
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · History
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162 Chs

Chapter 13. Setting plan into motion/ Idea comes, action followed

A few days after old Mrs. Chen's birthday, the first frost came down. The crops outside the village had already heavily drooped their heads, waiting for the joy of harvesting from the people who had worked hard for more than half a year.

Yue Da Fu carried a hoe and led Yue Chang Lu along the field ridge. The father and son had just returned from the field. Yue Da Fu's wrinkled face was full of joy: "This year has been a good year. The rice is almost ripe. Let's start harvesting tomorrow!"

Now that almost all the family's assets been taken out by Yue Wen Tao brothers, a bumper harvest meant they could sell more for money. Yue Da Fu would naturally be delighted.

Yue Chang Lu followed his father half a step slower. There was a hint of joy on his face that had been through the wind and frost for many years: "I will go to work in the town after collecting the grain. I think I can accumulate some money for the winter."

Yue Da Fu glanced at his son who was still a little gloomy despite having a smile on his face. He sighed in his heart. Thinking how old Second's family had only seven granddaughters, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Mrs. Chen just happened to finish cooking the meal when the father and son got back. Since the family lost 100 silver liang, old Mrs. Chen became even more frugal: the rice was originally brown rice, but now it had been replaced with watery coarse grains congee. There was no meat nor fish in the dishes. A small bowl of pickled vegetable and a few plates of vegetables that was fried until it look limp and unappetizing.

Still, old Mrs. Chen didn't dare to starve Yue Da Fu. Once Yue Da Fu washed his hands and sat down at the table, a bowl of thick coarse grain congee was placed in front of him. Then Yue Chang Lu, first branch's Yue Wen Wei, and old Mrs. Chen got half the bowl of thick porridge. As for Mrs. Chen and eldest branch's Yue You Ting, they can still get some dry goods. While, second branch's seven granddaughters have a bowl of watery congee each.

Yue You Jin felt that she manage. However, her several younger sisters were still so young. If they were badly starved, what to do in the future? But looking at the smug expression on Old Chen's face, Yue You Jin knew that she was waiting for her to start something so she can teach a good lesson! She immediately changed her mind. Holding a bowl of watery congee with a scatter of grain, she fed Little Ninth one bite at a time. Then she constantly extended her chopsticks over to the vegetable dishes on the table.

When You Jin clipped the vegetable for the third time, old Mrs. Chen sternly stretched out her hand and used the chopsticks to hit the back of You Jin's hand so hard that a "snap" rang out: "You money-wasting thing are the reincarnation of starving ghosts. Only eat and not work. Aren't you afraid of being stuffed to death!"

Old Mrs. Chen's sudden accusation not only frightened Yue You Yin, You Zhu, You Bao, and the others, but also scared Little Ninth, who was in You Jin's arms, into tears. Little Ninth's cry wasn't loud, but it still attracted the attention of the next table Yue Da Fu: "I work hard outside every day and can't enjoy peace for a while when I get home! How do you manage the family?"

Although his words were blaming old Mrs. Chen, his dissatisfied eyes glared at Yue You Jin.

Yue Chang Lu was very sensitive to the matters at home, especially when it was about the money-wasting things. Just as Yue Da Fu's disapproval finished, he stood up before You Jin could respond and slapped the back of her head with his palm: "A money waster who knows how to cry all day long!"

You Jin was stunned by his action. Only felt a burning pain at the back of her head. She swayed a few times before falling down. You Yin, who was sitting next to You Jin, noticed something was amiss with her elder sister. She hurriedly supported her: "Third Elder Sister!"

The several younger sisters looked at You Jin in panic, for fear that something was wrong with You Jin. You Jin came back to her senses. She stretched out a hand and patted You Yin to reassure her. Then she lowered her head to admit her mistake: "Little Ninth cried because she suddenly got a scare. I'll take her away now."

She picked up the skinny and weak Little Ninth and left the dining table as she glanced coldly at Yue Chang Lu.

Yue Chang Lu was frightened until his heart slightly felt unsettled by her poisonous gaze. He soon recovered. Would a money-wasting thing who didn't even grow her pubic hair yet dare to do anything? Thinking like this, he sat back and continued to eat.

You Jin returned to the west wing with Little Ninth, who was quietly sobbing. When Mrs. Su, who was half lying on the kang, saw it, she forced herself to sit up: "What's the matter? Why are you crying out of the blue?"

The left hand held Little Ninth's not-so-fleshy bum and the right hand gently patted her back to coax her. At Mrs. Su's question, she just shook her head gently. After Little Ninth cried herself to sleep, You Jin put her on the outer kang where the sisters normally slept. Then she lifted the door curtain that had been washed white and entered Mrs. Su's room and briefly told her what had just happened.

"Your grandmother is soft-hearted despite her sharp mouth..." Mrs. Su explained with such self-deceiving words that couldn't even deceive herself. There was a bitter smile on her dry and sallow face, which was due to long-term malnutrition: "Don't blame your father. It's Mother who can't give birth to a son, so you sisters suffer..."

"Mother! It's not your fault!" Seeing that Mrs. Su was taking the blame on herself again, You Jin looked at her with a serious look: "It's not your fault that you can't birth a son!"

Can't birth a son was to connected to male's side. But You Jin can't explain XY chromosome to Mrs. Su. She can only try to brainwash her again and again that it wasn't her fault.

Seeing that Mrs. Su remained silent, You Jin sighed in her heart. Then she asked Mrs. Su the old reoccurring question again: "If our family split off, would it be better than now? Or if Mother took us away from Yue Family? The few of us won't starve to death."

The first time Mrs. Su heard her daughter say this was the year before. Her daughter was only nine years old at the time. Because her mother-in-law had thrown the newly born Little Ninth into the mountain and You Jin secretly rescued her. Little Ninth survived. However, You Jin was beaten all over by old Mrs. Chen. At that time, she asked with a nearly dying breath: "Mother, why don't you take me and my sisters away. It would be better than now even if you starve to death after leaving the Yue family! "

After that beating, You Jin seem to have grown a lot overnight. No, more like she revealed her emotions that were originally restrained and buried in her heart to Mrs. Su. Mrs. Su's shock and disbelief response from hearing such shocking words at the very beginning had become calm now. Occasionally she would dream in the middle of the night the feasibility of what her daughter said!

Hearing her daughter mention this again today, Mrs. Su sighed and replied, "You and your younger sisters are still young. And I have always been in poor health. If I really leave Yue Family, forget about getting married in the future. Even surviving is a difficulty, right?" How could Mrs. Su not know that Yue Family was only good-looking on the outside, but the inside was rotten long ago. But what can they do? She neither had a maternal family that can support her on separation. Nor did she have the skills and courage to raise herself and her daughters. At least in Yue Family, her daughters can grow up and marry.

However, You Jin shook her head: "Mother, I will be twelve years old soon. And younger sister will be ten years old. We can support you and younger sisters. As long as you are willing, we can survive even if we eat grass and bark."

You Jin had been in this world for almost 12 years. Although her current physical quality wasn't as good as her previous life, her ability to survive in the wild and keen perception was still present. Rely on mountain to eat, rely on water to drink. In conclusion, there was a way to live.

"Jin'er, do you really think we can live without Yue Family?" Mrs. Su had lived for nearly 30 years in her life. Although her childhood years in maternal family was difficult, her parents had worked diligently to raise her sisters. Unexpectedly, her maternal family suddenly changed overnight. Both parents passed away and the family's house and land were all divided up by the uncles in the clan. Even Mrs. Su herself and her two elder sisters were both sold as goods through marriage by their father's biological eldest brother. That's why Mrs. Su was so disliked by old Mrs. Chen after she married into Yue Family. Old Mrs. Chen felt from the bottom of her heart that Mrs. Su was a servant bought back into the family with money.

Mrs. Su's life was only happy during the time when her parents were still there. After her parents left, she had been living under the control of others. Now facing this kind of decision that she didn't know what to do. But, she inexplicably trusts this young and mature eldest daughter.

"Mother, as long as you want to take us away from Yue's house, I will have a way to raise my younger sisters. Not only will I support them, but I will also save them a dowry so that they can marry out with great fanfare and live a happy and prosperous life." You Jin looked at Mrs. Su with shining eyes. As long as Mrs. Su can strengthen her belief and leave with her and her younger sisters, she will definitely find a way to find an opportunity to make Yue Family willingly separate with Mrs. Su.

Mrs. Su sighed: "Even if I wanted to, how could your grandparents and your father agree?"

Mrs. Su wasn't as optimistic as You Jin. She had been in Yue's house for more than ten years. What difference did enduring for a few decade more make?

When You Jin finally heard Mrs. Su budge, she was relieved. She happily walked to her side and squatted down. She gently touched Mrs. Su's already bulging belly, raised her head, and squinted her eyes: "Don't worry, Mother. I will have a way."

Seeing her so confident, Mrs. Su couldn't help but hold a little expectation in her heart: "Okay, if you can, Mother will take you and your sisters away from Yue's house. Our family will start over elsewhere."