
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · History
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162 Chs

Chapter 136: Spring in Houjiawan

The barren hills in Houjiawan back then had been planned in an orderly manner. Most of them had been included in Su Family's forest land. There were also those with an intelligent mind and also some with spare money. They copied the way Su Family planted some flowers and trees. Therefore, the barren hills of Houjiawan were already colorful. From a distance, it looked as beautiful as the red glow in the sky.

"The lotus in the lotus pond is growing very well this year. Now some small buds have emerged. It's estimated to bloom before the Dragon Boat Festival." The supervisor of Houjiawan followed Eldest Miss to the lotus pond at the foot of the mountain. On the one hand as he introduced with great care: "Not long after the ice melted, a new batch of fish larva was thrown in. They are growing very well now. The day before yesterday, I got someone to catch two fish. Just two months in the water, it's now two fingers wide."

Su Family's lotus pond was excavated in the spring of last year. It was previously over ten mu of tidal wasteland located at the foot of Su Family's mountain forest. After Su Family bought it, they dug out four one mu square ponds and a small lake of about ten mu in size. It was used to raise fish and shrimp and grow lotus root.

After a year of muddling through last year, it had been all set up as soon as this spring began. In order to manage this lotus pond, You Jin had specially entrusted Manager Wu to find a few people who can grow lotus root and raise fish when she entered the capital last time. Now there were four families totalling to thirteen people who were responsible for taking care of the lotus pond.

In spring, the warm wind blew over the ponds that were shimmering silver under the sun . The ponds were lined up in two rows along the river in Houjiawan in an orderly manner. The largest pond was used for planting lotus roots, as well as raising grass carp and crucian carp, and carp. The other two ponds were dedicated to raising river prawns.

The remaining two were located at the water inlet of the pond. The water quality was the best and was used to raise the high-priced mandarin fish. Spring was the time to catch mandarin fish. You Jin and others were far away on the hillside when they watched a group of people busying away in the mandarin fish pond.

"Eldest Miss!" When You Jin arrived, the lotus pond's side was pulling out mandarin fish. A group of six or seven men were half submerged in the water and pulling big fishing nets. The women on the shore were busy loading the fishes into the big wooden barrel. Everyone was so occupied that their feet couldn't get any rest. Still, they were organized and efficient.

One of the men surnamed Zhao who was in charge of taking care of the lotus pond noticed Eldest Miss's arrival. He cheerfully greeted her. The rest of the people also put down their work to say hello to Eldest Miss.

"Everyone has worked hard. Supervisor Hou, remember to tell Auntie He to kill a few more chickens in the next two days for everyone to enjoy. After the busy days are over and the workload becomes idle, arrange everyone to have two days off in rotation." You Jin had always been a generous boss. After all, it was heavy work. If one wanted the horse to run fast, one had to feed the horse well.

Houjiawan now had two rows of green brick and tile houses built at the foot of the mountain and by the lotus pond. They were for the servants who sold their body to Su Family and long-term workers to live in.

Auntie He was originally a widow with three children in Houjiawan Village. Since Su Family established their roots here, she had been cooking three meals a day for Su Family's workers in Houjiawan. Not only was her three meals a day were provided, she can get three silver coin a month. It was easier and earned more than farming.

The food for Su Family's workers was much better than that of ordinary people in the countryside. Every second day, they can taste meat. When everyone heard that the boss was empathetic to the subordinates and gave them holidays and added food, their mouths almost grinned all the way to the back of their heads: "Thank you, Eldest Miss!"

Energized, their hands became more active. After talking with the Eldest Miss, the movements of everyone's hands became faster. In a short while, a large bucket of mandarin fish was filled again. The mule cart on the bank already had one bucket. Once this bucket was full, the driver whipped the mule and headed to the city.

Since Su Family's lotus ponds gained benefits last year, many restaurants and restaurants in Luohe prefecture have chosen to import some fish from Su Family. After all, in Luohe Prefecture, only Su Family raised fish and lotus root on a large scale and both the quality and quantity were guaranteed.

You Jin was simply bought a small shop next to the original Sujiaxiang which was now Liu Family's grocery store and passed the management to Liu Family. It was designated as a consignment point for Su Family's future mountain goods.

Currently, Liu Family had long since shut down the noodle stall. Old Man Liu, his wife, his nephew, and his wife's younger brother were responsible for running the two shops. Countless customers came to buy chickens, ducks, vegetables and fruits. Not to mention the large transactions.

You Jin had the heart to help You He, so the profit of the shop was divided into 1:9. At the beginning of the month, the profit of the previous month was given to Liu Family at the beginning of each month. Even the 10% of the month would at least distribute twenty-thirty liang. In the months of important festivals such as the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, it can still distribute out forty or fifty liang!

Therefore, the life of Liu Family was getting better and better now. Mrs. Liu Qin felt full of energy despite being busy as a bee every day. Toward the daughter-in-law, You He who had given birth to the third generation grandson of Liu Family, she treated her as her own daughter evenmore. No, even better than her own daughter. After all, it was because of marrying her in, their family's life can improve by leaps and bounds!

The parents-in-law were kind. Husband was affectionate with her. The two younger sister-in-laws were also well-behaved and gentle. As for the one-year-old son, he was healthy and adorable. He was too lovable! On top of that, You He's own temperament was generous and polite. Liu Family can be said to be united inside and out. How can the days not be better?

The man who drove the mule cart and pulled the mandarin fish into the city was Mrs. Liu Qin's maternal younger brother. Since he worked with his eldest sister's family, he could get at least two liang salary every month. When there was more, it was four silver liang!

Last year, Qin Da Zhu worked with Eldest Sister for less than a half a year and earned nearly thirty silver liang. Qin Da Zhu was a straightforward person. As soon as the spring arrived this year, he took out all the money he earned last year to rebuild a big and beautiful blue brick house. Now in Qinjia village, who wouldn't be envious when Qin Da Zhu was mentioned!

Thinking of this, Qin Da Yong became even more complacent and worked harder in his work. While humming a little tune that was out of tune, he carefully drove the mule cart. These two big barrels were expensive mandarin fish. He can't cause any bump as it'll be a big loss, if it can't be sold.

After Qin Da Yong drove the mule cart away, the driver of Su Family who was in charge of delivering the goods in Houjiawan was still waiting. Today he will deliver fifty mandarin fish to Juren Liu's home in Luohe Prefecture. Tomorrow it will belong to Lin Family's great master's 60th birthday. Lin Family was going to throw a big banquet. Three days ago, they approached Su Family to make an order for fifty mandarin fish weighing a catty and a half.

Liu Family's shop was only responsible for the delivery of long-term orders and daily retail. Temporary bulk orders like this were delivered to the door by the full-time driver in Houjiawan. This relieved a lot of pressure on the wealthy families' purchasers.

Therefore, as long as the rich families in Luohe Prefecture want to use any ingredients for a banquet, most of them will think of Su Family first. After all, it was convenient!

"This is the last pond of mandarin fish this spring. When the pond opens next time, it will be the shrimp pond next to it in autumn." Supervisor Hou followed the Eldest Miss and told her everything in detail. Su Family's business was getting bigger and bigger. Eldest Miss's schedule was getting busier and busier. Now, she only visits Houjiawan once every ten to fourteen days. Naturally, he had to perform well.

You Jin nodded in understanding. After watching the fishing, she turned to check the growth of the lotus root and talked with the old Uncle Zhang who was in charge of taking care of the lotus pond. Then she ate a few dishes that Auntie He made for her. After a light lunch, she took a nap in the room specially reserved for Su Family in Houjiawan and hid from the hot sun at noon. In the afternoon, she went to the field to check the grain situation. She didn't go back home until the sunset had hid in the horizon.


Back to the female family members of Xiao Family who lived in Su's house. Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao always felt a little guilty for their family of four living and eating for free. Before, they had been helpless because they had no money and no ability to repay Su Family.

When Xiao Lin Feng came to Luohe Prefecture secretly during the New Year, he gave Mrs. Yu all the five thousand silver liang notes he carried with him before leaving. Once Mrs. Yu had the silver, the two sisters-in-law's mind became alive again. After helping with Sujiayan's opening, Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao were having mysterious discussions when they had free time every day. From time to time, they would go to Luohe Prefecture by themselves in a mule cart.

At first, You Jin only thought that the two of them were idle and thought that it would be good for the two of them to go for a walk if they wanted to. She never thought that they would find her after being occupied for more than a month.

"Auntie, please speak slowly. You say you want to open an academy?" You Jin looked at Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao who were sitting opposite her in disbelief: "Why did the two of you suddenly come up with such an idea?"

She can't really be blamed for being shocked. Her impression was that both Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao were good at housekeeping. However, weren't they both ladies who didn't leave home? Why did they suddenly want to go out and open the door to do business? What's more, the amazing idea of opening an academy for females?

Seeing her startled expression, Mrs. Yu covered her lips and chuckled, "An Academy for females aren't uncommon in the capital. Most unmarried girls from wealthy families in the capital want to study in the academy for females. Rather than studying, it is also to broaden the social circle and also to be able to better choose a son-in-law in the future. Like your Elder Sister Lin Ru. Back then, she was the first graduate of their academy."

"The requirement for female can't compare to male. Not every family can afford to hire a female teacher. If we set up a female academy, it will increase the reputation of Su Family in the wealthy circle of Luohe Prefecture as well as being a source of wealth. Don't you think so?" At the beginning, this idea was brought up by Mrs. Zhao. That's why she can explain it logically.

In fact, You Jin didn't object to this from the start. After listening to the two elders' explanations in turns, she supported the two of them to start a career: "Since Aunties have made up your minds, what do you need me to do?"

Actually, she was also selfish. She knew that Xiao Family was a little prideful. If they were to live and eat at home for free, they must have some unpleasantness in their hearts even if they don't say it on the surface. It was better to let the two elders find something to do and distract the two of them.

Seeing that You Jin didn't object, both Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao smiled in delight: "Good child! Auntie knew you would definitely support us!"

They did have a request when they sought You Jin out. After Mrs. Yu smiled, she said with a little embarrassment on her face: "Your Auntie Zhao and I are both official slaves now. If the academy opens, it's not appropriate to let either of us be the academy head once it opens. We were thinking of you..."

Mrs. Yu knew that this idea was a bit inappropriate. After all, You Jin was still young. It wasn't suitable for her to be the academy head. Still, it was better than them, right?

Hearing what Mrs. Yu said, the expression on You Jin's face changed slightly. That's right, the two aunties were currently official slaves. If someone intentionally pulled this out, there might be a big fuss!

Though she thought of this, her expression soon returned to normal. She grinned: "I am still young. No one will stand for me being the academy head. I have a good candidate. She probably won;t reject me. Auntie feel free to go and prepare the rest. All the money needed can be taken from the public fund. I will definitely arrange the candidate for the academy head."

That person wasn't short of money. But if the female academy was completed, her reputation would rise higher. She wouldn't refuse it.

Seeing how confident You Jin was, Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao believed in her. They unrestrainedly prepared all the staff, things, and venues needed for the female academy.