

I was paralyzed. I felt numb all over. My ears were on full focus to hear a breath, a voice, at switch, a clink, anything. My brain was playing games on me. All this stress is making me crazy. I'm sure.

''You think too much kid,'' a deep male voice echoed from behind me.

A bucket of cold ice washed my body. I froze at the sink with my back towards the invader. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I thought; this was your entire fault for letting Alex in. He distracted me with talking and let a criminal in my house through the backyard door. Now you're totally dead. I bet he's armed with a gun or something.

Eleanor, it was a pleasure living in your body, my soul whispered to my brain. No, no, no, I thought. Don't leave! I felt nauseous. The world shook underneath my legs.

''Alex!'' The voice said,'' pfffftttt. The last time I checked on him, he made sure an ant got back to its hill safely.''

How in the heck did he do that? Is he in my mind? Oh my god. For how long? How does he know Alex? He checks on him too. Stop thinking Eleanor. Stop thinking. He's in your mind.

''Turn around Jones. I have no time for your games,'' the voice said. His tone was mean and rough.

Okay, do as he says. Maybe he'll spare you, I thought.

The ice on my body melted as I turned around facing the voice. He was sitting on the table opening the box of cookies. He had long brown wavy hair almost touching his shoulders. His skin was tanned and his shoulders were wide. He had big muscles covered by a dark blue shirt. He was wearing dark blue jeans with blue crocks. His eyes were crystal dark blue.

''Good,'' he said. ''Now have a seat and lets chit chat.'' I stared into his eyes. I wanted to move but I couldn't feel my legs. I tried ordering one to take a step further towards him, but they won't budge. '' Can't move huh?'' He said. ''Okay, the let's do it my way.''

Gravity lost its senses. A force pushed me hard enough to place me on the chair. I felt something heavy sitting on my lap. I tried to move. I tried to scream. Nothing worked. All I could move was my eyelids.

He scooped up a cookie and swallowed it whole. I noticed a golden watch on his wrist. He rolled his eyes and said,'' Ah that Geras! He never fails to make the best cookies in the world. He should totally open a business.'' He paused and looked and me.

''Oh yeah you.'' I widened my eyes at him. He smiled as is satisfied and said,'' You're paralyzed. You can't move, talk, or even twitch a muscle. Except for your eyelids of course. Okay now let's do this.'' He jumped off the table and sat on the chair.

My heart was thundering in my chest. All I could do was listen to him talk and stare into his eyes. ''Man, that mind of yours! Can't you that up for one second?''

I wish, I thought.

''Yeah me too,'' he replied. ''Okay now enough. Let me talk. I am Earth-Shaker.'' He proudly announced. ''Also known as Poseidon. God Of The Seas.''

He raised his hands to declare mightiness then lowered them, took a bite out of a new cookie, and said with his mouth half full,'' I like the first more.''

He eyed me from top to bottom.'' I don't like you kid. At all. So watch it with those words you let out that filthy mouth. If you do, I will simply feed you to Skylla.''

I tried not to think. I was focusing on his words, repeating them in my mind.

''Listen closely. No one has the guts to tell you this except for me. I will not repeat a single detail. ''He took out a new cookie and swallowed it. ''If you forget a tincy wincy word, I will feed you to Skylla.'' I blinked twice.

''Once,'' He started with his voice echoing in the empty house. I tried to shrink my thoughts. I repeated every word he said in my mind.

''Once, there was a bloody Gaea. We hate her. He hates us. Then emerged a war to get over the Olympians. Us against those muddy kids of hers. Well… umm. Wait no…no.'' He closed his eyes as if trying to remember something important.

''That bloody Zeus and his bloody speeches!'' He yelled. Thunder blasted in the clouds. The house shook. ''Yeah, yeah. I know you're watching. Whatever.'' He threw his hand dismissively in the air.

My heart dropped with every twitch of his body. It was beating in my abdomen.

''Okay so,'' He took another cookie and then stared at my face with his mouth half open. ''Kid, stop counting my cookies will ya? I'm taking them with me either way.'' I blinked.

''Okay. Let's hit it from the top.'' He cleared hos throat.

''After the Gigantomachy.'' He smiled at himself and said,'' I bet you can't spell that. Anyways, after that, we killed and imprisoned giants. Their mother. Gaea that bloody little hoe saw that her kids were weak and pathetic. She wanted to get us back so she gave us a taste of our own medicine. She consumed herself to create a mystical gas to kill all of our demi sons and daughters.'' He stared at the ground. I could see the water in his eyes shine. Was he crying?

''Take that back! I never cry.'' He scared the heck out of me with that voice. I blinked twice.

''It's just that we didn't even had the time to enjoy victory and see our young after the war. Then they were gone. We saw them melt before our eyes. Gaea let out her final gasp and then she collapsed with the blood of our kids in her bloody earth'' He shook his head. A moment of silence passed. I was too afraid to think or to question anything.

I waited till he continued,'' We were heart broken. Up in the stars we made a constellation for each and every child that once lived. Zeus declared that there will be no more mortal children for the world. Every god is forbidden to have an affair with any mortal. It was sworn upon the River Styx. Soon mortals forgot that we existed. Claimed that we're something called, 'Myths','' He quotes with his hands.

''Monsters and enemies lurked in the dark waiting for demigod blood to feed on. Some still do. Just now they may be sleeping somewhere in the corner of the world waiting for a new demigod to hunt.''

''After two hundred years of despair and heart break, we were having a meeting in Olympus. As Zeus was saying something stupid as usual,'' thunder stroke in the sky, he continued casually.

''Zeus stopped. 'Did you hear that?' He said with his girlish voice.'' Thunder stroke even harder. The floor shook briefly beneath my shoes.

Poseidon continued casually,'' We were all sleeping in our seats listing to his complains so we weren't that interested. But, I heard it too. Then Athena did. It was the first time in centuries we agreed on something.'' He smiled to himself.

''We all listened closely. It was a woman praying. Praying for us! We felt loved. We felt like we existed for once in a million years!'' His voice filled the room with delight. ''A happy day that day. She was praying to pass her pregnancy safely. The pregnancy of a demigod. The gods got mad blablabla, and a war almost occurred between the Olympians blablabla...''

'' After that, the father of this child said that he would be honored to share this child with all the gods. And of course for breaking that oath, sever punishments had been laid upon him, but he is back in Olympus.'' He rolled his eyes.

''Now, the boy. The boy!'' He yelled, ''He was son of all. When he was born, a festival was made in his honor. All the gods leaned before his golden baby bed and admired their son. Every god that lived major or minor blessed him with mystical abilities. I, myself, gave him the ability to breath under water. He had much fun with that. The mother, alas, we made her lose her memory of the father, but she knows that her boy is son of all. We kept looking after him, appearing in his dreams, loving him nonstop. We made sure no creature or being would know of his existence.'' He sighed. ''But you. You little…'' His face reddened and he squeezed his hands in the air threatening to strangle me. He straightened his face and said, '' I hope you choose right.''

With that sentence he dissolved into thin air. The box of cookies vanished from the table. I felt the force fuse in the air. I stood up and screamed,'' WHAT IN THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?''


BUTTT as usual be sure to drop your thoughts and theories in the comments. ALSO comment you're favorite sentence ever said!

Darine_ALRAMMAHcreators' thoughts