
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · History
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162 Chs

Chapter 109 Chaos

When Yue Wen Sheng heard Mother said that she wanted to separate with Father, he stood by Mrs. Han without hesitation: "Father isn't a good man now. Wen Yu and I will be filial to Mother."

Wen Sheng declared that he would follow Mrs. Han. It went without saying it was the same for Wen Yu.

Yue Wen Sheng grew up with Han Family's old couple. He witnessed his maternal grandmother becoming ill from getting angered by Yue Chang Shou and Yue Chang Shou refused to call for a doctor. In the end, this illness dragged his maternal grandmother to death! Later, Yue Chang Shou brought that can't be seen thing home and ripped apart this happy and complete family. Yue Wen Sheng wasn't muddled. He would rather bear the charge of unfilial piety than follow Father.

Since the mother and sons had agreed to live together, Mrs. Han told You Jin about the decision.

You Jin nodded to express her understanding: "Since that's the case, there's no better day than today. From today on, Wen Sheng brothers will follow Third Aunt. The carriage is waiting outside. Third Aunt, don't work today. Take Wen Sheng brothers home first to rest. I'll take care of Yue Chang Shou's side."

If Wen Sheng brothers were allowed to go back today, they might leak the news about their settlement in Luohe Prefecture. At that time, they would be unprepared and caught off-guard if Yue Chang Lu came knocking.

Naturally, Mrs. Han's had no objection to You Jin's arrangement. She thanked You Jin before leaving with her two sons.

At first, Yue Chang Shou didn't care about the disappearance of Yue Wen Sheng brothers. He just thought that the two children had gone out and run wild. But after waiting for two days and no one came back, Yue Chang Shou panicked and thought about going out to search for them.

"Master! Luohe Prefecture is so big. Where are you going to find them!" Jiao Niang softly leaned into Yue Chang Shou's arms as if she had no bones. Her index finger kept aimlessly stroking his chest: " Besides, it's so chaotic outside. If something happened to you, what should Jiao Niang do?"

Although Yue Chang Shou was stupid, his two sons were going to carry on the family line for him. If he loses his son, wouldn't it come to an end? With this in mind, Yue Chang Shou rejected Jiao Niang's stickiness and wandered around Luohe Prefecture for two days. Still, he couldn't find his sons.

Back to Jiao Niang. She had long found those two little beasts an eyesore. Now that the little beasts left by themselves was exactly what she wanted. How could she let Yue Chang Shou find them back? Looking at Wan Niang's fair and plump son, her mind turned and came up with an idea.

After fetching a basin of water to wash the feet of Yue Chang Shou who had been searching for a day, Jiao Niang softly kneeled to Yue Chang Shou's side: "Master, Luohe Prefecture is so big and the world is so chaotic, how is the search? Wen Sheng brothers are both smart children. I think they will be fine. But if something happens to you, Master, what is the child in my stomach to do?"

Hearing what Jiao Niang said, Yue Chang Shou, who had been tired for a day, immediately became energetic: "Jiao Niang, you mean...you have it?"

Compared with the delicate beauty who was pregnant with his own child, Yue Wen Sheng and Yue Wen Yu seemed insignificant. Don't think he didn't know, the two little beasts have looked at him with hatred since the two still not dying Han were gone. Now it was wonderful. His beloved Jiao Niang was pregnant. Anyway, he was still young. Would he be afraid that there was no son?

"I feel a little uncomfortable today. I went outside to find a doctor to check the pulse. The doctor said that the days are still short, but I am certainly pregnant." Jiao Niang lowered her head shyly and leaned softly into Yue Chang Shou's arms. At an angle he couldn't see, her eyes were full of indifference. Ever since she entered Yue's house, those two little beasts and that b*tch disliked her. Now before she could make a move, the two little beasts had disappeared. Heaven was helping her too!

So she must not let those two little beasts come back! Although Yue Chang Shou didn't have much property, he knew how to interact. There were so many merchants coming and going from north to south in Luohe Prefecture. It wouldn't be difficult for Yue Chang Shou to make a fortune. Jiao Niang had suffered enough. She never wants to go back to the brothel to be a pillow ridden by thousands of people. The most urgent thing was to firmly hold the heart of the overlord Yue Chang Shou. Since he wants a child, she will give him one as long as the two little beasts don't come back.

Jiao Niang didn't want Yue Wen Sheng and brothers to come back and was quite anxious to get rid of them. Through throwing a tantrum, she made Yue Chang Shou move out of the resting stop inn and found them. In Liushu Alley outside the city gate of west market, they found a dilapidated small courtyard that can be regarded as a home for the time being.

Yue Chang Shou didn't discuss the matter of moving out with Yue Chang Lu. Yue Chang Lu didn't see Yue Chang Shou's family for two or three days in a row before he went to inquire with the manager of the resting stop inn and found out that Yue Chang Shou's family had already checked out for a good few days. Even the ox carts they brought here were taken away.

"Old Third child is really not a thing! The ox cart belongs to the public and he secretly took it away by himself!" Yue Chang Lu angrily stormed back to the room and kicked over the innocent round stool. Wan Niang had just put her son to sleep. When she saw him coming back in a huff, she let him go crazy and ignored him.

The two fleeing brothers of Yue Family broke up halfway. During these days in Luohe Prefecture, Yue Chang Lu got involved in all kinds of sneaking and cheating. Although Wan Niang probably guessed what he was doing outside, she happily enjoyed the benefits when she saw him bringing back good food and drinks every day. She even supported him in doing these things.


Back to Su Family's side. Yue Wen Sheng brothers studied in the study room in the front yard with them after they moved in. Wen Sheng and Wen Sheng both had good personalities. In an instant, Kang-er had two more cousin brothers and liked them very much. The three brothers practice martial arts and literature together every day. As a consequence, Kang-er's temperament calmed down a lot. This unexpected joy made Mrs. Su and You Jin feel more fond of third branch's two children.

When Wen Sheng brothers first entered Su's house, they were always cautious. But after a few days of getting along with each other, they found out the younger sisters of the second room were better off now as well having good personalities and temperaments. Even both You Duan and Kang-er who were about to turn four years old were well-behaved. They didn't look down on them because they were poor relatives who came knocking. Gradually, the two brothers integrated into Su Family.

As for the future, You Jin had a detailed talk with Wen Sheng. Knowing that he aimed to take the imperial examination, she offered him as much help as possible: "Teacher Chen, the teacher at home, got a background as a Xiucai. He has some capability. Your foundation is still weak now. It is enough to study with Teacher Chen. In the future, after achieving Tongsheng, you will go to the academy in Luohe Prefecture. What does Third Elder Brother think?"

"It's my good fortune to be able to study with Teacher Chen. How can I trouble Third Younger Sister?" Although Yue Wen Sheng came to Su Family for a short time, he had heard stories one after another about Eldest Miss of Su Family. He knew that the current situation of Su Family was created by not-yet-of-age Third Younger Sister with the few younger sisters. It went without saying, he respected her a little more in his heart.

It's okay. Let's leave the future matter in the future. Third Elder Brother can study at home with peace of mind. Third Aunt and I will handle outside matters." You Jin took a sip from the celadon teacup. Looking at the jasmine flowers that have been stretched out in the clear tea brew, she couldn't help but smile with satisfaction. This batch of scented tea was better than the previous batch.

After the cousins' discussion, Yue Wen Sheng took his younger brother to study in the study room. Now there were Su Family's eight daughters, Su Kang, Han Er Hua, and Yue Wen Sheng brothers studying in Su Family's study room every day. A total of twelve people. Wen Sheng was the oldest among them. He had been enlightened early on and had even taken the Tongsheng examination. His foundation was the best and he studied the hardest.

Old Xiucai Chen admired this young man very much. According to the master family's instructions, the daily class was adjusted to giving the younger small enlightenments in the morning and teaching Yue Wen Sheng brothers and Han Er Hua who will take the imperial examination in the future in the afternoon. The daily classes were arranged full.

Yue Wen Sheng never thought that he would still have the opportunity to study. Naturally, he cherished this hard-won opportunity very much. He was even more grateful to second branch's Aunt and Third Younger Sister. So he devoted himself to studying hard every day, hoping that he would be able to get a good reputation in the future and repay Mother's upbringing and the kindness of the second branch.

As for Mrs. Han, she was busy making arrangements every day. The location of Su Family's new shop was also located in the east market of Luohe Prefecture. Its main business was to sell all kinds of honey and scented tea produced by Su Family. You Jin wanted to make the Su family's name bigger. Because the new shop sold different items, the shop was named Sujiami. This way people could tell at a glance that it was Wuliqiao's Su Family's business.

Honey was considered a relatively rare thing in ancient times. Plus, there were also scented teas with beautifying effects. With these two as the main product, the decoration of the new shop shouldn't be too bad. Mrs. Han had been working on the decoration of the new shop for the past few days.

Now that Su Family's business was so large, You Jin can't manage it alone. So she entrusted Uncle Song to take care of most of the business dealings that come into contact with the outside world. The shop, Houjiawan, and Chaxiang all had corresponding managers to take care of them. Now, You Jin only needed to go to the shop and the villa from time to time. If there was any big business or things that Uncle Song and others couldn't decide, she stepped forward then. Now it was much easier than before.

Now that the new shop was about to open, You Jin was naturally busy. Mrs. Han was in charge of taking care of the business in the shop, while You Jin was dealing non-stop with the craftsmen who make the packaging. The narrow-mouthed white porcelain bottles with the words 'Sujiaxiang' printed on them were used as containers for honey. It promoted Sujiaxiang's signboard.

"The samples this time are fine. Must trouble Manager Ge and all the masters to work hard. Before 23th February, please send 500 white porcelain bottles of one jin size and 300 white porcelain bottles of two jin size to Sujiaxiang's new shop in east market after they are finished." You Jin was very satisfied with the samples this time and made a final decision.

Manager Ge was relieved when he heard that Su Family's Miss finally made a choice. This was already the fourth model they have made. Although the process was a bit more troublesome, Manager Ge knew that the business with Sujiaxiang will be long-term big customers. It went without saying, it was their first priority task. "Miss Su, don't worry. It will definitely be all completed on the 23rd."

After paying a deposit of fifty liang, You Jin led people out of the west market. Seeing more and more ragged people pouring into Luohe Prefecture, You Jin's heart sank. It seemed the war in the north was tense?

Qiu Fen had been with Eldest Miss for half a year. This was the first time that she saw Eldest Miss in a daze outside. So she hurried forward and whispered, "What's wrong, Eldest Miss?"

Under the maid's whispered call, You Jin came back to her senses and shook her head with a calm face: "It's nothing, let's go." After saying that, she lifted her skirt and got on her carriage. Qiu Fen hurriedly followed. Only after Missl got into the carriage and sat down, she firmly put down the curtains to block out many scanning eyes from outside.

The carriage was rocked along the bustling streets of the West Market. Sitting in the carriage and resting her eyes, You Jin listened to the voices of people on both sides of the carriage. Her heart was feeling uneasy and flustered. She knew the cruelty of war. If Luohe Prefecture got breached, is she really capable of protecting such a big family?

She sighed deeply. Leave it. At present, she can only take one step at a time.