

the story about a girl who love her brother more then anyone in her life BUT..... WHAT HAPPENED WHEN SHE LEARN ABOUT AWAKENED ONES? AND JIWOO IS ONE OF THEM?!! will she help him to grow stronger? or live a normal life? or will she leave him?!! and what if she also an awakened one?!! wanna know? go read this I don't own eleceed it's just one of my ideas I want to see in eleceed and English is not my first language so you can find many grammar and spelling mistakes sorry for that in advance please comment on my mistakes I solve them thanks for reading the synopsis

SAM_ZOLDYCK · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs




jiwoo left for school after breakfast Samantha and kayden work on their force control in the afternoon

jiwoo return home and open the door and said

JIWOO-im back.

SAMANTHA-jiwoo is someone with you?

she ask from the kitchen

JIWOO-huh yes I bought a friend with me.


she run toward to door and see a boy with same uniform as jiwoo and ask jiwoo

SAMANTHA-so he is your first friend hah?


jiwoo said with happy embarrassing look on his face

SAMANTHA-well you made your first friend today so we are going to celebrate and you also have to stay overnight ok.

she said with a smile looking at wooin

WOOIN-(who is she? is she jiwoo's girlfriend?)

wooin thinking about all this and keep looking at Samantha

SAMANTHA-(why he looking at my face?) um is something on my face?

she ask while looking at wooin

WOOIN-huh? oh no im just thinking who you to jiwoo.

JIWOO-oh I forget to introduce wooin she is my big sis Samantha and sis he is wooin.

SAMANTHA-wooin hah? so you are the one who help jiwoo before well I also wanted to meet you because you are Dr.delein student.


SAMANTHA-you dont have to worry about anything I know all this because im also an awakened one and being you his student I learn the fact from jiwoo and thanks for being friend with jiwoo.

she said and bow her head.


WOOIN-jiwoo is first consider me as a friend so do I.

she just smile and said

SAMANTHA-jiwoo not long ago learn about awakened ones so he dont know but I know when an awakened consider someone as their friend how deep that mean.

wooin didn't say anything jiwoo look confused

SAMANTHA- ok now sit on the sofa I served lunch for everyone.

and she go to the kitchen wooin going to sit on the sofa but before he noticed the sample cat

JIWOO- I wanted to show you the cat that the professor used as a test subject. he's doing much better now.ever since then he's been sleeping an awful lot he doesn't care about what happens around him.

wooin feel bad about this

JIWOO- thankfully there's nothing physically wrong with him.

and jiwoo found out that wooin is the one who left the animals and money at vet clinic.and ask we're those animals used in test as well?

WOOIN-yeah I tell professor that they dead and take them to the vet.

JIWOO-the vet said they were recovering.

wooin give little happy blush and a cat came close to wooin's leg and rub his body


jiwoo go wash your self before eating also take wooin with you.

Samantha said from the kitchen

JIWOO- wooin you can left your bag on the sofa

he left the bag on the sofa

in the lunch table

JIWOO-sis as always so delicious!

SAMANTHA-hehe I made with more ingredients today so wooin do you like the food I made.

WOOIN-it delicious.

SAMANTHA- now wooin I have a proposal for you...

wooin and jiwoo, kayden both three of them looking at her with curious expression

WOOIN- what kind of proposal?

SAMANTHA- well the energy I can feel from you I can say your professor train you very well so my proposal is I want to give you training with jiwoo.

jiwoo and kayden shocked expression


WOOIN- training!?

SAMANTHA-well yes I already giving training to jiwoo and what I know your ability also telekinesis and if you think you are more powerful then me...

WHOOSH and Samantha made a special isolation

WOOIN-(special isolation!?)

and increased her energy level and the inside of the isolation kayden, jiwoo and wooin both three them feel the pressure of Samantha's power kayden just smile

WOOIN-(what is this power!)

JIWOO-(what is this pressure it's hard to breath)

and she stop spreading her power and close the special isolation and ask

SAMANTHA-so now your doubt might be clear that you can learn something from me right?

WOOIN-i never doubt you before but I dont feel that you are this power full...

SAMANTHA-haha of course im powerful so want to learn something from me and you also might same age as jiwoo so think your noona asking you to thought you something new.

she said with a smile and her words hit wooin's heart

WOOIN- but why me?

SAMANTHA- is that a question because you have a good heart and you have talent like jiwoo.

she said with a smile

SAMANTHA-so jiwoo what do you think if wooin also join you dont feel bother right?

JIWOO-huh? NO I would be happy if wooin join me!

jiwoo said with a big smile looking at wooin

SAMANTHA-so wooin give the answer because jiwoo's training start after lunch and I also want to teach you with jiwoo.

WOOIN- I like to get training under you.


jiwoo become so happy after hearing this and wooin and Samantha give a little smile

KAYDEN-(™so wooin is trust worthy huh?)

SAMANTHA-(™ in the name of Samantha I believe both jiwoo and wooin have a bright future in awakened world)

KAYDEN-(™ well I can sure for jiwoo but this boy not sure)

SAMANTHA-(™wanna make a bet on force control?)

KAYDEN-(™for sure)( and I know im going to lose the bet heh.)

SAMANTHA-(™oh I forget if wooin also train with jiwoo how you gonna taught jiwoo?)

KAYDEN-(™ huh the method we use to talk I can taught jiwoo using this)

SAMANTHA- so lets go the basement it training time.

jiwoo just nod in excitement and

after everyone enter jiwoo doing his normal physical training and for wooin

SAMANTHA- so wooin what you wanna learn I can teach you close combat and even help you improve or control over your ability.

he looking at jiwoo he was practising Samantha close combat method Samantha notice that and ask

SAMANTHA- would you also like to learn that?

she ask with a smile wooin because embarrassed and look down and just nod his head.

SAMANTHA- hahaha you know you are the first awakened who was embarrassed to learn something from me other even beg me teach them well....

she look at jiwoo and said

SAMANTHA- jiwoo stop for now come here I want to taught you something new.

jiwoo stop and walk toward his sis and both wooin and jiwoo looking at Samantha

SAMANTHA- ok both of you sit down looking at the wall

and point her finger the opposite side wall both of them sit down a red energy start to appear from Samantha's body

SAMANTHA-both of you close your eyes im going to put my energy in both of you try to remember it's flow and path of course.


SWISH FLICKER and she start transferring her energy to both of them and said

SAMANTHA- just focus and try to remember this flow and listen to my words the power flow from your core to your both fists and legs after your full body when you fighting someone in close combat it help you both to make more power in your attacks and also make your body harder for defend yourself.

she stop and both of them also can flow the energy the way she thought them

wooin stand up and said

WOOIN- thanks noona!

and bow his head

SAMANTHA- the power I can feel from you im sure your professor teachings are great but what I thought you today will also help you great in future.

she said while looking straight at wooin's eye

WOOIN- yes ma'am.

SAMANTHA- well that all I wanted to teach you today now I have to prepare dinner you guys can carry on.

and she go to the ground floor and jiwoo show wooin the close combat method Samantha taught him wooin and jiwoo practice the method for hours while kayden watching them

dinner time

SAMANTHA-so wooin did you learn the combat method?

WOOIN- not perfect but in one week I can master that.

SAMANTHA- ok come upstairs to eat the dinner.

after everyone come to the ground floor and she said

SAMANTHA- now both of you first go wash yourself's after you can eat the dinner.

both of them take a quick shower one after another

in the dinner table Samantha, jiwoo and wooin sitting each side of table and in the dinner Samantha made

SAMANTHA-so in today's dinner menu Apple Onion Celery Salad,Cucumber Salad ,Bulgogi, Ssamjang,KIMCHI FRIED RICE,Odeng Soup,Yeong gye baeksuk and in dessert Yaksik,Instant Pot Yaksik,Dalgona Coffee and in the last Bungeoppang.

JIWOO-wow you made a lot today sis.

SAMANTHA-well I dont know what wooin like to eat so I made extra two or three dishes oh that reminds me so wooin what you like to eat.

WOOIN- jajangmyeon.

SAMANTHA- oh...well you have to adjust today next time I made that for you.

wooin take a bite to his food and said

WOOIN- its also good.

SAMANTHA-good to hear you like it.

jiwoo also take a bite and said

JIWOO- yes sis as always its so delicious.

SAMANTHA- dont talk while eating!

JIWOO-oh sorry.

after dinner in the sleeping time jiwoo take out three extra pillow and blankets from his room jiwoo, wooin in the flore and Samantha on the sofa with kayden in cat form and the other cats on other sofa.


SAMANTHA-why are you keep laughing like that?

JIWOO- because this is the first time I've ever had friend over.

SAMANTHA- oh yes wooin is your first friend after all wooin have you ever slept over at a friend house before?

WOOIN-nope I've been travelling with my professor since I was young.

JIWOO- I see. what about you sis?

jiwoo and wooin sit up to hear Samantha's answer

SAMANTHA- well... not friend but I used to live together with someone in abroad.

JIWOO-i see.

both jiwoo and wooin looking at Samantha with sad eyes

SAMANTHA-well that's make both three of us equal hehe.

KAYDEN-(™so im the only awakened you have good relationship with huh)


KAYDEN-(™you don't have to embarrass I also only have good relationship with you)

SAMANTHA-(™that make me happy)


SAMANTHA-ok now now go back to sleep you both have to attend school tomorrow right oh wooin dont share that im teaching you ok.

WOOIN- yeah.


SAMANTHA- night.

morning 5am

Samantha going outside for a walk with kayden

SAMANTHA- its been a while i spend my life peacefully like this.

KAYDEN- hmm...

SAMANTHA- let me tell you my story about a fight with veramonte Patrick...


im written short chapters because of study and its easy to correct my mistakes and if still you find any please comment on that sentence thanks for reading bye