTHA- NOM NOM you old man don't eat this it might affect your health.

she said with a Devil smile I increased my energy

SAMANTHA- if you break anything in house I kick you out.

JIWOO- sis stop that Mr.kayden here is your food

jiwoo pass me the mix ramen

KAYDEN- oh okay.

I sit down and start eating then she ask jiwoo

SAMANTHA- jiwoo how much hungry were you? already finished the food?

JIWOO- hehe

SAMANTHA- ok now we have time let me tell you the story how I meet kayden oppa so it almost two years ago I was finding a safe place after a fight with a group and I see a boy with a long jacket with hoodie and a plain white Shirt and black pants and shoes I put my sword at his neck from behind and said look I don't want to fight take me to a safe house and oppa take me to his house after I enter the house I look at oppa and said I am just finding a safe place for tonight I leave tomorrow I don't know then about how oppa look I mean how kayden look so I go to his guest room and lock the room and sleep without thinking before oppa look not much strong so I don't care about he try to kill me and next day I leave the room and the house is full mess he don't even clean his own house so I clean his house first flore were I was staying at and the clothes that he throw in the first flore and make breakfast for both of us when he come out of his room he look like ghost in half sleep I said I clean your house so this is my payment and show my plate of food and you let me stay here so here also your payment I show him his food plate I ready for him after I left for another fight but same I return to his home after being fully using my energy with fighting some awakened ones and I don't have other place to go so I go back to his house and made food for both of us and also clean his 2nd floor rooms that I didn't clean in the morning I was eating the food in dinning table he enter the house and look surprised I said let me stay here for a month I don't have other place to go I also make you food and clean your house after he still look confuse then he come to the table and sit down and eat the food I made and said thanks for the food you made in the morning I reply huh? Oh it ok I just try to replying you he just smile and reply stay here as much longer you want just made good food for me and don't have to clean the house I can do that myself in free time I reply I also can do that and I don't like dirty house oh and my name in Samantha I said with a smile and ask what your name oppa? again he look surprised and said kayden and I am shocked and said k-kayden mean the kayden break?! he just nod and I drop my chopsticks from my hand and he said don't have to get panic I only fight powerful awakened ones or the ones who provoked me I am scared and asked i-i don't know that you are t-the great kayden if-if I know I never provoked you he reply with a confusion look huh? When did you provoke me you just ask for a safe place and make me delicious food and even clean my house I reply what? But I hear you kill anyone who even provoked you and I put a sword at your neck he reply huh? Do I look that stupid you hold the sword back ward that it might not cut and I reply oh you see that well I don't want to kill someone without any reason hehe.... So Mr.kayden can I stay here for tonight? He reply kayden oppa call me kayden oppa I like that and I already said stay here as much longer you want just made good food for me after that I stay with kayden oppa for almost ten months I go fight other awakened ones and rise my rank and on the other hand kayden only fight stronger opponent only to improve his power after I leave his house so I can live on my own and now I am in top 20 in the world rank and kayden oppa is most powerful awakened one who even get acknowledge by top 10 and some more bla bla I don't want to talk about that.

KAYDEN- jiwoo I explain what she meat by bla bla... the reputation she made in front of the world people start calling her the scarlet queen hehe.

I said with a smile

SAMANTHA- that not fare why not give me some cool name like kayden oppa lord kayden the great kayden just because I am girl?

KAYDEN- nope just because I am too great and people can see that.

SAMANTHA- heh why don't you just eat your own pride I believe it make your Tommy full for months.

KAYDEN- try to provoke me but I still feel the jealousy in your voice Haha.

SAMANTHA- hghh... oh jiwoo go back to your room you also have school tomorrow I wanna talk some more with kayden oppa.

After jiwoo go to for his room in first flore and she made a special isolation and ask

SAMANTHA- so explain why you thought him your force control?

KAYDEN- because I wanted to.

SAMANTHA- and that it? You know if people find out he have a high level force control his life might be in risk!

KAYDEN- that why he need to know how to protect himself...

SAMANTHA-...yeah you might be right

KAYDEN- now that I think about it why didn't you train jiwoo?

SAMANTHA- because he always afraid of his powers and think as a curse that why he don't want to learn how to use his powers and I respect his choice make myself strong enough to protect jiwoo from the awakened world.

KAYDEN- that why you start raise up your rank and start challenging strong awakened ones?

SAMANTHA- it not easy to find awakened ones so I start to fight the world rankers and it help a lot I improve a lot from back then.

KAYDEN- and why the poker face all time in a fight or in awakened world ?

SAMANTHA- it help a lot some time to not show your in pain or excitement in a fight.

KAYDEN- so now my final question how you meet jiwoo?

SAMANTHA-... hah well you already know about me more than anyone I used to live in an orphanage when people find about my awakened power the doctor start experiment on me like make countless cuts on my body and breaking my bones and see how much time it take to heal because if they find out the reason behind this it can call a revolution in medical field one day I get a chance to run away from there I meet Mrs.Seo on the way when I was running and she looks at me take me to her home and I tell her about everything I went through and she said she keep me safe and healthy her son also have the same powers as me after she adopted me and give me the name Samantha Seo then we used to move city after city jiwoo school after school because of jiwoo some time show his powers in public because back then he don't have full control over his power and don't want to go outside well mom also try to send me school but I just make excuses like I can't control my power people might again find out about me after mom go abroad for work and me and jiwoo used to live together but after I find more about awakened world and find out that more people like us and also depend on their power each of them even given rank in world rank or in their own country rank so when I find that awakened ones fight with each other to find that I fight my first fight and win and get information about world rankers so I go look for them every year and return home for one month and jiwoo thinks I just study abroad but after I just not fight to get stronger but also for my passion I find fighting powerful awakened ones is fun and exciting so I keep my rank up and try to never attract unnecessary problems.

KAYDEN- that why you never accept challenge from awakened ones who's rank lower then you...

but I hear you kill anyone who try provoke you and you even destroy their whole group that not attract attention?

SAMANTHA- well I don't accept challenges from lower rank awakened ones because I don't gain anything to win against them but that not mean I'm scared so when some one try to proved me I destroy the group he affiliated with so next time the awakened who try provoked me think twice before doing anything just like how you deal with other.

I just smile and said

KAYDEN- well that the only way to deal with them forget that I make a decision

SAMANTHA- what decision? if you think about live with us I don't mind and jiwoo never disagree with me.

KAYDEN- well that also added in my decision but the main fact I make jiwoo my disciple.

SAMANTHA- it's not my call to say anything it's depend on jiwoo and now you already thought him your force control I can't do anything anymore just don't announce this now jiwoo not that strong to protect himself from the awakened world and many people try to hurt jiwoo after knowing the fact so I only ask for train him for year or two if even after two year if he not capable of protect himself then I personally train him well I think after two year I need to train him... you know the answer right?

I just give a devil smile at her word and said

KAYDEN- of course we three born awakened geniuses.

SAMANTHA- hehe when people find out about our relationship people might call us that well it better then what people call me. oh... that remind me a Dr.delein also in Korea did you meet him hmm mad professor research on force awakened?

I surprise she also know about that

KAYDEN- yes I meet him he try to attack jiwoo so I help jiwoo but I can't kill that doctor.

SAMANTHA- yeah it's ok you save jiwoo and the health conditions you have now... I understand.

KAYDEN- yeah...No HEEL no I can still kill him but jiwoo said he don't want me to kill someone for him.

SAMANTHA- jiwoo is a real softy well understood that...so now we both have to hide our self for sometime.

and she changed her eye colour red to black

SAMANTHA- I just ties my hair up and do some mackup and all good you can turn back to a cat right.

I try to turn back and the room fill with blue light and I'm in cat form

KAYDEN- all good you also can't find that I'm kayden like heel others can!

Samantha look surprised

SAMANTHA- you also can talk in cat form that asome!

KAYDEN- I'm the great kayden after all haha.

SAMANTHA- I like to learn this ability but I don't want you to spread rumours about me being a cat.

KAYDEN- like heel I would.

SAMANTHA- oh you wouldn't? whatever I kinda sleepy I am gonna sleep on the sofa you can sleep with jiwoo or anywhere else.

and she fall asleep

KAYDEN-( heh well it's not that bad again with her oppa hehe I like when she call me that it's feel warm and gentle)


kayden also fall asleep three cat also sleep beside kayden and the night is so beautiful