
Eldritch in DxD

I had written this fic before, but then took it down cause it didn't make sense. So, I'm reposting it again. And I'll put a warning here. I am not an author, I'm only writing cause the concept keeps popping into my mind, so there would be lots of mistakes, but I have no choice but to write it as it is. And on that note, expect some grammatical errors, but I'll adapt as I continue writing. I'll also make this a one-shot kind of something cause, I don't really get ideas, so, slow-updates, yes. I'll jus upload whenever I get the inspiration too. Or if you have ideas, message me on discord: kuhaku4941_51790. Synopsis. I'm bad at it, but long story short, an Eldritch mc--not cosmic horror Azathoth lineage or Cthulhu. But average DxD Eldritch which is Trihexa (Mc is a spawn of Trihexa). And he gains sentience during the great war and stuff. (I have no idea of what I'm doing, so please, don't take this fic seriously.) Also extra warning, certain characters might or will be corrupted (mc's work), so if you're nor a fan of it, please exit.

Sen_Ritsu · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Fall of the Saintess IV

Chapter 4: Fall of the Saintess IV

The door to the gas station convenience store slid open as the young Eldritch looked at the door in amazement.

"Is this what I saw in Diodora's memories?"

"Technology? Or so they call it…"

Entering, he was immediately greeted by the disarray of dead bodies with flowing blood scattered haphazardly around the place.

With an air of indifference, he ignored the macabre scene, striding towards a rack filled with snacks and various other treats.

Just like how humans don't bother with the death of ants, it was the same with him.

His hand hovered briefly before selecting a bag of chips, which he promptly opened.

As he savoured a few chips, his eyes lit up in delight.

"Hmm, not bad."

Aftee munching a few more, he licked his lips before casting a lingering glance at the lifeless bodies surrounding him.

"I can't enjoy "this" if there are nuisance around, can I?"

After muttering those words—

—In a bizarre and unsettling manner, the bodies began to sink into the floor, as if being absorbed by the very ground itself.

The young Eldritch closed his eyes for a few seconds.

Upon reopening them, he nodded with a knowing expression.

"I see a lot has happened over the years," he murmured.

"Human history is what it is called, I believe."

"Such a weak race…"


His gaze then shifted to the body of an aspiring bishop, which had slowly risen from beneath the ground, the one responsible for taking Asia away.

With a dismissive flick, he threw away the now-empty bag of chips and turned his full attention to the lifeless figure.

His eyes, glowing with a menacing crimson hue, bore into the bishop's body.

"I see…"

"Even though I've been sleeping for so long, my mere existence still exerts its influence on this world?"

"And is that why those so-called supernaturals must rely on such a weak race to survive? Ha! How laughable."

He scoffed, the derision in his voice unmistakable.

To say he underestimated them would be an understatement; he utterly belittled them.

Yet, it was those mongrels called gods that he held in the greatest contempt.

The Biblical Faction had resisted him with all their might, leading to his annihilation of leader of Heaven, the Four Great Maous, and countless others under those three factions before he was finally forced into that deep slumber.

Yet the gods merely stayed out of it, despite the great waves he caused during the war.

(A/N: Azazel dipped at some point after the leader of Heaven took the first hit.)

His connection to the beast was cut off when it was sealed, as he was born from its energy.

His rampage towards the end of the war further accelerated said slumber.

But now…

"I need no more connection to…."


His words hung on his throat when saying those words.

Does it regard the beast as its parent?


Does it feel any sympathy for it?

He doesn't know.

In the end, he's one big lump of energy taking form.

Morality, emotions are fundamental things he doesn't have.

He could decide to unleash his parents once more to wreak havoc.


"I'm curious…"


Saying those words, the bodies the ground had swallowed earlier rose forth once more.

With a snap of his fingers, these lifeless humans sprang into mechanical motion, as if processing something.

Since their souls were dissipated, he couldn't fully bring them back.

That's right, they're now empty shells, now operating solely based on the memories they previously had.

One can even go as far as calling them robots.

Except for one crucial fact...

They now served this Eldritch being.


They all instinctively knelt down in front of him.

Now they're aware of who this great being is.

The one who pulled them back from the dead, even granting them a sliver of what the abyss—the young Eldritch—looks like.

The one conceived from Humanity's Boundless Malevolence.

It's an irony.

Considering he was born from the beast, who embodies the malevolence of said race, yet now he holds a curious fascination towards that same race.

"I didn't intend on creating those loyal to me, but do whatever you want."

"I'm curious to see what life you'll lead."

'Using their memories as base, I tried reconstructing their soul, but I failed, huh?'

As he said those words.

The "humans" kneeling down before him opened their mouths to speak.


"Ÿ̶͔͉̝̭́̆͗e̵͓͑̂̎ͅs̴͚͆̀̇̎,̶̩̲̟̓́̉̚ ̶͙̉͂ͅm̵͇͐̏͝y̶̧̩̲͈̔̊̾ ̴̝̠̑̊̈́l̵̛̻̦̭̥̾ö̴͎̳́ṟ̷̯̥͎̔̊d̸̤͉̖̓̆͠.̴̭͝"

—What came out—or rather, the words that came out from their mouths was garbled gibberish.

"Do something about that speech of yours," he commanded with a glare.

"...." The reanimated humans raised their heads, glancing at each other as if processing his order.

After a moment, they nodded and bowed again. "Yes, my lord."

"Then, go on about your daily lives."

He waved his hand dismissively before picking up another bag of chips from the rack, munching on it satisfied.

Since he had failed to reconstruct their souls, they were simply failed creations.

However, having been revived with a sliver of his abyss, they were now technically considered his children, much like how he was born from the beast.

In fact, even if he had successfully reconstructed their souls, they would no longer be ordinary humans.

So… it doesn't matter in the end.

That aside—

He had his gaze on the little crow's movement. When he's done savouring enough snacks here, he'll do something about her.

"Now that I think about it," the Eldritch paused as he murmured, a sly smile creeping across his face.

"That crow with the goatee fled during the final stage of our battle."

"Perhaps I should pay him a visit in the near future, hmm?"

As the Eldritch mused. The "humans" that had just been revived by the Eldritch had gone about their lives…

[Number of humans killed: Six in total.]

[Number of humans revived by the great one: Six in total.]


The nun who had abducted the exiled Saintess was nearing the border of the Vatican.

If all went according to plan, once she was out of the Vatican's territory—

—She would waste no time putting her second plan into motion: hunting those who posed a potential threat, all for His sake.

Little did she know, a massive eyeball hovered above in the sky, its eerie gaze fixed on them.

Oddly, neither the disguised nun nor the exiled Saintess noticed its presence.

It was as if, despite being visible, it was invisible to them.

"We'll soon be out of the church territory. How are you faring, Asia-san?" the disguised nun asked.

"I–I'm doing okay," Asia replied, though her voice wavered slightly.

At the mention of the church, Asia couldn't help but look down in sadness and loss.

But remembering that the Lord had other plans for her, she brightened up.

Suddenly, she paused and turned her head backward, an indescribable feeling washing over her.


"The Lord…"

The exiled saintess muttered, her words puzzling the disguised nun.

'Maybe she's delusional.'

The nun thought, dismissing Asia's words as a fleeting moment of confusion.

However, Asia felt an intense gaze upon her, as if she were being watched.

"The Lord is watching me?"

She whispered, tilting her head in puzzlement as her heart fluttered.

She smiled and clasped her hands together in prayer.

Unbeknownst to her, the smile curling her lips was different than usual.

The Abyss had taken hold of her, albeit slightly.


Author's note:

Thoughts on the creation of this chapter.

Has it been good, or bad, or even worse.

The idea of what if Trihexa was sentient and fought the exe's alongside Red, and Ophis, maybe they might stand a chance?

Or maybe someone discovered what exists beyond the dimensional gap and somehow discovers other worlds?

All these ideas always came to my mind, I just don't know if anyone has written about it before.

As for the main idea of this one: Since Trihexa is some kind of Eldritch on its own, its spawn will be no different.

Maybe I can integrate those two ideas above into this fic?

But I'm not going to rush it. As this version is way different from the first version I wrote a couple of months ago, and I'm still new to this writing thing.

I hope I get better as I continue.

Thoughts on the creation of this chapter.

Has it been good, or bad, or even worse.

The idea of what if Trihexa was sentient and fought the exe's alongside Red, and Ophis, maybe they might stand a chance?

Or maybe someone discovered what exists beyond the dimensional gap and somehow discovers other worlds?

All these ideas always came to my mind, I just don't know if anyone has written about it before.

As for the main idea of this one: Since Trihexa is some kind of Eldritch on its own, its spawn will be no different.

Maybe I can integrate those two ideas above into this fic?

But I'm not going to rush it. As this version is way different from the first version I wrote a couple of months ago, and I'm still new to this writing thing.

I hope I get better as I continue.

Sen_Ritsucreators' thoughts