
Beelzebub is awaken

Franni cessations in her grooves, unable to believe the spectacle in front of her. Seer Argon and Connor stood in front of her, fighting viciously with some skeletons.

She could see all their attempts to stop Virgo, but the skeleton wasn't giving them any slight opportunity. She could also see that the skeletons were thrice stronger than those in the entrance, and the more they killed, the more they kept emerging from the underground. Her eyes locked with those of Virgo, and she could see a look of shock in his eyes. Slowly, it started to turn into an evil smile.

"I never expect you anytime soon," Virgo bellowed in a thick but hazardous voice, which made everyone stop squabbling, not excluding the skeleton.

"I have already completed the ritual; it just remains the amulet to be placed on his neck." He raised the amulet so everyone could see it.

"Why are you doing this?" Junk growls loudly. "You know, we could settle this congeniality without fighting each other."

"Keep your quotations for future use," Virgo shunned her. He raised the amulet and was about to place it on Beelzebub's neck, who was sleeping in the coffin with four strange lines running across his whole body, and Franni could guess that it was the celestial chain.

Before his hand could reach the coffins, a strong force blasted him some steps away from the location. He looks up in shock, glancing around for who struck him. Rey's voice was heard loud and clearly,

"Sorpresa para ver amigo," Rey's voice was heard clearly and convincingly. Even though they couldn't see him nor where he was speaking from, they knew very well that he was the one.

"Reveal yourself, you cowards." Virgo spat angrily.

Oh, sorry, our crazy scoundrel. That is the work of some gem. " Rey disparaged him again. "

You know, after I was apprehended by the gravel walker, I acquired some of their possessions, which they were using on me. The soul gem, invisible gem, and space gem."

He let out loud laughter again, and it echoed around the whole place before it started to dwindle. "I wanted to tell you a secret, Mr. Virgo. But I am anxious. All your households will have to excuse us. I mean, those malodorous skeletons. I know you wouldn't want to transmit them out, but don't worry. The soul gem will do me that favour, just like the way it restricted my friends from helping me when I was imprisoned by the sand walker. "

A sudden yellow light illuminated the whole room, followed by the loud shrieking of the skeleton. A few minutes later, everything became calm again, all the openings in the ground fastened on their own, and the light diminished. But Rey was still nowhere to be found.

"How did you defeat the sand walker, talkless of acquiring such a tremendously powerful gem?" Virgo asked. Even though enthusiasm was still visible in his eyes, one could see that he was only managing to suppress them.

"The sand walkers were undefeatable, so how did you scale through them?"

Rey elucidated, "Not a bad idea if I let you know before I finally show you hell. They made a mistake by guessing slowly about me, but I showed them never to underestimate an Alpha. You are making a mistake, Mr. Virgo. Britomartis didn't kill them, she only made them blind for betraying her.

So, they managed to steal the soul gem and used it to aid their sight. "

A portal appears, and Rey emerges from it in all his magnificent glory. Behind him stood Jack and Alpha Thane.

The entire room gasped in shock, except for Seer Argon, Coven, and Conor. Rey raised the sword, and everyone gasped in shock, except for Seer Argon, Coven, and Conor.

"All thanks to my friends here," he pointed to Jack. He gave me the space gem, saying I deserved it after I defeated the sand walker.

"Enough of the chit-chat," Virgo growled. "

Let me see how you will defeat a mighty being like me. Virgo raised the amulet, wore it around his neck, and his eyes flickered purple.

"Come on, friends, show me what you got." He demonstrates for Rey to come closer.

Without disinclination, Rey charges to meet him, followed by Jack, Dan, and Alpha Thane. Franni, who has now transformed into her human body, wanted to follow them, but Seer Argon held her back. The same goes for Ariel, Coven, and Connor.

"We have to safeguard the body, just in case things go wrong." He yelled at them. Franni nodded her head and moved towards the casket.

But she stopped in her tracks as she saw the demon dog protecting the caskets.

"Claws out junk," she growled, charging at the dog. She could see Ariel and the rest coming behind her, ready to stop the return of Beelzebub by all means.

Rey, Dan, Jack, and Alpha Thane attack Virgo with inhuman speed and stability. Rey was wielding the undead sword and controlling it as much as he would direct any part of his body.

Virgo blasted him with some plasma prom, but the sword was already in front of him, absorbing the prom. Alpha Thane controls rock from the underground, slamming it into Virgo from behind, and the latter screams in distress. Dan was about to kick him, but Virgo was quick to counter. He grabbed Dan and flung him across the room while the latter landed amidst the demon dog.

Virgo charges at Jack with a kick, but Virgo evades it and returns it with a punch to Jack's face. The latter also dodged the punch, grabbed Virgo by the neck, and threw him toward the other side of the compartment. Rey grabbed him mid-air and a green glowing light engulfed both of them. Within the twinkle of an eye, they both vanished from the room, which left Jack and Alpha Thane in astonishment.

The green glowing light materialises, followed by Rey and Virgo.

"I never knew you had gotten so powerful to this magnitude," Virgo uttered in disbelief. He scrutinised the environment with his eyes, and he could see that they were in a snowy area surrounded by tall mountains.

He heard loud battle yells from afar, and he could guess that they were somewhere not too far from the packhouse.

"You shouldn't have teleported me here," he grumbled frankly. His hand morphed into a long, shining sword, which seemed to be made from silver.

"And you just give me the chance to kill you peacefully without disruption."

"Only the sluggish ass speaks too much," Rey bellowed. He fastened his grip on the sword and took a few steps closer to Virgo. My father, Alpha Henry, used to say,

"When a man is scared of you, he will bring up some unnecessary discussion just to preoccupy you. When they see that you have lost focus, they will give you a fatal first attack that you won't be able to survive.

"I love your so-called father. But let me tell you something. You are a cursed child of the gods; that is why you were abandoned. " Virgo elucidated and smirked devilishly as he saw the look of happiness on Rey's face have diminished.

Without waiting, he charged at Rey.

The latter scrambles to meet him and their swords clash with each other. Rey blocked a blow aimed at his neck, then quickly bent low to avoid another collision as the man brought his sword back to strike again.

Rey didn't wait for him to make another move; instead, he attacked back and whacked him from different intersections. Virgo was also fast, as he continued blocking and parrying his blows. He gave ground to lunge to avoid another strike aimed at his throat.

But, Rey didn't let him gain his strength before he booted the man in the chest with his leg. He watched as Virgo stumbled down and hit his head on a rock. The latter groans in pain and stands up, dusting his clothes.

"I love your swiftness," Virgo mumbled while breathing hard. The snow fell on the duo, making the whole mountain region more beautiful as they kept staring daggers at one another. But, they can't be compared with mine. No matter how much training you have gone through, I am still the best here because I have more battle experience than you. "

"Stop barking and fight like a man," Rey yells at him. He watched as Virgo let out a smile that was consecrated to be evil. The man closed his eyes and took a deep breath, at which point the amulet began to gleam around his neck. He could see the man whimpering some foreign words silently.

The next thing that follows is a great tornado. It surfaced out of nowhere and started swivelling around the whole mountain region. Inside the tornado were several pairs of eyes that were glowing black. Instantly, Rey knew what the man was doing.

He is calling upon the mountain beast to support him. even though he hadn't fought one before. But he had heard a different story about the beast from his father. Little by little, the tornado started vanishing, leaving behind thousands of creatures with pitch-black eyes that stared at their spirits.

Rey brandishes the undead sword tightly again. He wouldn't give up, and he would never shy away from the battle. He knew the fate of the pack, and everyone now rested on his shoulder, and he would not hinder their trust in him. He closed his eyes, went deep down to feel the power that the undead sword granted him, just like how he had used it against the sand walker.

Then, he found the power was there, waiting to be discharged. He imagines all the mountain's creatures as the sword marks he always used on the training field, then he allows his instinct and the undead sword to do the rest. Finally, he charged to meet them.

Playing a soft theme

Lai ee ay, lai ee ay, lai ee ay, lai ee ay, lai ee ay, lai ee ay, lai ee ay, lai ee ay, lai ee ay, lai ee ay

Lai ee ay ay

Where's my samurai?

I've been searching for a man.


Just to find

Where to find my samurai

When Rey opened his eyes, he saw the dead bodies of the mountain beasts all scattered throughout the snowy ground, their blood painting the ubiquitous red on the snow. He discarded his sword from the last one and decapitated his head.

A whoosh sound caught his awareness, and before he could guess what was going on, he felt his back slammed against one of the mountains. He winced in pain and felt his backbone crack due to the force with which he had smashed his back.

The mountains started cracking because of the impact his back made against them. Just when he was thinking of running to safety, he felt Virgo drawing him closer with telekinesis. He tapped into the soul gem power and used it to discharge his body of telekinesis.

He quickly dodged on instinct, then a large rock landed on his previous spot. Rey knew he had to do something, but he could still feel his back aching badly. It was like his spinal cord had been removed. He heard another whoosh sound behind him, and he knew Virgo was coming closer. Just when he was about to use the invisible gem power, he felt his hand gripping him and hurling him to another nearby mountain.

Rey clamours in discomfort, and his voice echoes throughout the whole region. He felt his back aching badly and blood dripping from his mouth. Before he could regain consciousness, a force banged his head harder against the rock, and blood split out of his mouth instantly. Rey felt his body going weak and his eyes started to close on their own. He couldn't withstand the pain anymore, and his head was also banging loudly. It was as if a sledgehammer was used to hit him on the head.

"What are you waiting for?" He heard his father's harsh voice rebuking him.

His mind twinkled back to that day. It was when he went for a deer hunt and he missed his victim. Alpha Henry strongly warned him that if he didn't return with the deer, then the rest of his week would be spent in the angel's room.

Fear crept into his heart as he heard the angel room.

Without hesitation, he chased after the deer, using his wolf's speed. He was a few metres away from grabbing the deer's horn when a tangle caught him on the leg. His painful scream echoed around the whole forest. Before the blink of an eye, his father materialised behind him.

He had expected the man to feel compassion for him. Instead, the man reprimanded him and called him a fragile and sluggish fellow.

He even thought the man hated him, not knowing that he was training him for a day like this. He was preparing himself for the battle ahead. He could remember how Alpha Henry had carried him from the forest back to the packhouse, where he was treated by the healer.

"Will you stand on your feet now, soldier?" He heard the man's words again. He could remember that they were the same words he spoke 3 days after the trap had caught him and his leg hadn't fully healed.

"The deer is still out there, feeling happy because he gauged through extinction and he overthrew you. But here you are, sleeping inside a hut when you should be looking for a way to get back to it. "

Rey knew instantly that this is what the man was referring to.

He was trying to get him up, telling him not to give up, and warning him that his enemy Virgo was still in front of him, trying to massacre the whole pack and resuscitate Beelzebub. "Now, on your feet, soldier."

He heard the man scream at him. Rey opens his eyes instantly and rolls out of the way as Virgo brings down his sword to cut off his head. His eyes turned red and blue while all three gems were glowing brightly on his chest. He summons the undead sword with his mind, and the sword emerges in his hand.

"You are still a teenager to me, abandon." Virgo was mocked.

"Let's see." Rey bellowed and attacked him vigorously. He cut from all angles without giving the man time to hurdle or step aside. Rey started vanishing and appearing again using the invisible and space gem powers. He pressed closer towards Virgo, drawing blood from different parts of his body.

The man managed to raise his sword and strike Rey, but he had already moved out of the way. He vanished and appeared behind Virgo. Before the man could turn, Rey thrust the undead sword into his chest, and he could feel the sword piercing deep into his heart, coming out from the other side.

"You are a fool," Rey heard Virgo laughing amidst the pain. "I am immortal and can't be killed." Rey tried draining the man's life force using the soul gem, but it was impossible. If his power couldn't do it alone, he knew instantly that he needed more hands to do it, and he had to remove the amulet from his neck. Virgo spoke as if he knew what Rey was about to do. He quickly removed the amulet and threw it in the direction of the packhouse.

"Seek your master and wake him," he bellowed dangerously, and Rey watched as the amulet sailed to the packhouse. Without being told, he knew that Beelzebub's spirit was the one pulling the amulet towards him.

"Now let's see who laughs last." Virgo's voice cut through his mind. He knew he had to do something. He couldn't risk leaving Virgo here, and there was no way he could stop the amulet from reaching Beelzebub.

"Over here," a loud voice booms behind him. Rey turned back and, lo and behold, there was Franni, with a black bag in her hand. Rey knew instantly that it was Medusa Gorgon's head. He jumps high and snatches the bag in mid-air. Do not waste another second. Close his eyes, open the bag, and turn Medusa's head to face Virgo. He could hear a loud screeching from Medusa's Gorgon head, which made him wonder how the woman was still able to make a sound, even though she was no longer alive. Another sound broke into his thoughts, and he could see Virgo turning into a sculpture while the snow covered his entire body. He dropped Medusa's head and concealed it in the snow.

Franni caresses his brother from behind, and the duo laugh heartily. Slowly, the joyful expression on Rey's face turned to one of sadness. He shakes his head as the memory of the confession his father told him to make comes back to his head.

The rumbling of the ground disrupts everything, followed by the loud roaring of a dangerous being. Rey knew instantly that it was Beelzebub.

"He is awake," he explained to Franni, and she opened her mouth wide in shock.

Franni wanted to ask her how it happened, but her tongue was too fastened to ask.

"Hey, over here." A voice bellowed to them. The duo raised their heads, and there in front of them stood Seer Argon and the rest of the pack, including their friends.

"Nice to meet you again, human." Beelzebub's voice bellowed loudly, which made everybody stop in his or her tracks. It was like a magnetic force glued their legs to the ground. Don't worry, I won't slaughter you now. But, we shall meet soon, sooner than you expected. "

Beelzebub finished, flapping his wings dangerously, then fled away.

Everybody regained their posture and started hugging one another in tears. "Now, what next?" Rey asked, raising his voice loudly so everyone could hear.

"How do we stop this monster?"

"It was bound to happen." Seer Argon elucidated,

"Franni, now it is your turn to save the world." Seer Argon turned his gaze away from Franni and then faced Rey. "

You have to discover your real identity and accomplish your quest. Everyone, follow me. Let's get ourselves prepared for the battle ahead. "

Seer Argon concluded and moved back towards the direction of the packhouse, and everyone pursued after him.
