
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · History
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162 Chs

Chapter 124 Hero save the beauty

In a two-story restaurant opposite the street, a lattice window was half opened. A girl in a goose yellow narrow sleeve robe with a moon white twelve part split skirt was holding a cup with a faint fragrant thorn rose tea and drank it slowly. As if the far-reaching drama on the opposite side of the street was like a wonderful drama.

"Miss, how do you know that this Boss Chen would reach out a lending hand? If he doesn't save, wouldn't your plan fall out?" Standing behind Eldest Miss, Qiu Fen looked at Eldest Miss as if she saw a god descended down to earth, full of worship and doubt.

You Jin put down the tea cup in her hand and watched the drama that hadn't ended outside. With a faint joking tone, she responded: "It won't. Boss Chen is just one of the options. Even if he doesn't step in, I feel happy from seeing her getting beaten."

With her current power, it wasn't hard to make a small character with no foundation, family, or friends in Luohe Prefecture like Wan Niang disappear. She was reconciled to solve it so straightforwardly. That's why she came up with this method.

Qiu Fen was clueless of her Miss's plan. Hearing her finish speaking with such a light tone, she could not help but have another new understanding of her Miss's magical brain circuit: "No matter, Miss always has a way."

The master and servants no longer said anything, just watched the cliche and old-fashioned hero saving the beauty scene that continued to play.

"You, you, who are you?" Although old Fifth Lin's wife was brazen, she wasn't a person who had no eyes. The person in front of her was obviously a rich man. If she offended him, there won't be any good result.

Boss Chen glanced at old Fifth Lin's wife and did not say anything. He went up to support the excessively swollen Wan Niang and asked softly: "Young lady, you're okay?"

He didn't mind that her clothes were stained from being pressed on the ground; nor did he care about putting distance between men and women when he supported her by her arm. The soft voice of the rich people made many female onlookers envious and jealous from the bottom of their heart toward this vixen who seduced another's husband: "No wonder she's a vixen. Even when beaten to this point, she hasn't forgotten to lure a man! "

It was unknown who said such words first. Those gray-faced women responded and whispered one after another: "So true, truly a vixen!" "A rotten thing. Who knows how many people wore that broken shoe!"

"Thank you, Savior for life-saving grace. It's just that I'm in a difficult spot right now. I'm unwilling to drag Savior down. Savior, please leave quickly!" Wan Niang weakly leaned into the arms of Boss Chen. A pair of watery fluttery eyes glanced at him as if weeping and complaining. The considerate flower's melodious whispering was enough to make Boss Chen feel itchy. He couldn't wait to crush her into his own bones. How could he bear to let such a delicate woman be bullied by these crazy women?

Following this, Wan Niang could be seen tightly embraced by Boss Chen as she slowly followed Boss Chen out of the stage. Two of his personal servants were left behind to solve old Fifth Lin's wife, who wanted to continue her ruckus. The first act of the hero saving the beauty drama was finally finished.

As for Old Fifth Lin, he heard that his own wife was beating his hidden considerate flower on the street. Once he rushed to the scene, he witnessed the considerate flower that was normally snuggling in his arms in the embrace of another. Depression brewed in his heart.

When old Fifth Lin's wife saw him, she jumped on him like a hungry tiger pouncing on a sheep. As she pulled on his collar, she wailed: "Old Fifth Lin, you heartless beast without a conscience! This lady will live dying with you today! I birthed children for your Lin Family, serving those still-not-dead in your house, and suffered many years with you. You actually found a vixen behind my back!"

Losing Wan Niang, old Fifth Lin felt aggrieved. Now that he was dragged on the street by a snotty and teary tall, stoutly-built woman, he felt his manly ego was lost. He pushed away his wife and then slapped heavily: "I can't stand you, you shrew! I'm divorcing you today!!"

As soon as old Fifth Lin's wife heard this, she became a paper tiger and all energy was sapped out of her. Stunned, she sat on the ground and began to wail: "Old Fifth Lin! You dare to treat me like this! I did so much for this family for more than ten years and you are going to divorce me today because of a vixen ridden by thousands of people!"

Watching Wan Niang's figure disappear around the corner of the street, You Jin turned around and stopped watching the husband and wife's farce. She closed her eyes. She was waiting for the next good show!


"Thank you for saving my life. I can never repay it back." In the medical hall, the already patched up, teary Wan Niang thanked Boss Chen who was sitting at the side: "My name has already been stained. I can't let Savor be dragged down. If Savior's reputation is damaged, it is my sin."

Boss Chen eyed her tender fair waist that occasionally peeked out and his expression became cloudy. Staring at Wan Niang, he comforted: "It's okay. Where do little lady live? Let me send you back! Otherwise, your family would worry. "

"Few days back my family head was gone and left us, an orphan and a widow behind. I'm raising a son alone. In order to spend less money I spoke to the seller a few sentences more. Unexpectedly, his wife misunderstood me. Now that my reputation has become messy, how can I still have the face to live in this world!"The more Wan Niang spoke, the more agitated she became. In the end, she collapsed, lying in the small bed provided by the medical hall and sobbed. The initially peeking waist was now fully exposed, landing in the eyes of Boss Chen.

Boss Chen had long experienced a cluster of flowers. How can he not understand this? A hot hand was placed on her waist. Carefully gauging, he softly responded: "Little lady don't need to mind this. I can sit upright and naturally not be afraid of those long tongue gossiping women."

Although Wan Niang had her back to him, she could feel the warmth from the man.Her heart stirred up and her mouth revealed a hint of smirking. This was a man! Old Fifth Lin was so skinny that he didn't have much flesh. If it weren't for him being able to supplement her a bit, she wouldn't want to come in contact with such people! One must know that from the first glance one can tell the person behind was wearing good quality clothes. There were two jade pendants on his waist. It indicated that he was a rich person. Latching on him was much better than old Fifth Lin! Furthermore, if she wanted to seize Su Family's assets, it wasn't possible by herself. The person in front of her may be a good choice.

From that day, the male had affection and the female was willing and the two came into contact. Boss Chen and Wan Niang really hooked together.

Wan Niang can be said to be quite comfortable recently. With a new lover and a rich one, she and her son rented a new yard in Gejia Lane in the city west. Although it wasn't big, it was much better than a small broken courtyard outside. Not to mention that, Boss Chen even hired an attendant to wait upon her, do laundry, and cook.

"Hurry up and wash the clothes. Then bring in the food!" Sitting in the main room, Wan Niang was quite domineering dressed in a newly made silk and a lotus embroidered dress. Attendant Feng was spinning from the commands. Seeing Attendant Feng sweating from the busyness, she felt pleasure. If Attendant Feng's hands and feet were a little slow, she would beat and scold her: "You didn't eat or what! Such rough and clumsy hands and feet. Be careful or I'll sort you out!"

Attendant Feng covered her whipped arm. Lowering her head she acknowledged with a yes. Her hand didn't dare to drop her pace. She had already berated this flaunting master over 800 times: "It's just a can't be seen mistress. She actually treats her no-face, no-skin self as something! "

It went without saying Wan Niang didn't know how many times she was scolded by Attendant Feng behind her back. Right now, she only felt happiness! She had never lived such a good life in her life. Even when she climbed up to Master's bed when she was a maid, she was driven out of the house by that female tiger before enjoying a single rich day. Later, when following Yue Chang Lu, she thought she could endure until becoming above others. Unforeseen Yue Chang Lu was missing after seeking refuge in Luohe Prefecture. As for old Fifth Lin, Wan Niang never wanted to have much involvement with him.

More importantly, Boss Chen was very generous! She cried and made trouble with Su Family for half a day and only got twenty liang silver. After thinking about it, she was with Boss Chen for half a month and he rented a new yard and found an attendant for her.

The more she thought about it, the prouder she felt. Wan Niang felt right now things at its worst will mend. Happily sitting in the main room, she watched her son playing in the outside yard. In a merry mood, she hummed a tune. Life was truly wonderful!

As for Boss Chen's side. After gaining a beauty that matched his taste, it went without saying he'll coax her with good words and give her things. Anyway, he didn't lack money, right? Once he gets her into the house... Thinking of this, Boss Chen's eyes were full of salivation and anticipation: "Such a beauty, I wonder how long she can last!"

In blazing July, Wan Niang joyfully sat in a small sedan with blue canopy into the city east's grain seller, Boss Chen's manor.

Since Eldest Daughter returned, no one came to make trouble again. Mrs. Su completely relaxed. Now, there were addition of two peers, Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao at home, it was more lively. When Xiao Family was at its peak, there were hundreds of servants at home. As the mistress of the house, Mrs. Yu's mentally and methods were much stronger than others. Mrs. Su knew she had the ability and simply sought her everyday for a chat. She asked her to help manage the household affairs. As for Mrs. Zhao, she was born into a literate household and was a local of the capital city. She had something in common with Yu Lan and the two would play chess whenever they were free. Life was very happy.

"What do you mean that she won't come again?" Mrs. Su and Mrs. Yu were planning to change clothes into autumn ones. When they heard Daughter say this, they couldn't help but have some doubts: "She left Luohe Prefecture?"

You Jin gave a sly grin and replied, "Daughter matched a good marriage for her. She is now married to her beloved and decked in brocades and jades. How can she still miss our bit of money?"

Seeing her mischief, Mrs. Yu couldn't help but tease her: "Then she should bring a gift of gratitude over and thank you?"

The longer Mrs. Yu got along with You Jin, the more she liked this little girl. She was decisive in handling matters. And when there is gratitude or grudges, she'll repay it. Even if there was a grudge, she would remember but not keep it.

Looking at Mrs. Yu's clear smile and looking at her own mother's out of it expression, You Jin felt that her mother still had a lot more to learn from Mrs. Yu. At least, she would learn how to deal with the world. Learning to be decisive was also good.