
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · History
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162 Chs

Chapter 23. Meat bun

In the main room, the case of Mrs. Chen's pilfering old Mrs. Chen's money made both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have grudges in their hearts. No one discover that someone outside the half-opened window had listened to everything they said and told You Jin all about it.

You Jin, who had already finished feeding the pigs, listened to You Zhu talked about what happened in the main room. She rested her chin with one hand and pondered for a while before instructing You Zhu: "Don't tell anyone other Third Elder Sister what you just heard. Understand?"

With a piece of candy in her mouth, You Zhu nodded earnestly, "Understood."

Third Elder Sister told them more than once that the family affairs shouldn't be told to others. Especially the secret with Third Elder Sister. Can't even tell mother.

The few little girls hid in the west wing and each ate a small piece of candy first. Then at noon, they divide the big meat buns that You Jin bought from the market. Because Yue Family's lunch only involved the main room and the east wing. West wing's Yue Chang Lu didn't eat lunch at home. So Mrs Su and the few money-wasting things had no lunch.

Although the meat buns bought by You Jin were expensive, they were big, good value buns. They have cooled down. The fatty and fragrant gravy immediately fills the whole mouth, when bitten into. This made people unable to stop. One bite came after another. The size of an adult man's fist buns were all eaten up. Even little Ninth, the youngest, ate a big bun in one go. Afterward, her mouth were still smacking. She was a little unfulfilled even when she took a nap.

After everyone finished eating the buns, You Jin opened the doors and windows of the west wing to ventilate. Once the aroma of the meat buns in the house dissipated with the autumn wind, she closed the doors and windows with eased mind.

Mrs. Su, who hadn't had meat or fish for a long time, felt satisfied after eating a big meat bun. She latched on You Jin to ask about today's market trip.

Except for little Seventh, little Eighth, and little Ninth, who had already taken a nap, the rest stared at her. She pretended to smile mysteriously, and whispered: "When I take it out, don't let out a shout. If you attract others over, it will be trouble!"

You Yin, You Pearl, and You Bao reached out their hands to cover their mouths and nodded obediently: "En!"

Their eyes closely followed You Jin, for fear that they had missed something.

Under the expectant eyes of Mrs. Su and the few younger sisters, You Jin took out a heavy purse from her pocket and then poured out all the silver in it on Mrs. Su's kang.

"So much money!" Mrs. Su whispered. Unable to believe her eyes. "There's around several silver coin, right?"

"Wow!" The younger sisters still didn't know how much money they had. Hearing what their mother said, they all exclaimed in low voices. So much money!

You Jin merrily replied: "Eight wild chickens exchanged seven silver coin, and four hares exchanged four! There were also two dead wild chickens for eighty cents. The meat buns and candies were for thirty cents. So now there is still one silver liang and fifty cents!"

After listening to You Jin's announcement of the correct number, even Mrs. Su was a little surprised: "So much money? Is wild chickens and hares worth that much?"

"The price of meat isn't low. The rich people in the city like to eat some game. The price of these mountain goods is naturally higher. Besides, the hare's skin ca still be sold for money? Naturally, it is more valuable." With a smile, she put the money back into her purse, and then stated, "I will keep the money in my custody. When we leave Yue Family in the future, I will definitely to let Mother and younger sisters suffer too much."

Hearing what her daughter said, Mrs. Su thought how Yue Chang Lu had changed a lot in the past few days. He had spoken a lot more kindly to her. So she hesitated: "Jin'er, I saw that your father has changed a lot now. How about we give him another chance?"

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Su actually changed her mind. The originally joyful small faces were instantly stunned. They looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

On the other hand, You Jin was the first to react. She knew that Mrs. Su only agreed in the moment of impulse. After all, she was a woman who had been abused for so many years and didn't know how to resist. How could she put her hope in her waking up? Then she smiled lightly and said, "I can understand Mother's feelings. However, it's better that I mind the money, ok? After all, younger sisters are getting older. If the money is given to Father, it may be confiscated. It's more convenient to keep it in our own hands. What do you think, Mother?"

After expressing her regret, Mrs. Su looked at eldest daughter very nervously. For fear that she would not agree with her thoughts. Seeing that eldest daughter could understand her thoughts of keeping a complete family, Mrs. Su heaved a long sigh of relief and nodded with a smile: "This is the money you earned yourself. It's only right for you to keep."

Seeing her smiling face, You Jin nodded slightly: "Then I'll take younger sisters out first. It's time for Mother's afternoon nap."

After leaving Mrs. Su's room, You Zhu puffingly shook off You Jin's hand that grasped her. Then she simply laid on the kang and ignored others. You Yin and You Bao looked at difficult You Zhu and felt clueless. They stood there, glancing between You Jin and You Zhu.

You Jin sighed, then sat next to You Zhu and reasoned with her in a low voice: "You Zhu, Third Elder Sister know that you aren't happy. But this is Mother's marriage. If she does not want to end this kind of life, what can, we, the children, do? Could it be that you want to leave alone? Leaving Mother and little Seventh, little Eighth, and little Ninth to suffer in Yue's house?"

After listening to You Jin's words, You Zhu snapped into sitting position: "But Third Elder Sister, I don't want to stay at Yue's house. I don't want to be treated worst and inferior than animals like pigs and dogs every day!"

You Jin took her into her arms and comforted her in a hushed voice: "You Zhu, rest assured. Third Elder Sister will not let you be bullied. Mother is reluctant to leave now because she still doesn't know the truth. Once Mother is truly determined, it's time for us to leave Yue's house."

"Will there be such a day?" You Zhu looked at You Jin with confusion in her eyes. As if once You Jin say something negative, all her beliefs would be completely destroyed.

You Jin slowly whispered. There was an inexplicable strength in the voice that made people feel reassured: "There will be. There will be."

Not only You Zhu, but also slightly disappointed You Yin and You Bao lost the doubts in their eyes. It left behind pure trust and enthusiasm. Exceedingly bright.

In fact, You Jin's idea was very simple. Dogs can't change its poo-eating nature. Yue Chang Lu had abused Mrs. Su for so many years. How could he be so friendly for no reason? If something was amiss, there must be something going on. Just need to see when Yue Chang Lu show his fox tail. At that time, they will see if Mrs. Su will continue to muddle through.

The chill of late autumn was getting stronger. Not only You Jin need to go up to the mountain to forage pigweed every day, but also accumulate firewood for the winter. So she had more time and excuses to continue her private-fund-gathering work outside.

Yue Chang Lu was indeed just like what Mrs. Su said. It had been a while since he went home and didn't attack his wife and children. You Jin, whose temperament was most like Mrs. Su, began to hesitate. Thinking the current father was good. If they leave the Yue family, they will all become fatherless children. Just like west village's Widow Wu's family. Those children had been bullied since they were young because they have no father.

Because of this, a small conflict broke out between You Yin and You Zhu. You Zhu firmly stood on You Jin's side. She didn't believe that worst-than-animal man who only knew how to beat his wife and children would come out of it. She roared at You Yin: "If he knows his mistakes and can correct them, why have you be beaten for so many years? Instead of saying he reflect on himself, it is better to say a ghost taken over him!"

You Yin was the softest among the sisters in the second branch and a crybaby. She just persuaded You Zhu and unexpectedly got yelled at by the other party. Her tears fell at once: "You Zhu, what's wrong with Father? That's our father! Could it be that you really want to be a fatherless child?"

You Zhu was so angry that she didn't want to speak because of blockheaded Fourth Elder Sister. While You Jin was pulled over by clever little Eighth to meditate.

After asking the reason, You Jin sighed slightly. It won't work out if the sisters weren't united with the matter of leaving Yue Family. First, she helped You Yin dry her tears. Then motioned for You Bao to pull You Zhu away. She tlead You Yin and sat on the kang. She asked softly, "Is You Yin worried about getting bullied after leaving Yue's house?"

She grew up watching You Yin from a young age. Naturally, she knew that You Yin was open to persuasion but not to coercion despite having a soft temper.

You Yin meekly glanced up at Third Elder Sister, who gazed at her seriously. She knew that Third Elder Sister was looking out for her and the few younger sisters. But if Father had changed, wouldn't it be better for them to live together as a family than them orphans and weak mothers wandering outside?

After listening to You Yin's words, You Jin sighed lightly and asked, "Does You Yin think Father has really changed his temper? How about we give Father three months. If Father really change, we won't leave. But if Father commits another mistake, what do you think?"

When You Zhu, who was eavesdropping on the edge of the wall outside, heard Third Elder Sister mentioned not leaving, she wanted to rush in immediately. However, she was stopped by You Bao: "Since Third Elder Sister say that, she naturally has her reason. With your cannonball personality, you'll get into quarrel with Fourth Elder Sister again when you go in, no?"

In the end, she dissuaded You Zhu.

You Jin ignored the movement outside. It went without saying, she knew You Zhu was eavesdropping outside. She continued to persuade You Yin: "Why do you think You Zhu wants to leave? Did you forgot that when You Zhu and You Bao were just born, Grandmother wanted to drown them. Also, ...."

You Jin selected some of the hardships the sisters have endured over the years to remind You Yin.

After speaking, You Yin was solemn in silence. You Jin knew that her words reached her. She was internally relieved: "You Zhu wants to go because she don't want to live worst than pigs and dogs. Her temper is a little hasty. She has no malice towards you. No matter what, you are good sisters, aren't you?"

"Third Elder Sister, I understand." You Yin stared at You Jin with red eyes. She was just sad that You Zhu was determined to leave Yue's house. Still, she knew that she was doing it for everyone's sake. So she wasn't angry with her.

First, reasoning with You Yin was completed. You Jin turned around and educated You Zhu: "How many times have I talked about your impatience? Is there anything that can't said peacefully? Your fourth elder sister is kind-hearted. You're fumingly quarreling with her. Almost cutting off the relationship?"

You Zhu was lectured to the point she couldn't raise her head. She understood in her heart that Third Elder Sister was thinking the best for her. So she nodded solemnly: "Third Elder Sister, I know I was wrong."

In this way, a small dispute between sisters was resolved and broke apart by You Jin. This chapter was quietly turned over.