
A Young Vampiress

Nerissa is a young vampire, born to the noble house of Dracula. Her family was the descendants of the late Vlad the Impaler who was eventually killed by the traitorous Belmont family, the other Vampire families had abandoned Vlad due to his sheer power and treatment of the humans living in his lands. He'd gorge himself of their blood and was quickly whittling down their population, the vampire family Belmont had sent their strongest to assassinate Vlad and had succeeded, forcing the rest of the Dracula clan to flee. Nerissa had heard that all other branches of their family had been eradicated and that they were the only surviving members of the original blood line, this meant that she was not allowed even outside of the manor deep inside of the forest.

The only real thing to do around here was read in the vast library inside of their manor... This is the place where she'd found the history of her clan and of those who'd forced them into this situation, it was quite strange reading about the Belmont family allying with humans to hunt their own kind... Maybe there is something else driving them?

The only good thing about living here is that she was always close with nature, despite her kinds nature she enjoyed spending time among animals... It was strange as usually animals would flee from vampires but for her they seem to be drawn closer, as if they appreciated her company or something similar?

Nerissa ended up disregarding her parents rules due to the sheer boredom she felt, whats the point of living if they have to keep hiding she thought to herself. She transformed into her favourite form, a small black rabbit and hopped through the forest until a Turquoise flash caught her attention. Looking over she saw a young man and woman beginning to attack each other with their swords, the man's blade looks unnatural and fluctuated as if it's there and not at the same time. The woman's resembled a regular steel sword like the ones adorning the armour in her manor.

She watched them train for a couple hours, the male obviously being more skilful than the woman but she was visibly improving after each confrontation. They'd also trained numerous magical spells that'd likely set the foliage around them on fire were they not blasting them with water beforehand. She'd started to mentally complain about them destroying her forest but obviously they weren't telepathic.

She'd thought they were about to leave when she was stomped on by that vile female! She was prepared to run away as fast as she could until the male picked her up and starting stroking her... The only thing she could call this feeling is "Simply Glorious", she'd never had someone stroke her animal form before. She felt extremely comfortable being hugged against his chest. Her message was interrupted when the woman started apologising to her and trying to stroke her, ah it feels good! But her pride wouldn't allow this woman to continue, she left her comfortable seat and transformed in-front of them. The male immediately shouted something about "Chris Hansen" that she couldn't understand and the woman looked ready to cut her down, from witnessing their previous fight she was sure she'd be able to dodge the females strikes but she was unsure about the males.

She introduces herself and sarcastically comments on the pet name the male had given her bunny form, he seems embarrassed at his mistake and corrects himself.

She waits for them to introduce themselves but neither does, the most she can gather is that the female is called "Ciri", a bad name in her opinion... They should have called her "Brute" or "Imbecile" instead. Nerissa keeps alert as being cut down here would hurt not only her parents but their family as a whole, as she was the heir to the Dracula clan. Vampires themselves are not actually able to use magic, however their abilities more than make up for this. Super speed, super strength, super reflexes along with the separate clans unique abilities. Some were able to control blood, some could control shadows and some could transform into animals, she wasn't actually sure what the Dracula Clan's unique ability was due to her family not telling her. She assumed it was her ability to transform into animals but that wouldn't explain why the other families hadn't destroyed their clan before... She elongated her fangs and nails in preparation for combat but the male seems to be calming the female down.

In the end she accidentally invited them to her forest again, she hadn't meant to actually say this but she wanted to meet the male again for some reason? Her mother eventually caught her and scolded her until sunrise, it seems she had greatly worried her parents... She felt remorseful but she fully intended to see that man again, hopefully they would visit in the future?

She idly looks out of the windows of her manor and watched some weird bats fly past her manor before quickly disappearing deeper into the forest, strange, she'd never seen that species inside the forest before... Perhaps they were immigrating from somewhere else? She felt that was probably the right answer but something about their red eyes unnerved her, she brushes a wayward strand of hair from her face... Her parents would deal with whatever would happen, these thoughts put her at ease... She'd never know she could have avoided travesty simply by speaking with her parents.

So yeah, I wonder what'll happen in future, wellllllllllllllllllllllll you'll have to wait to find out!!!!!!!!!!!

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Niggrosscreators' thoughts