

A fierce high school girl that you don't want to mess with who pretended to be a nerd in school but her daily life she is a queen and a role model to the world. why should I listen to you, you are just a stupid bitch with a plastic face who is just a wanna be you think anyone likes you, well surprise honey nobody does not even your fake ass boyfriend The whole school"laughs". "meddie":you think you can embarrass me and go scout free then you are wrong "gritting her teeth as she was in thought . ugh she turn's and leave el_nora: yeah you better do plastic face "you think you can mess with me then you are a in for a surprise" smirking hah this was fun hey honey how was school today? hey dad it was great dad "it was just great " smiles

Tyna_ficool · Teen
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6 Chs


Am fine dad meddie said answering my dad but she look upset because of what happened in school today but her emotions quickly ajusted as her mom gave her a warning glance so with that glance she quickly made herself a white and pure lotus to my dad before leaving she gave her mom a helpful look before going to her room to stay

El_nora just went back to her own room after watching the mother and daughter show laughing to herself, after I entered my room I just  put my headset on to listen to music

"Ring" I heard my phone ringing it was my agent manager calling , beep hello nora are you hearing me Samira asked,yes am hearing you is there any problem no there isn't Samira answered but you have a modeling gig tomorrow it's a  ship theme so start preparing for it we are leaving tomorrow by 11pm I have already booked your flight we are going to Tahiti for a ship theme photoshoot so prepare yourself, yes ma'am nora answered her before hanging up the call well there goes my free time but it's worth it I can just use it as an opportunity for a sweet vacation time to relax but deep in nora mind she know she won't relax her guard in tahiti because if meddie and her mother know she is going for this work they will look for a way to hurt her well they can do whatever they want to do and I will show them am not to be messed with while giving off and evil smile

Nora went downstairs to meet her dad to tell him the news of her next gig "dad while running down stairs I have something to tell you i have good news, and I saw him with the cheap mother and two face daughter not minding them I went straight to hold dad hand,dad i have a gig tomorrow and it's a ship theme gig in tahiti I told him while giggling and I know my dad won't stop me cos he always supported me in every decision I make even in modeling why won't he  when he is the owner of Dylan car,home and different other companies you could think of making him one of the richest men in the world and by the way dylan is my dad's name while my mom's name is Arya and the cheap woman name is Davina now you know the reason why she and her daughter came to our house Dylan looked at his daughter with love and admiration in his eyes baby congrats if you need any help make sure to tell dad

Alright I answered dad and i turned to see the mother and daughter pair giving their selves eye signs I knew they will plan something actually me and meddie didn't always use to have a relationship like this I used to like her and her mother before until they exposed themselves to me I just looked at them and smiled at my dad before going to my room to prepare my things for tomorrow not before calling my bestie to tell her the news but she didn't take it lightly she was mad that she won't be able to come with me but I was able to calm her down by promising her that my next gig she can come with and am glad it cooled her down or i won't hear the end of it just like last time. after that i packed my clothes just for the days am spending, shoe's ,skin care products,make up bags, toothbrush,floss, travel size toothpaste, wipes, deodorant,q_tips and other necessary things i need for my higenie and stay by the time i was true it was already 8pm after seeing the time I took a bathe did my night skin routine and head to bed early for the shoot offing the room lights to sleep better