
Elder Blood Witcher

Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

Niggross · Video Games
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906 Chs


"So I know who to charge the damages to."

This causes Ciri to snort and Reima to facepalm, "Look I'll cover it if something big happens..." he says, not knowing if the old man is joking or not.

He nods and hands Ciri the wand, as soon as it touches her fingertips a bookshelf behind her flips a metre into the air before shattering into a million wood shards on the floor...


Ciri just looks over her shoulder with her mouth agape... "I, am, so sorry!" she says quickly as Ollivander snatches the wand out of her hand. "Don't worry, small things like this can be fixed" he says as he waves the wand over and mutters an incantation causing the bookshelf to piece itself back together like a puzzle before finally resting against it's original position against the wall.

Reima looks at the scene slightly jealous, the only magic he's actually capable of is incredibly destructive, his aura itself would melt this shop and probably the whole street if it were unrestrained.

Ciri looks at Ollivander and manages to stifle her excited smile at his skill, "Shall we try the next one?" she says ignoring the elderly mans grimace. "Indeed..." he says as he hands her a lighter coloured wand, again something explodes not surprising anyone this time.

They keep going through the wands on the counter, everyone causing something unfortunate to happen, thankfully it seems Ollivander isn't an average wizard and easily fixes any damage caused. After an hour they try the last wand and it turns out to be another failure, Ciri's smile had been gradually disappearing with every failure, now that all the wands have been tried a prominent frown sits on her lips.

Ciri "Does this mean I can't use wands?" she asks hesitantly.

Ollivander nods gravely, "It appears so... Perhaps if we try your friend we might discover something?" he says as Reima approaches the counter, as he gets closer however all the wands on the counter seem to vibrate in his presence. "Stop! Stop!" Ollivander exclaims as he scrambles in-front of Reima.

Reima "Is something wrong?"

Ollivander nods and points at the vibrating wands, "If you step any closer I fear they'll explode!"

He nods slowly and backs away, causing the old man to sigh in relief, "You two are the most tricky customers I've ever had!"

Ciri looks at Reima, "Looks like we can't go to Hogwarts after all..."

Reima shakes his head, "I didn't want to draw attention but it looks like I'll have to..." he says retrieves the Demon Catalyst from his Folded Space, it's around 5.5ft and looks like an ashen white branch which folds around a black obsidian like stone at the top. He rests it on the floor and Ollivander walks forwards to get a better look at it. He looks at Reima and asks, "Do you mind?" Reima shakes his head and hands it to the old man who almost religiously looks at it as he appraises it.

Ciri walks up to his side and look at him, "Will that work?"

Reima shrugs, "They specify wands in the Hogwarts letter but maybe staves are similar enough?"

Ciri "It looks old, where'd you acquire it?"

Reima slyly grins, "Would you belief me if I said I killed a huge demon for it?"

She crosses her arms and huffs, "If you don't wish to tell me then just refuse."

After Ollivander observes the staff and casts some spells on it to identify it for a couple minutes his head jolts up as he looks at Reima, "Young man, where did you acquire this!"

Reima "I don't remember" he says bluntly.

Ollivander "This... It appears to be around twelve thousand years old, not even the legends of the elder wand extend that far back!"

Reima "Shall we carry on? Lets see if Ciri can use this."

Ciri steps forward and he gently handed the staff from Ollivander, he firmly grasps it's ashen handle and waves it around... Nothing happens...

Ollivander rubs his chin, "Perhaps we should try a spell? Do you know any?" he asks but Ciri shakes her head. He pulls his wand out and chants "wingardium leviosa" at a nearby parchment causing it to float up, he causes it to almost dance in the air before letting it flutter back down onto the counter. "Try that... I'm not entirely sure if the wand movement will work with a staff so for now just concentrate on the parchment and say "wingardium leviosa", ok?"

Ciri nods and a look of concentration overtakes her features, "wingardium leviosa" she states confidently and the parchment rockets into the air before dropping to the floor like a rock. Ollivander claps and congratulates her as she stands dazed at what she had just done.

Once she realises she'd just cast a spell she jumps into the air, "It did it!", "Reima did you see that!".

He nods, "I did, good job."

Ollivander "I believe we've found a suitable tool for you..." he looks at Reima, "You wouldn't happen to have another similar artifact would you?"

Reima nods, "I do..." he says as he concentrates on his shadow.

Ollivander looks at him shocked, "Stop!" he almost sprints forward and pinches the air a couple inches away from his chest... Reima looks at him confused, "Err, is something wrong?" The old man doesn't say anything and traces his clenched fingertips towards Reima's shadow surprising him greatly. "Mr Ollivander do you need something?"

Ollivander finally looks at him, "You've already bonded with a wand? Why on earth would you try to obtain another?" he asks with a look of agitation on his face.

So yeah, IMO wands definitely wouldn't work for either of the duo, they both are so magically powerful that I do not believe a wand wouldn't explode in their hands... Just look at what happened when Harry got his wand, in fact with Reima's power and magical control I reckon most Catalysts from Dark Souls would explode as well. Of course they could just go wandless but I think that would draw more attention towards them.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts