

Reima was sitting with his feet up on a comfortable set of furniture laid outside, people walk around him as they attempt to add more materials to the massive construction of the new Hogwarts...

Hermione walks over and stands above him, blocking the sunshine, "Reima, are you going to help at all? You've been watching everyone work for an hour now..."

Reima smirks, "I am helping." he says, telekinetically tossing a pebble at the half-built stone wall.

Hermione glowers at him, "You're so funny." she states, obviously not amused.

Reima sips his drink and points, "Do you not see my people building the castle for you chuckle-fucks? My agreement with Harry didn't state I had to help build the thing at all, maybe I should just let you Wizards do it." he says.

Hermione frowns, "I didn't mean it like that... Everyone is doing their part, seeing you doing nothing is annoying some people..."

Reima "Show me these people." he says shooing her.

Hermione "T-they are busy building the castle."

Reima shakes his head, "If you have the energy to complain to me, then you have the energy to move your ass and start building." he says, slouching further into his seat and taking a sip from his drink.

Hermione huffs and walks off, presumably moaning at someone else who isn't able to tell her to fuck off.


Reima sighs, "Yes-chan?"


He turns and sees Moka standing there with Nerissa...

Moka "Excuse me?" she asks, frowning.

Reima "Err, yes-san?" he asks, wondering why she was taking such offense to a harmless joke.

Moka shakes her head, "Forget it... I wanted to ask you if you could help me bring back my mother."

Reima eyes her, "Is there a reason you're not putting the Rosario back on?" he wonders aloud.

Moka nods, "I will keep it off until we bring my mother back..." she says, not explaining any further.

Reima nods, "Hmm, alright..." he agrees, Moka's lips upturning but quickly returning to normal. "There are a few things we need to sort out first however."

Moka crosses her arms, "And what would that be?"

Reima "Well, first we have no idea where Alucards body is. Second, I will need the Rosario-"

Moka "Why do you need it?" she interrupts him.

Reima "To transfer a soul into a body, I require the soul... Obviously." he says bluntly.

Moka "I see, but why do you need it now?"

Reima scratches the back of his head, "I have no idea how many times I've seen the "Heroes" lose the important artifact required for "victory"... If you keep hold of it you'll likely drop it into Alucard's mouth or something equally stupid." he says, knowing that the Plot-Gods will force something like that to happen.

Moka growls, "Are you inferring that I am incompetent?"

Reima shakes his head, "No, I'm just saying that it'd be safer with me, a literal god, than you, a vampire." he states, Moka not really being able to argue against his logic.

She sighs and hands the Rosario over, Reima taking it and immediately storing Akasha's soul before handing it back to her. "You can use this as bait if you find yourself in trouble." he shrugs.

Moka takes it and puts it back on, though, it no longer seals her powers like it used to... Without Akasha's soul it was likely just a useless ornament.

Reima "As I was saying... The third problem is that we have no idea how strong Alucard is, or if there are people triyng to push for his resurrection... I mean, it's likely right? There's always someone trying to do something like that."

Moka "Trying to destroy the world?"

Reima shrugs, "Yeah, he wants to wipe out humanity right? What do you think humans will do in response?"

Nerissa "Nukes." she states.

Reima nods, "I'm starting to hate nuclear bombs to be honest, they "Solve" every problem humans encounter... Zombie virus? Nuke it, Godzilla? Nuke it, Another country launching a nuke? Nuke it."

Moka shakes her head at him, "I don't understand what you're talking about... When will we be returning to fight revive my mother?"

Reima shrugs, "Err, get your friends ready, I'll start looking tomorrow while you guys wait here... I'm faster than you and won't be as likely to get caught." he says, Moka turning and leaving with a frown on her face.

Moka looks to Nerissa who's currently walking beside her, "Is he always like that? So blasé even about the most important or dangerous things?"

Nerissa nods, "Rei is strong, confident... Nothing can beat him." she states as if it were a fact.

Moka "I hope you're right, my mothers life depends on it."

Elsewhere :

Aboard a giant flying island with a huge city atop it, sat seven people around a circular table. They comprised of monsters of every sort who were currently in their human forms.

A tanned woman with silver hair stood and looked around at all of them appraisingly, "Are our projects progressing well?" she asks.

A large muscular man with long blonde hair grunts at her, "They are, I'd like to know why we were called to this meeting? I've got shit to do."

In a nearby chair a living set of armour slams his hand onto the table, "You will refer to Shuzen-sama with the respect she deserves Raika!"

The big man now known as Raika internally grimaces, still not showing weakness despite the overbearing presence given by his ally, "Hmm, my apologies... Shuzen-sama."

Gyokuro Shuzen slowly nods and waves her hand, signalling for them to continue.

Kanade Kamiya speaks up, "My area is secure, perhaps you could relocate me somewhere else? Preferably somewhere that didn't stink of fish?" he asks politely.

Gyokuro shakes her head, "You will remain, that area is vital to our plans." she states.

An intro for the fierce warriors that'll no doubt put up a good fight against Reima... Probably?

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts