
Eleanor Blues:Phoenix Ablaze.

Elena grew up in a family that treated boys really, really better than girls. She was the only girl in a family with three boys and her dad treated her as a pawn to strengthen his buissness. Her own mother didn't appreciate her. Fed up, she left her family and started working. But it seemed society didn't appreciate her. Living in a world where people thought women should just stay in the kitchen, Elena deicided to go against the rules. To make it worse after refusing to be the mistress of some big shot, she was murdered. Waking up she found herself in another world with more severe rules. Gritting her teeth she decided to change everything her own way. "if going against this shit makes me a bitch, then I'd rather be one" ~

Arlene_O_Mickey · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


Eleanor drove her car to the richest area of city A. She owned a mansion at this part of the city that her family wouldn't be able to afford. Five years ago, she left her family when her father tried to marry her to a man, marriage wasn't the right word but sell was. He tried to sell her to a man that was three times her age so that his business could flourish well. For the first time ever she pleaded to her dad to not let her marry but he said to her, "If you were born a boy, things would have been much better but you were born a girl, this is the only useful thing you could do for this family for raising you for 20 years". She wasn't surprised. She then went to seek her mom for help but she told her,

"Eleanor think about it as your duty or repaying us for taking care of you for 20 years."She wasn't even shocked as she was expecting that answer but when she heard it she lost all hope of her family and left home. After leaving her home, she started working for S&J a powerful company and within 5 years, she was promoted. She stopped thinking about the unpleasant memories and entered her villa.

Taking a hot bath, she sent her application form to other companies. She then dawdled around for the whole day, had dinner and went to bed.

The next morning, she put on her gym clothes and went for a run.

Passing through the familiar sceneries, she paused in her tracks. Something was different today. It seems like someone was watching her.

[Shit that car has been following me for some time are they some shady business.]

Eyeing the car that has been following her for an hour, she took a u-turn leading to a narrow forest path that a car can't pass through. Seeing that the car had stopped, she dashed into the forest, climbed a tree and loaded her gun.

[lucky that I always bring my gun out with me.] after some few seconds, she saw three men with weapons all of them were guns. She frowned when she saw a familiar face. She had seen this man when that old geezer came to her father's house to propose marriage.

[ So that man has sent them to kill me just because I refused to marry him.]

Eleanor arranged her silencer on her gun when she saw the men split up.

[Well if I'm Gonna die today, I'll take all of you with me.]

She revealed a beautiful rare smile.