
Reima the Romantic?

Fleur "What?!?"

Reima repeats, hoping her reaction was from surprise alone. "Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

Fleur "But-but..." she glances at Ciri yet again, "What about Ciri? I thought this waz what you fought Victor for..."

Reima's throat becomes abit dry as he tries to mutter the words he knows could possibly make or break the situation. "Well... Uh, I was wondering if you'd like to... Go with me... And Ciri."


When Fleur hears him she immediately feels the urge to immediately reject him, however as he's clearly uncomfortable with asking this, maybe there's more to it? From the answer alone she'd infer that he was asking her to become a mistress or something similar but she simply couldn't believe that her crush would say something like that. "Why?" is all she can utter.

Ciri groans, "Come on Fleur, I know you've got a brain in there. We know you have been rejecting everyone in hopes of getting Reima to come with you, what will you do when you're left with someone like Ron Weasley?"

Fleur "But you-"

Ciri "I personally do not mind so don't refuse due to concern for me, this is your decision to make."


Reima mentally cheers for Ciri's backup and presses onwards to victory, "I'm just throwing the question out there Fleur, I think we would have a great time together but if you think you'd rather go with someone else I won't hold it against you."

Fleur "You two must know what I am?" They nod, "Zen you know ze stigma on my species. If I go wiz you it will be viewed as me taking advantage of you or the opposite, neither of us will come out with ze public looking favourably at us."

Reima shrugs, "Let them think what they want, they already think Ciri's fucking harry and that we're both murderous monsters for defending people at the Quidditch World Cup."

Ciri nods, "The news is all fake anyway, why bother thinking about it."

Fleur looks as if she's about to crack but still has some reservations about it, "How would we dance? I do not know of any way to dance wiz three people."

Reima "We'll just take turns... Someone's gotta looks after Snuffles anyway, he points his thumb at the rabbit sitting on Ciri's lap, glaring at Fleur with wide red eyes.


Fleur "Fine."


Reima "Huh?" he asks, wondering if he had just misheard her.

Ciri throws a chair leg at him, "She said yes so you better not disappoint us." she says licking her lips while looking at Fleur. "We've got classes soon, so we'll meet up here tomorrow in the morning... Bring your dress Fleur." she says, receiving a nod from the girl and a confused look from Reima.

Fleur leaves to attend her lessons but feels as if she won't be able to concentrate on them at all due to the recent developments, she was still unsure whether this was a good decision or a bad one.

Reima is left in the room with Ciri an slumps into a chair, feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted. His heart was pounding the entire time she was here but he luckily managed to keep his cool.

Ciri seeing his state cannot help but chuckle, "You've successfully conned two girls to the Ball with you and you're acting as if you just got divorced."

Reima clicks his fingers and telekinetically floats Snuffles to him before he begins to starts fluffing her for comfort. "Believe it or not Ciri but this is pretty draining for me, I've never had to deal with something like this before, and even when it got close to it I'd just ignored it and hoped it would sort itself out. Proactively dealing with it means being the cause of all the problems that result from it, I don't really want the pressure of that..."

Ciri "Coward?" she asks jokingly.

Reima "As you said earlier, I've just landed two beautiful girls to go to the Ball. I feel as if that disqualifies me as a coward, but if I have to be a coward to be with you then it doesn't sound so bad." he says without thinking, causing Ciri to blush slightly at his words.

He continues to brush Snuffles black fur and is about to suggest they either go to lesson or get some training in when he feels Ciri quickly approach him, he doesn't move to see what she's trying to do now but is surprised to feel her lips on his. She leans into him causing the chair to lean on it's back two legs before releasing him, "Youknow, you can be romantic when you want to be Rei. Just don't say the same to Fleur or she might actually fall for you."

Reima doesn't really know how to react to the sudden action but decides he won't be one of those brainless, dickless anime protagonists, he wraps his arm around her butt and pulls her back in for another kiss which is eventually interrupted by Snuffles who's slightly indignant about not being stroked by anyone. Reima feels as if Snuffles is the ultimate cock-blocker but can't find it in himself to be mad at her. "Room of requirement?" he asks, deciding he'd get his revenge in the form of training.

Ciri nods with Snuffles mimicking her, "Room of requirement."

Snuffles cockblock count : 2

Hopefully it doesn't feel forced but I'm open to critism so let me know your thoughts. Thanks and if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts