
Eldritch Scion

I was pious my whole life and what did it get me... Nothing. A BIG FAT NOTHING. In fact, it ruined many things in my life. So when i died in a freak accident and was offered another life in a new world into a pious and devout family what did i say? I said "FUCK YOU!?! WHERE IS CTHULHU, I'd rather deal with him then another "Pious" family." Against all that I expected he answered and that this small bit of rebellion against divinity would lead me onto a whole new path. The path of an Eldritch Scion.

Billiam2920 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Despair Approaches

I hate to admit it but after the play date I poured and sulked for a good three days. I know it was childish and I felt embarrassed whenever I thought about it but I just couldn't help it. I mean, every time I thought about those status pages I started to get a migraine. No wonder I couldn't break Anna's grip, she had twice my strength..... but that's not what stung the most. Even Eris seeing I'm an Eldritch Scion didn't bother me as much as this accursed memory. AAAARRRGGGGHHH!?!?!? I thought about it again... the scene of myself floating at catching Anna during tag like it was some sort of accomplishment... but with her stats it would be impossible to achieve unless she intentionally let me tag her...

"Aaaaaggggghhhhh, No No No No No! It didn't happen! DIDNT HAPPEN!!!" I collapse to the floor and start rolling around trying to dislodge the memory that is currently tormenting me until I hear a light cough.

"Ehm, sweety, I don't know what did or didn't happen but i thought I should let you know that we will have company in a few minutes. So I would advise against rolling on the floor." Mother snickers begins a hand as she teases me and brings me out of my misery. I stand and brush myself off quickly

"Company? That's rare, you don't usually invite people over. Who is it?" My whole life here I've seen my mother invite a total of 4 people over to the house and each has been quite interesting. I wonder who it is this time.

"Well, it's been so long since I was able to have a good chat with Serra and you seemed to hit it off with the twins so I thought I'd invite them over for lunch and dinner!" I looked at her in horror. The smile on her face was genuine but also mixed with mischief. Sure she wanted to catch up with her friend, I myself would like to know more about her, BUT WHY INCLUDE THE NIGHTMARES?????

"You should think of some things to entertain the twins while I talk with Serra. Maybe also tidy your room a bit, properly, else who knows what those two might dig up." She giggles and strides away with so much enthusiasm that she's almost skipping. After a moment I break out of my despair and bolt towards my room. There are far too many things in here that I don't want those imps to mess with. Spell models, material synthesis experiments, and... clothes EVERYWHERE!

After a frantic fifteen minutes of cleaning I flopped back into my bed, mentally drained and resigned to the ordeal that is to come. At least I can find a second to talk to Eris while she's here and clear some things up before she reports me to a priest or something. Or worse she think I'm some sort of evil creature she needs to battle as a hero.... I shudder and shake away the chills that run up my spine at the thought. I'd be lucky to survive thirty seconds if she came to that conclusion, best to clear the air ASAP.

After a short period of relaxation mother called me down so that I could 'greet our guests like a proper host' and so I sat staring at the door. A growing pressure on my head like I could sense them approaching, building to near pain before we heard a knock at the door.... WTF!? That wasn't just my imagination? I could sense them approaching??? What kind of hellish curse is this!? They set off my sixth sense.... EL DIABLO!!!!!

Mom opens the door and I stand beside her eyes narrowed and brow furrowed with a smile slapped onto my face. The mounting pressure at the bridge of my nose vanishes as soon as the door opens and they come into view, my face relaxes and I realize it has made me look like I'm stunned by their appearance as the giggle at me... I fucking hate these two so much right now.

Bullshit stats, bullshit skills…. Deep breaths…. It's ok, just smile and ignore everything.

"Hey Serra, kids, welcome to our home! Why don't you kids follow Vic for a tour? He was looking forward to your visit so much he even cleaned his room spotless!" Mom grinned and laughed at the horrified face I gave her. What kind of disingenuous crap is that!! I was looking forward to this my ass!?!? I just don't want them rifling through my things!

"Let's go Anna! Second floor, third door on the left!" The twins ran off towards the stairs leaving me stunned at the door, gaping at my traitorous mothers wicked smirk.

I'd been sold out by my own mother. Why do women enjoy watching men suffer? They are evil, one and all… but that doesn't matter right now! MY ROOM!!!!! It's being invaded! Tearing my gaze away from my gloating mother I run towards my room. I just hope they haven't destroyed everything inside already.

Alright, very short chapter. Also kinda just ramble nonsense, I started it and lost where it was going so I’m just cutting it short and pivoting to next chapter. I want to get a chapter out at least every 2 weeks so this… chapter… is what it has to be. Apologies for its lacklustre everything. I’d still appreciate/welcome any constructive criticism that you might have. Thank you all for reading.

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