
the beginning

Goku goku what wake up it time to go training with the other there all here can I eat first luffy yes but come on. Hi guys you guys ready yes ok let get start but first what do you guys want to start with today how about we relax today we have train all week I think we deserved a break every once in a while don't you guys agree yes. Fine we can but only because am tired to anyways what do guys want to do Goku yes luffy we could go to the forest and relax there maybe naruto you got any ideas no well then what do you guys want to do. I know what we can do what is it Goku we can go swimming at the river ok let go that sound fun. Guys were her- ow Naruto that hurt what I didn't you luffy yes you did when you were running to get in the river you step on me my bad luffy anyways Goku Luffy get in it nice in here CANNON BALL a Goku you made me get water in my nose sorry naruto 30mins later.

Hey guys I have a question do you guys get lonely some time what do you mean Goku well are parents are never home there always farming or work in the city and when we do see them there a sleep you I do get lonely same but I got use to it no one home to tell me what to do.Did you guys here about the missing kid that went missing a couple days ago we here yea it kinda scary because were alone and something could happen to us well ya but thats why we train a lot so we aren't going to get hurt or any thing bad happens to us. Your right. Guys I have idea for tomorrow why don't we go on are own adventure like you luffy you want to get stronger goku you want to be the king if the world and I want to find treasure what do you guys think? That a great idea yea am down but why don't we wait till were 18 so were stronger and smarter. Yea we are only 12 i guess so. 8 years later. GUYS WAKE UP what? Were 18 so it a normal day like always you guys done remember no? We said 8 years ago we would go on an adventure when were 18 yea now I remember ok let get are things ready okay well go tomorrow since are parents are going to want to celebrate ok am scared and excited.

back round

Hi am El-_-Goku but you can call me goku am going to tell you a story that right out of my imagination am a young writer so hope you in joy.

kid_that_make_editcreators' thoughts