

Bad news to all my readers, unfortunately I'm afraid I've lost interest in continuing this fic. I re-watched a few episodes of Star Trek The Next Generation, but felt nothing but boredom and apathy.

I've tried to write the next chapter a few times, and while I love all the chapters so far and I'm no stranger to creative block or creative slumps, this one is different. I feel like the source of creativity for this fic is damaged and I don't know how to fix it.

However, I know how frustrating unfinished fics can be. Below you'll find a rough outline of how things were supposed to go, and I hope that gives you at least a bit of closure to this story I've tried to tell.

After posting this chapter, I will post an epilogue chapter covering MC's return to his pantheon and alliance with the Azathoth pantheon. The epilogue is similar to this chapter in that it serves more as a set of ideas told in the third person, which is what an epilogue should feel like. The full epilogue was supposed to be 3000 words, most of which is his conversation with Azathoth. If you're wondering what threat is big enough to force Azathoth to ally with another pantheon, the threat is another type of extradimensional destroyer that matches Azathoth's pantheon in full power.

Thanks to everyone who read my first fanfic.


* Due to the invasion of the outlying colonies in the first week of the war, everything is relatively calm and unopposed for the invading armies of the dark dawn empire.

* As usual, the Federation tries to negotiate with the Empire, but all negotiations end in failure due to the demands of the Imperial negotiators for the unconditional surrender of the Federation. Empire claims of the divinity of its ruler, magic, and the claim that the empire was created out of nothing in 30 years are treated with suspicion and disbelief by most of the federation's leadership.

* After the negotiations, the war continues with all its ferocity, the conflict engulfs densely populated worlds.

* Federation scientists manage to recover several corpses of soldiers and several samples of Empire technology. All attempts to replicate the technology fail or at worst induce insanity or suicide among those who study the technology in detail. An attempt to research the genetics of empire soldiers also fails, with all results indicating that the extreme genetic augmentation is too advanced for current technology to comprehend.

* The fighting continues, it is revealed that the Empire's torpedoes are not made to destroy enemy ships, but contain demons and shadows locked inside that at best turn entire ships into ghost ships where the entire crew has disappeared without a trace, at worst the crew suffered the crew's fate Event Horizon (1997).

* Eldritch cults are rising on numerous planets and waging war against the planetary governments. Numerous drug users spread across the galaxy by the Dark Dawn Empire via the Orion Syndicate have been transformed into violent Crossed (comic) style monsters. These two violent events cause chaos and disorder on numerous planets with many dead, but the threat is contained.

* A few days later Q shows up and tells Picard that the reason the Q Continuum is completely apathetic is because every attempt at time travel shows a giant sitting on a black throne. It is also said that the collective effort of all the Qs to destroy the threat has completely failed and they are faced with a threat they cannot handle. Q informs that the Continuum has adopted a policy of neutrality and waiting until the threat disappears on its own.

* Despite massive losses, the Federation manages to temporarily contain the Empire forces using hit-and-run tactics in war zones.

* It is revealed that while empire ships are immune to nukes, empire forces are not immune to the battlefield. In an act of desperation, the Federation adopts the tactic of using tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield. Surprise attacks with nuclear weapons cause massive losses to unsuspecting empire forces. The Federation wins several battles and manages to suppress and completely destroy the invading empire forces on several of its planets.

* Section 31's attempts to develop biological weapons to attack empire forces fail due to the extremely different biology of the various Imperial species.

* MC goes to the federation former Fed Rana IV colony, where he talks to Kevin Uxbridge, a Douwd disguised as a human. He tells him that he understands his loss and offers to bring his wife back to life along with the entire colony in exchange for his neutrality. Kevin agrees after mc's manipulation.

* By this time, the true horror of the empire weapons and full capabilities are known to the wider galaxy, but the majority of independent galactic governments ignore it, believing that the empire will not expand further after the defeat of the federation.

* Empire forces adapt to nuclear attacks and retaliate with chemical weapons of their own. By this point, the war has entered a phase of total war where both sides are releasing new military technologies in massive numbers, but the war is slowly turning in favor of the empire.

* The attack on the solar system begins. The invasion begins when the Empire's main fleet arrives in the solar system followed by a massive bombardment of Federation bases. At the time of the attack on Earth, Earth is well fortified and the fighting causes many casualties among the Empire's forces despite air superiority. Conquering the Earth and destroying the last resistance will take almost 2 months.

* Despite the collapse of the solar system and the loss of most of the territory, the Federation continues to fight with the few remaining strongholds.

* MC hacks the remaining communication systems of the federation and enters into them only one fact, Eldritch Truth, the truth itself is a logical scourge that speaks of the existence of eldritch beings, magic and phenomena that have no root cause. The truth itself speaks of the futility and stupidity of fighting eldritch.

The hacking causes a mass wave of suicides and insanity among Vulcans and other creatures that use logic to function. The realization that the eldritch have no logical reason for existence and the realization of their own insignificance drive many into madness.

* The chaos caused by the discovery of the truth causes the remaining remnants of the federation to surrender. Losses caused by 4 years of war amount to 15% of the civilian population and 90% of the Federation military forces. The Empire itself loses close to 1000 ships and tens of millions of soldiers of various types.

* Shortly after the surrender, the Occupation of Bajor ends, the occupation lasts from 2319-2372. Due to the empire's support in weapons and resources, the new Bajoran government is made up entirely of cultists who vote to join the empire. The Cardassians themselves suffered massive military losses due to the Empire's advanced weaponry.

* The Empire itself has non-aggression pacts with almost all major galactic societies.

* Bringing the Bajorans into the empire, begins sending a colonization fleet through the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant.

* There is a growth of eldritch cults throughout the newly conquered territory, the very growth of cults comes to an expression in Bajoran where the Prophets try to prevent the growth of religion. MC himself travels to the wormhole itself where he meets the Prophets and the Pah-wraith. The MC just laughs at their criticism and uses his powers on the Prophets and Pah-wraith breaking them apart and connecting them to the wormhole itself to use as a power source to keep the wormhole going while they are fully conscious and in absolute agony.

* The development of a biological weapon against the Dominion takes a year, the disease itself is designed to hit all types of members of the Dominion.

* The disease itself is released discreetly on the main planets of the Dominion. The disease spreads massively through the air and turns its hosts into asymptomatic carriers and uses them for massive spread. The disease itself develops symptoms that cause the victim to begin to rot. The death phase itself is the most contagious because it spreads the disease through contact with body fluids and microbes that migrate through the air.

* After more than 5 months from the release of the disease, the trigger is activated, causing the development of symptoms in all asymptomatic carriers. The disease causes mass death and instability in the Dominion and rebellions on numerous planets.

* After four months of the pandemic, the armies of the empire are sent to subjugate the Dominion. The conquest itself takes ,less than a month because the epidemic itself massively depopulates the Dominion. The dominion itself lost more than 50% of its population to disease.

* Nearly three years after the conclusion of the non-aggression pact, the empire breaks the pact by declaring war on the Cardassians, Klingons, and Romulans at the same time.

* The battles themselves are extremely bloody and cause many soldiers to go insane or lose their lives. (If you want a better comparison, imagine that the Cardassians, Klingons and Romulans suffer a fate several times worse than that of the Turians in the Mythos Effect fan-fic from Mass Effect. )

* The empire itself uses newly developed star slayer bombs on the Romulan sun causing the star to go supernova. The sheer force of the explosion destroys Romulus and numerous other nearby colonies, instantly killing all the inhabitants. A third of the Imperial fleet sent to launch the bomb is destroyed in the explosion.

* The destruction of the Romulan home system alone causes the effective disintegration of the Romulan Star Empire. Star slayer bombs are used four more times in four different locations causing the destruction of the stars hit and massively demoralizing anyone who witnessed the explosion.

* The Empire of Dark Dawn annexes the Devidians, a species of aliens that feed on neural energy. A number of prisoners of war are sent to Devidia II for the purpose of improvement relations with the Devidians. Numerous Devidians are sent to the battlefield where they cause more chaos by feeding on enemies.

* The entire war continues for another two bloody years until the surrender of the last forces.

* By conquering most of the galactic powers Pax Dark Dawn rule the galaxy for the most part. The numerous horrors of the wars fought are well documented and the information used to force the remaining galactic civilizations into annexation. Civilizations that refuse imperial demands find themselves immediately attacked and quickly conquered.

* All Empire technology experiences accelerated development that accompanies the strengthening of the empire's iron grip on newly conquered territories. A high standard of living became universal throughout the empire along with the spread of eldritch worship causing complete internal stability in the empire. The empire itself develops a completely hedonistic culture with low crime and high life expectancy.

*By the time of the 2380s without Voyager's help, the Borg were faced with a catastrophic conflict with species 8472. The conflict is entering its final conclusion. While the Borg and species 8472 are at war, the Dark Dawn Empire declares war and launches a massive invasion of both the Borg Collective and species 8472, the war begins and numerous Borg-controlled planets go through extreminatus to eradicate the Borg's presence.

As the empire advances on the front comes the question of what to do with the borg, instead of completely destroying the borg the MC chooses to simply wipe out the entire purpose of the borg and use his knowledge to enslave the remaining borgs by erasing their history and rewriting the borg hive mind to be completely loyal to him.

On the other side of the front, the species 8472 provide the greatest resistance and the bloodiest space battles until the MC intervenes, leading a battle that sacrifices 50% of the empire ships engaged in the battle to destroy over 90% of the ships of the species 8472. After a pyrrhic victory, the remnants of the species 8472 are defeated in the galaxy while the empire organizes an invasion of fluid space.

The invasion itself is led by the MC in his true form, who uses his powers en masse to ensure that most battles end in victory for the Empire. As the war continues, the fate of species 8472 has entered into debate, many empire officials suggest that the war of conquest be turned into a war of extermination of the entire species 8472, given their xenophobia, some more pragmatic ones suggest that instead of extermination, try to convince species 8472 of the Creator's deity.

MC himself chooses a more pragmatic path and goes with a group of empire negotiators to the very heart of fluid space. MC himself initiates negotiations and manages to convince them of his full power and true nature, ensuring their peaceful accession to the empire.

* As a result of wiping out or conquering nearly every other galactic power, the Dark Dawn Empire stands as the undisputed galactic hegemon with colonization fleets rapidly exploring and colonizing many new planets bringing numerous new species to the empire.