
Elden Ring System In Marvel

Souls Bourne fan reborn in a Marvel with a Darksouls/Elden Ring System at his command.

Fire_Is_Hot · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chp 5, Peace and quiet / Caves

Hey Ban everything ok with the principal. Day 1

Ban why aren't you at school what's going on? Day 2

It's been three days where the hell are you. Day 3

Youre not leaving the school over some stupid fight are you? Day 5

Fine dont answer me bastard its not like I care if you come back anyway. Day 7

Holy hell she's checked off every stage of grief in just a few days, quite impressive I thought slightly laughing.

Not wanting to piss her off too much since I did enjoy her company I hit her back.

Sorry Liz I was on a trip getting my mind off things and I didnt bring my phone with me. I'll see you at school tomorrow. I don't mean to worry you.

Completely exhausted from caelids harsh environment, I decided to settle down for the night as it was getting late.

Ding Ding

The alarm went off and it was finally morning. I never had realized how nice waking up in a bed and driving to school could be. I swear I could still feel the chafing from the saddle and the toxic smell and taste of caelid's scarlet rot swamps.

Everything there reeked of dead bodies and rot so even New York's air was amazing in comparison.

1st period.

Dude it's been a week and nobody has seen the guy must be leaving the school or something.

Cant blame him really flash is somehow stupid enough to break his own hand hitting him and somehow hes still the bad guy Id be pissed to.

Nah i'm not sure if he's leaving Liz said something about him coming back so i'm not sure.

Waiting outside the door I was listening in and enjoying the gossip that arose from my stunt but I was honestly starting to think it was a little childish.


I was slapped on the back of the head playfully by peter.

Where you been man, everyones was talking and we weren't sure if you were coming back or not.

Nothing much Pete, Flash's dad was just a bit of an ass and it gave me an excuse to take some time off so I took it.

Gotcha I guess that makes sense but we get to our seets class is about to start.

And just like that we made our way to our seats and suffered our way through school until lunch.

Since sitting with Harry and flash was out of the question I made my way over to Pete and Ned and talked for most of lunch and Finished off the rest of the day peacefully.

It seems since Flash embarrassed himself so bad most people were avoiding me not wanting to provoke Harry and the newly crippled Flash.

Not sure why they were scared of the clowns but since it allowed me peace and quiet I wasn't complaining.

Just like the day finished and I returned home.

Alright Ive got a week until the Osborne exhibit where Peter will get his powers and I need to work out a schedule so that I can level up effectively with school going on.

Luckily resting at a grace restores pretty much all fatigue so as long as I rested for a few minutes sleep was irrelevant.

However that didnt mean I was going to cut out sleeping altogether.

Sleeping is really peaceful and helps with mental fatigue so I decided Id Go to school, get off at three and have free time till seven to keep myself sane and spend all but the last two hours of the night grinding.

During the last two hours I'd get some sleep and just like that I had a schedule ironed out.

Once Peter got his powers and started his hero arc I'd join in as well but no reason to become NY's first superhero for no reason.

So just like that a week went by and the Osborne exhibit would be tomorrow. Nothing much happened at school except for me Peter and Ned getting closer but I liked the peace of it in comparison to my nights.

Free time I just ate nice meals and enjoyed the city as I was still quite unfamiliar with it but when night time hit it was back to the grind.

I decided to explore a cave or two and let me tell you something, it was so much easier in the game.

It was pitch dark and my hip lantern only did so much I died a fair bit but eventually I cleared Sellia Crystal Tunnel, Abandoned Cave and the Caelid Waypoint Ruins.

I stacked up 10-15 deaths in the process and I would like to tell you the sense of satisfaction was worth it but that would be a fucking lie. The only reason I wasn't pissed was I got the Somber smithing stone bell bearing from the Sellia Tunnels boss.

From that boss fight I had the displeasure of getting impaled by rocks that seemed to have lightning imbued into them and that was one the most painful ways to die I had encountered so far.

No matter though it was finally time to face the second main story boss Godrick the Grafted.

Teleporting to the secluded tunnel I Left the area that had the boss door and backtracked to the hidden area to meet Nepheli.

Well, who do we have here?

Tarnished, are you? Clearly not one of Godrick's lot.

I am Nepehli Loux.. Tarnished and warrior, like you.

I'm here by decree of my father.

How utterly repellent this is...

This "grafting" of Godrick's ill befits a Lord.

He's tainted the very winds."

"If you intend to challenge Godrick,

I ask you call upon me.

The winds run could with his deeds.

I'm certain father would permit me aid the fight.

Getting Her dialogue out of the way I went back to the secluded cell and summoned her to fight alongside me.

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