
Purge the Spider (1)

While Yvraine often told Samiel that he had weird presumptions about what "dates" were supposed to be because only he would have an idea to consider hunting down and slaughtering the enemies as a date.

But, fortunately, Yvraine was okey with it.

After they divided their roles among everyone, Samiel and Yvraine departed for the nearest hostiles that needed to be annihilated, which was a small colony of the local humans, one of the ones that Samiel ignored on his way here, but this time they needed to be killed.

Sadly for them, there was no place for them in the Bone Mountains.

Samiel and Yvraine departed shortly after they finished their discussion with Juulius, who then passed the information to Dharzug because it was up to the big ork to assemble the orkish army.

This army would be advancing towards the stronger factions that were remaining in the Bone Mountains, as some of them were not conquered by the Church of Lolth... yet.