
Remi And The Boys

「Ding! Of course by taming it! Duh..」

George didn't know what to say to that statement. "Oh.. is that so? Uh... Should I give it a block of cheese?! Mouse like cheese right?" He thought that rats love cheese because he remembered that in the cartoon called "Tom and Jerry", the mouse loved to steal cheese from the cat. So he immediately thought of that.

「Ding! How could host know that?!」

"What? I could do that?!"

「Ding! Of course, you can! It's from a mod called Rats. This mod added these pesky rats that are scattered around the world. There's also a rat that could spread disease. They liked to steal any food from your base... crops, plants, and cheese.. They could steal it without you knowing... To be honest, it could also steal items, even if it was inside a chest. But these rats have a lot of capabilities and was very useful if you tame it. To tame it, you need to give it a ton of cheese. If it was successfully tamed, you could give the rats some upgrade and it'll be very interesting!」

These rats are just small creatures that spawn at night in the overworld, just like monsters. They are usually afraid of players and will run from them on sight. They can become quite a nuisance as rats are able to dig through wooden walls, steal food and seeds from chests, and destroy crops. Additionally, rats can sneak through fences and navigate through doors. 

In order to protect one's lively hood from rat attacks and infestations, they can craft a rat trap. But, there are a few ways to defend against these rascals, like stone houses and Ocelots (or cats) can help protect against rodent infestations. But.. as a shady businessman, the A.I. couldn't waste any chance to make George use more money on the shop.

This whole thing could be repaired just by adopting a cat.

"That sounds interesting... So I'll do it then!" George nodded and bought a few different kinds of cheeses. He bought a whole wheel of each cheese, like parmesan, gouda, pecorino, cheddar, etc.

George looked at the rats on the ground and placed a wheel of parmesan cheese on the ground. George looked that they happily ate it.

In just ten minutes, that block of cheese was devoured by them to oblivion. George then placed another kind of cheese in the ground. This cycle has been repeated for a few times before the rats showed their affection to George. They also acted cutely in front of him.

"Are all of it is already tamed by me?!" George wondered. But the weird thing is that there are a few heart symbol on his minimap. And it showed that it was these rats. "Ugh.. Don't tell me they are in love with me?"

「Ding! Yes.. you saw the love symbol on the minimap, right? It means that they are tamed by you and they clearly loved you!」

"Eeeww... They loved at my affection right?! Not the erotic one right?!"


Hearing no responses from A.I., George was slightly angry at it. "Well.. if I tamed them, then what kind of upgrades could I use on these guys?!"

「Ding! There are a multitude of upgrades that can be crafted for these rats, ranging from simple health and speed boosts, to massive strength and armor gains, along with new abilities, like cooking food and carrying entire stacks of items.」

George narrowed his eyes when he heard the last line. "C.. cooking?! That means.. I could create my own Remi?! Like from the Ratatouille?"

「Ding! Yes, you could do that!」

"T- that means.. I have other servants that I don't have to pay for their services! That's good! Just imagine.. An army made of these cute rats! A few of them cooked for us, and the rest defended our fort.. Oh gosh! I like it so much!"

George then thought of something. "If it's like this.. maybe I should call this army as Remi and the boys [1]. Even if there are female rats, I will call it boys too!"


"Okay.. tell me about the upgrades! All of them!" George asked the A.I. for the upgrades.

「Ding! The upgrades... There's only a few of them right now, as it was a relatively new mod. The first upgrade is the Rat Upgrade: Warrior. The effects are increasing their health points, defense points, and attack points (It could one shot any passive animals, like cows and sheeps). The second one is the Rat Upgrade: Battle God. It was similar to the rat upgrade: warrior, but it hits harder and could be considered as a Minecraft boss. The last upgrade is the Rat Upgrade: Chef. Like what the name said, it will make your rat become a genius at cooking dishes.」

"Yep... I'm definitely buying the chef one! And the battle god too! That's way too OP isn't it? The price is probably like a few million, right?!"

「Ding! The chef one costs a million credits, while the battle god costs twenty million credits.」

George squinted when he heard that. "Well.. whatever! I need this little helper when I try to kill the remaining bosses! A battle god rat is going to be a ton of help!"

In the end, he bought one chef upgrade, one battle god upgrade, and five warrior upgrades. He only has ten rats right now, and from what the A.I. was saying, we could order them to do what we say. "Well.. that was very handy!"

The upgrade that he bought is very similar to a power up mushroom from Mario, but it was a cheese instead of mushroom. He gave the chef one to the rat.

"This rat is going to be Remi!" And he also bought a mini chef hat, similar to the one that Remi wore in the movie.

George then gave the battle god one to the toughest looking rat. "You will be called Jerry... I guess? Battle god Jerry! Is that a weird flex? but okay.. I guess!" He gave a diamond helmet for Jerry, the battle god.

Since he has eight more rats, and he only bought five warrior upgrades, he, of course, choose the best-looking rats to become his warriors. The rest of it will be the sous chef for Remi, or they could do some odd job.

He gave the warriors a helmet made of iron and George gave them name as Jab, Jib, Jub, Jeb, and Job. For the last three rats, he called it rat #1, rat #2, and rat #3.

「Ding! Even if you gave them names... Would you even remember who is who? You probably will only know who is Jerry and Remi. And what the heck with your horrible naming sense?!」

George: "..."

[1] Me and the boys meme

TrinityShockcreators' thoughts