
Eldritch Horror:A Whole New World

[3-4k chapters a week] ——————————————————————————— A story were two twins, Samuel aka Sam and Michael aka Mike, venture into a strange door leading to a world of adventure, horror, monsters and eldritch beings. ——————————————————————————— Hi, I'm a new author on webnovel but a long time reader. I'm just writing this for fun. English is my first language and Afrikaans my second language, so you don't need to worry about sentences that dont make sense. And if the artist/creator of the book cover wants me to take it down they can just message me and I'll gladly do so. And if you like the story so far add it to your library

Lord_Of_Cringe2505 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Behind The Closed Door & Opportunities

"Some doors are meant to be kept closed" - Unknown


Soon inaudible whispers came from behind the door.

Sam and Mike looked at each other, Mike clasping the door knob, with a huff of determination Mike turned the door knob and all of a sudden the whispers stopped as well as any other sound. The door opened to a room filled with darkness, the only source of light was the small window on the wall right under the ceiling.

Shining the flashlight into the room, they saw the room was filled with cobwebs in the corners, dirt and grime decorating the walls, rodents and mice scattering around the room. Rows of shelves decorated with jars of liquid and different body parts like eyes, noses, ears, fingers and many more. There was even a longsword half wrapped in bandages, prisms and weird shaped objects each having a plaque with, what Sam and Mike assumed, were the names of these objects.

Venturing further into the room, from one isle to the next eventually they came across a cupboard, with a plaque on it, at the end of one isle. A strange sense of despair oozed out the cracks of the cupboard, moving closer they finally could make out what was written on the plaque.


Beware reader

For if you wish to venture into

this cupboard, ye shall witness

the greatest of horrors one has

ever seen, horrors not seen by man,

horrors that will haunt and kill

anything within sight, proceed

with caution for once this cupboard is opened it shall establish a gateway these horrors can freely pass

through as they wish.

Beware reader, once it is opened

it shall unleash horrors upon this

mortal plane and cause havoc

amongst men

no man, women or child shall be

spared from them

Beware reader.



Reading what's on the plaque, Sam and Mike felt a shiver travel up their spine, sending chills throughout their body. A sense of nervousness arose within them, knots began forming in the pit of their stomach and a cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Whipping off the sweat of their foreheads, both boys took hold of a handle on the cupboard and slowly opened them. Once the cupboard was open all one could see was a vaguely narrow corridor, only enough for one person at a time to go through, with a faint white light at the end of it.

Deciding that he wants to go first Sam slowly got into the cupboard holding onto the edges of the cupboard for support. Once inside Sam took a few steps forward then turned around, looking at Mike, he gestured that he should come in and follow Sam.

Seeing Sam gesturing for him to follow, he too slowly got into the cupboard putting his left hand on the edge of the cupboard for support.

Seeing Mike inside, Sam shined the flash light forward, the light revealed a corridor that got extremely narrow towards what looked like the end, a layer of dirt and grime occupied the light gray walls, and cobwebs of various sizes could be found further in the corridor.

Sam crept forward, one foot after the other, flashlight shined ahead revealing more of the corridor, Mike following closely behind.

They walked and walked for a few minutes now, the corridor felt like it kept expanding and getting longer, they have felt like they have been walking on the same spot for a couple of minutes.

Continuing on, they walked for a couple more minutes without a change in scenery until they saw the light gradually move closer. Slowly picking up speed, Sam and Mike ran towards the light, the light continued to draw closer with each step they took.

Finally reaching the end, they had to squeeze through due to the sheer narrowness of the corridor, but once they came out on the otherside, they were blinded by the light, instinctively they covered their eyes with their forearms.

Gradually their eyes adapted to the brightness and what lied behind that brightness was a world full of..... opportunities.... yes opportunities.