
Elder Blood Witcher

Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

Niggross · Video Games
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906 Chs

In love with good company

Soon Reima starts hearing footsteps of many excited children, and many not so excited children... One of which are currently glaring through their cabin window. The black circles around his eyes would be mimicking a raccoon were his expression not extremely hateful. Yes, it's him, Harry Potter. Something Reima finds somewhat unnerving is the fact that's he's almost constantly shaking, he had thought it was a tick or something similar but no, it's as if he's cold and his bodies trying to warm himself up... Ah, that must be what had happened, the Cruciatus curse must've injured his nerve endings, resulting in unconscious shaking. After Harry continues the 1v3 staring contest between him, Ciri and funnily enough Snuffles for a couple seconds that felt like minutes, a girl with frizzy brown hair spots him, looks into the window, frowns and then drags him away. Hermione to the rescue again Reima muses to himself.

Reima "Youknow, he might just have a crush on you." he says to Ciri who had tried to get back to studying.

Ciri "Yes, because everyone is as sadistic as you are... I doubt he'll be forgiving me any time soon, I wouldn't if I were him."

Reima slouches into his seat, "Accidents happen... Besides, who knows what'll happen during the year. Maybe after crushing Voldydork's skull he'll be a little more forgiving." he says, not expecting a response.

A few minutes later someone knocks on their cabin door, Reima assumes it's Draco Malfoy since he seems to check every Cabin, every year as some sort of ritual. Maybe each Cabin door increases his blood purity by 1%? Either way, it's not him. Instead they see a girl with platinum blonde hair, pale skin and a small smile on her face looking into the cabin with glazed over hazy blue eyes.

Ciri seems to be ignoring her and expecting Reima to deal with everyone that comes by while she studies... "Come in" he calls out.

Luna Lovegood walk in with patchy clothing that looks weird yet warm, colours that look diametrically opposed are placed next to each other in an almost haphazard manner. The only good thing? Atleast she's wearing shoes.

"Is this cabin free?" she asks in a gentle voice that sounds reminiscent of wind chimes.

Reima nods, he didn't really think much of the strange girl but never found a reason to dislike her. Yeah she's a little barmy but losing your mother at a young age would do that to you, not to mention her almost definitely insane father... He holds his hand out for her to shake his but she simply smiles and shakes her head.

Luna "Daddy said not to touch hot things." she turns towards Ciri and Snuffles and holds her left hand out. "I'm Luna Lovegood." she says sweetly

Realising someone is greeting her Ciri hurriedly puts out her right hand to shake hers, only then realising her mistake. "Ah, sorry, haven't met many left-handed people."

Luna nods sagely, "It's okay miss, I'm not left handed either."


Ciri almost glares a hole through Luna's outstretched left hand but gives up on trying to comprehend the girls actions before shaking her hand.

Luna then holds her hand out to Snuffles, "A pleasure to meet you all. Although you seem a little young for Hogwarts? A scholarship perhaps?" She says to the rabbit.

Snuffles looks at Reima and Ciri confused for a moment before giving Luna a front foot to shake. The young girl beams at this and jumps into the chair next to Reima, giving him some distance of course as she wouldn't want to get "burned"...

Reima glances at the girl and realises neither had actually introduced themselves to her. "I'm Reima, this is Ciri and the furry one is called Snuffles." he says while shifting his headphones to be able to listen to the girl better.

Luna "Snuffles? It suits you. Daddy said that if he had his way I'd be called Llunawellyn... I'm glad Mumny picked."

This draws a small chuckle from him, "I think Luna suits you well."

Happiness seems to radiate from the young girl, "Really? The nargles don't seem to think so, everything with my name on it goes missing."

Ciri looks up from her book, "Nargles?"

Luna "Small creatures that buzz around and give you negative thoughts... I suspect they flock to me because I'm immune to their tricks." she says in her strangely calming voice.

Ciri slowly nods as if she's placating a child... Well, she is but... "Well, you tell me if any.. Nargles bother you. I'll scare them away personally."

Luna "hmmmm" her hum trails off, "That would be really nice of you."

Ciri shrugs, "Isn't that what friends are for?"

Luna "Friends?"

Ciri "Well, yeah? We've become friends right?"

Luna smiles, "Mmm, friends."

Reima just sits back and watch Ciri work her "Talk-no-Jutsu", he's still wondering when she learned Naruto's trademark technique...

As Ciri's talking with Luna the train suddenly shifts and pulls out of the platform, starting to head to Hogwarts. Reima lets Luna borrow his headphones and listen to his music for a while which mystifies the curious witch, she babbles on about how Muggles have weaponized Wrackspurts to create bombs of unparalleled destruction... How she's able to perfectly describe an atomic bomb explosion goes over Reima's head completely...

Luna is best character, no one can change my mind... Ok, maybe Dobby but no one else... Then again, that Basilisk is pretty cool...

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

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