
Chapter 3 The stone

Guerrero Antiguo

Theme: The Rolling Stones

The cave was dimly lit with a solitary candle, which surprisingly illuminated the whole place.

The aura within is so powerful and poisonous that it could choke ordinary humans, lower category species of demons, or any fetishes.

Five thrones could be seen in a circular structure with different colors. The first one is made up of diamonds and embellished with a skull and animal fur. The second is made of gold, the third is made of silver, and the remaining two are made of bronze.

Four different beings were immersed in four different thrones, and the look on their faces revealed a different aura from each.Someone could easily distinguish that they are waiting impatiently for the fifth being. Unannounced, a portal opens revealing Asteria, who advances towards the empty throne with her head bowed in respect to the other being who seems to be her superior.

"Nemesis, I hope you accomplish your mission by killing that bitch." A man in his early 40s inquired. "You know, we don't have enough time left. We needed her blood urgently so we could wake up Beelzebub."

"No, Lord Penius, the second stone," Asteria said hastily."I was about to kill her when the unexpected happened." Before the blink of an eye, the alpha vampire, also known as the 4th stone, is already in front of Asteria with her vampire speed. With fury and irritation, he grabbed Nemesis and strangled her on the throat while lifting her off the ground with a single hand as if she weighed nothing. The third stone, Deimos, uttered with resentment in his voice, "If not because of your previous achievement, I would have beheaded you and fed your body to the demon dog." "To kill your sister's daughter is now a big duty for you, or you have presumably merged force with her."

"I am sorry, my lord," Nemesis pleaded. Her eyes were seen turning white and a ball of sweat was already forming on her head. "I am still wondering how she survived the final move, which no one has ever escaped. Secondly, she even butchers all the wolves from Alpha Thane's pack in a few seconds. It seems she is now stronger than we thought. " Nemesis managed to defend herself amidst the pain she was feeling on her neck due to the alpha vampire's hard grip. Her lungs had started to lack air, and she was sure that she couldn't survive another minute if the vampire didn't leave her.

"Release her," A deep calm voice booms throughout the entire cave. Kyle released her grip on Nemesis and whooshed back to his seat. She laid down on the ground for several minutes, coughing hard and trying to take in more air. "Thank you, My lord, Thanatos," Nemesis uttered even though she was still struggling to catch her breath. "I swear on your life, I tried to kill that bitch, but her brother appeared after she survived the poison I inflicted on her.

"I don't expect you to capture her so easily. I think you might not make it back alive," Thanatos elucidated with the same calm but dangerous tone, which showed no excitement while his face held the same. A loud gasp escaped from her mouth, startling not only her but the rest of the stones. So he knew all this and still sent her on the suicide mission. So if she hadn't attacked Franni from behind with the poisonous plasma ball which weakened her cells and stopped the use of her power, there is a high possibility that she might not make it out alive. Different thoughts filled her mind, but she couldn't bring herself to ask. Was this some sort of trap or was Thanatos done using her? Or was this another test to see whether she was still loyal or if there was someone more powerful than her that was about to claim the throne? But that is impossible because she makes sure to make the first move on anybody who might be a threat to her. Stop bothering yourself, Asteria. No one is claiming your position, and I am not done with you because you still have many tasks ahead of you to fulfill for me. " Thanatos's voice caught her thoughts. She has forgotten that he is the god of death himself, who is well feared even among the Olympians. Ares himself dared not attack the god of death, someone or something that couldn't be killed, ruler of the underworld and armies of the undead.

"But it is still a good thing that she hasn't unlocked her true side. If not, there is a high possibility that we would have to use another plan and that could jeopardize everything." His deep voice booms out again.

"But my lord, how is that possible?" Nemesis couldn't help but inquire. So, she can satisfy her curiosity. And she was sure the other stones had similar thoughts going on in their minds, with a hell of a lot of questions to inquire about. But they dare not interrupt Thanatos's speech unless they are ready to pay dearly with their life.

He finally dropped the bombshells. "She is hosting Sarah's soul and she has access to all her power." He finally dropped the bombshells. The other stones open their mouths wide in agapoe. And not only that, there is something more in their eyes. Shock and Fear

They were all surprised to hear the news while their bodies trembled in fear. Nemesis fell on her knees as she couldn't withstand the news anymore. A cold chill surged through her spine at the same time. Now they know they were all condemned, especially her. Thanatos's voice caught through the thick tension in the cave. "That's why we have to stop her, or else it is game over for us." Thanatos's voice caught through the thick tension in the cave. "It's time I pay Virgo a visit," he concluded, and vanished without a trace while the candle illuminating the room went off.

To be determined

Written and composed

Author's adoration.

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