
Scorchyard Village

The pigtificates that saw George and his little ginseng who was on their way of raiding their ancestor's tomb, lead them to their own village. George was really interested in their story, especially about the story of a few humans that arrived at their village.

They said that when the first time they came by, the pigtificates and the humans fought a lot. But, the humans were really strong and nearly killed their village's only gold golem.

On humanity side, they had not lost any of their men.. But, they couldn't kill the gold golem, even though there are a lot of them. That gold golem is really powerful and was very hard to kill! Even though gold is kind of soft, but the attack power of that golden golem was disgustingly high.. And also, even if they killed the golden golem, they still had to kill the pigtificates.

They thought about how terrifying this golden golem is, and they didn't know anything about the pigtificate's power, so in the end, the pigtificates and the humans made a pact to be peaceful and helping each other. Even though the two race didn't understand each other and have no way of communication, they used the most basic way of expressing themselves, by using facial expressions and body language.

And until now, they are living in the village in harmony.

"Uhh.. so, you guys don't ever want to study each other's languages?" George asked curiously. They had been living harmoniously, but they never wanted to study each other's languages? "Ah! I know.. you guys must be doing that because if they learned about your language or you learned their language, all of you can't insult each other in your languages, right?"

The two pigtificates laughed awkwardly. It seems that George's assumption is right. "Well.. that's okay! humans loved to do that too. HAHAHA!"

"Aha... ha.. okay.. we arrived at our village. It was called Scorchyard Village. Welcome to our beautiful homes!" One of the pigtificate said. "Oh yeah, we forgot to introduce ourself! My name is Themerm Blacktooth, while she is called Mengi Blindblood."

"Oh, nice to meet you.. uhh.. Themerm and uhh.. Mengi! I'm called George while you can call my daughter as little ginseng!" George sighed when he finished talking. Their name was really weird and was very hard to pronounce. Especially the male pigtificate.

"Cool! Now, we'll go meet the village's head and you could try talking to him about your race. Even though we are currently had a 'very good' relation, we don't really know much about each other."

George also thought that it was really convenient, as he also wanted to talk to their leader. And he didn't think that he would find another intelligent being inside of this dimension. It was weird and intriguing at the same time. But, he was pretty skeptical of it.. "Why did this person put an emphasis on 'very good'? Well.. let's just find out about it, shall we?"

"Fine! let's go then!"


"Leader, we found other humans near the cemetery area. And he could talk like us! He told us that their race is human." Themerm excitedly said.

The leader of these pigtificates is exactly like the other pigtificate, but.. this guy is slightly... Ahem! fat. In fact, he looked like all of those obese men on earth.

"Okay, Mr. Blacktooth, let me meet this human that you told of!" The leader of the pigtificate race said with an arrogant tone.

"Yes, just come here with me! He was outside." he just went outside with the leader.

With those lumps of fat, his body jiggles around like jelly. It made people who saw that situation very baffled. "Uhh.. okay.." George thought.

"Are you that Mr. George? I'm the leader of this village, Uklol Wrathstriker." The tone that he used is very unpleasant and seems like he was very offended by him.


Uklol just gazed George's body and looked like he was disgusted with him. "What are you doing in here?"

"Uhh.. leader, we are the one who invited him here. I thought that you may want to communicate with him." He then looked at George apologetically "I'm sorry.. he was like that to other people, including to pigtificates."

"Well.. I don't think so.. he really does look like I killed his entire family.." George wanted to say that, but he held it. As it could make things worser than this.

"Well.. I don't care, just do what you want. We already signed our pact, so it would be better if you told all of your brethren to be more hardworking." Uklol sneered.

"Okay man, what is your problem?" George frowned when he heard that. He thought that the pigtificates were very polite, but there's this pig!

Themerm immediately said things to make things smoother. He didn't think that their leader hates human that much.

But, this gigantic pig just slammed the door angrily. "Don't call me just because there are new invaders coming here! Don't you see that I was very busy?"


Themerm looking not very good right now. "Umm.. Sorry about that, there are a few fanatical pigtificates that hate humans for no reason.."

George laughed it off by saying. "Haha.. it's okay, the humans probably are the same. The majority of them is kinda racist, even though they are actually on the same species. So.. I guess we are not too different, huh?" Except for the body parts and maybe organs, they were very similar in a lot of aspects, especially in attitude.

Seeing that George wasn't angry at them, Themerm sighed calmly. He didn't know what would happen if this human were offended by their leader and wanted to eradicate them. They know that these humans were very strong and all military power that they have is only that golden golem. After the humans killed the golem, they definitely were doomed and will be forever extinct.

"Okay then, Mr. George. Let's go meet all of your fellow humans!" He leads George and little ginseng to another part of the village.