

One hundred thousand years later! Age of Warriors

Among the people, a teenager named Qin Yu closed his eyes tightly.

Qin Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

"Where is it?! Didn't I just reinstall the win10 system?"

This question came to Qin Yu's mind as soon as he saw the surrounding environment.

The surroundings are rich in high-tech decorations and buildings that make Qin Yu feel extremely strange.


But at this moment, a huge roar instantly rang through Qin Yu's mind.

In the next instant, memories of a brother who was also named Qin Yu came to his mind.

From memory, Qin Yu learned what the world is all about!

It turned out that Qin Yu actually passed through one hundred thousand years later, but today, one hundred thousand years later, human beings have already walked out of the solar system while leaving their footprints in the entire galaxy.

In 2100, World War III broke out.

After a century of development, the celestial dynasty has grown to the forefront of the entire planet.

It was the U.S. imperial capital that was suppressed below. Therefore, the U.S. emperor who was afraid of the development of the celestial dynasty united with several other great powers to launch an attack on the celestial dynasty, and wanted to surrender it with arms. Add QQ3041446938 to remind you, and you can customize the novel you want to read.

However, after decades of horrific wars, the heavenly dynasty finally won.

However, in order to quell the turmoil in other countries, the heavens unified the earth and changed its name to the Earth Alliance.

In 2540, humans successfully landed on the first colonized planet, Mars.

In 3180, human footprints spread throughout the solar system.

In 5950, humans walked out of the solar system and headed for the Milky Way.

In 10253 AD, mankind encountered the first alien race, and the race war broke out at the same time.

After hundreds of years, mankind triumphed, and at the same time began martial arts practice and entered the sight of mankind.

Ten thousand years later, human races spread throughout the galaxy, and the highest ruling class was renamed the Supreme Alliance of Humanity.

After that, the human race experienced countless difficulties, as well as the invasion of people from other galaxies, and the martial art was revitalized.

After one hundred thousand years of development, the strong human race has reached the point where he can hold the sun and the moon and pick the stars.

Terran also successfully set up camp in the galaxy.

Looking at the various pictures in his memory, Qin Yu couldn't help but spit out a "fuck"

and martial arts became the first driving force to promote the development of the human race, and the status of the warrior in the human race became more noble than any profession.

The body that Qin Yu traveled through was also called Qin Yu.

He is a junior high school student in Shuitian City No. 11 Middle School under the Mad Dragon Star under the Lieyang Galaxy. Adding QQ3041446938 can remind you to update, and you can personally customize the novel you want to read.

"I didn't expect to pass through this kind of thing, but it seems not easy to survive in this era!"

Qin Yu With a raised brow, An Nai kept her excitement in her heart.

You should know that he is very familiar with the word traversal after reading novels in his previous life and not knowing how many books.

But he also knew that it didn't mean that as long as he became a translator, he was invincible.

In this era of prosperous martial arts, if you don't pay attention, you will die.

"But although my body is not a genius, it seems to be among the top ten in size in this class. It can be regarded as a talent to make a living."

Qin Yu squeezed his fist, feeling the horrible power in his body with a slight joy in his heart.

Qin Yu is a student in the third grade b class of the eleventh middle school, and his class ranks eighth.

The college ranks in the top 30.

This is because he is an orphan, and the resources cannot keep up. If he has parents or even was born in a large family, the top ten is definitely stable.

"The power I tested the day before yesterday seems to have reached a strength of 198kg.

As long as I have a strength of 200kg, I can reach the qualifications of the preparatory martial artist of this era and can go to a relatively good high school.

But I seem to be familiar with my body quickly. Otherwise, the monthly exam will be troublesome."

Qin Yu's thoughts turned sharply, although his strength is not weak.

But the level of the reserve martial artist is still so short. If you can't reach the reserve martial artist in the last few days, it will definitely be very difficult for your future growth.

"In this game, Zhao Jie of Class A won, and the next challenger, Class A Baojian! Choose who you want to challenge."

However, while Qin Yu was thinking, the examiner on the stage spoke.

The monthly exam is generally the entire grade qualification.

To put it bluntly, it is a battle between classes, and of course there are also battles within their own classes.

Everyone has a chance to challenge, and everyone will rush to challenge the players who rank higher than themselves.

When he heard Baojian from Class A, Qin Yu also raised his head.

I saw a sturdy young man with a popular face walking towards the top of the ring.

Qin Yu learned from memory that the object of the last sword protection challenge seemed to be himself.

Only defeated by myself.

"This kid, don't even challenge me!"

Qin Yu was speechless when he saw that the other party was smiling and looking at himself.

"I want to challenge Qin Yu from class b!!!"

Sure enough, Bao Jian's words not only verified Qin Yu's conjecture, but the students around him showed unexpected expressions.

"Qin Yu from class b, come on stage!!" the

the examiner said loudly to the audience.

Qin Yu's eyes condensed, and then he strode towards the stage.

Isn't it just a fight? Qin Yu didn't get scared if he didn't fight less in his previous life.

And even though he hasn't been familiar with this body yet, the memory of fighting is still there.

Qin Yu who stepped onto the ring came directly to the opposite of Baojian!

"Both sides shake hands!!!"

After all, it was an exam, and some scene actions still had to be done.

Bao Jian suddenly sneered and walked to the center of the ring, Qin Yu also walked over.

"Qin Yu, you are sure to lose this time! I have already practiced the basic boxing skills of the Alliance to 70% proficiency!"

Bao Jian confidently said to Qin Yu.

"Oh? Then congratulations!"

Qin Yu said with a smile.

However, his indifferent action made Bao Jian's original joy disappear suddenly.

"Humph! You'll know you're afraid later." With

a cold snort pretending not to be him, he shook hands with Qin Yu at random.

However, when he held Qin Yu's hand together, Qin Yu instantly stiffened.

"Ding...link to other computer hardware, open the computer desktop, please start to operate."

Chapter 2Chapter 2: The copy function of horror?

He is very familiar with the voice, isn't it the voice broadcast of the win10 system in his previous life?

In the next instant, a computer interface appeared before his eyes.

On the interface, there are neighbors-Baojian" and "comprehensive attribute table-Qin Yu".

" Fuck , what's the situation!" "

Qin Yu looked at the icon in front of him in disbelief, and after the desktop was displayed, everything around him stopped in place as if time had stopped.

But Qin Yu himself couldn't move, just His consciousness can operate the mouse on the desktop.

"By the way, I was installing a computer system before crossing. Did my computer system come with me? "

Qin Yu was extremely excited when he thought of this.

"In that case, let me see what your computer is!" "

Qin Yu thought of this, and directly controlled the mouse to click on the icon: Network Neighborhood-Baojian.

Then, several system disks suddenly appeared on the desktop!

"A disk: memory area

b disk: martial arts area

Disk c: attribute area"

Looking at these disks, Qin Yu was stunned, what the hell are these disks!

Under curiosity, Qin Yu directly clicked on the a plate!

All of the video folders appeared before Qin Yu's eyes. Add QQ3041446938 to remind you, and you can customize the novel you want to read.

These folders record Baojian's life according to the date.

"Isn't this the equivalent of

searching for souls ? It's just that if you watch them one by one, you have to see the year of the monkey!" Qin Yu said silently, but he was also not interested in the memory of this brother.

Immediately he exited the memory area and switched to the martial arts area!

"Ding...Open the target martial arts area!"

With a beep, a folder appeared on the desktop in front of Qin Yu.

"Alliance Basic Boxing

Technique (not influential, 70%)" Seeing here, Qin Yu frowned.

"Influence is the skill level! That 70% is his proficiency, but, can my computer only look at the exercises learned by others? That would be too rubbish!"

Qin Yu didn't believe him. My cheats are so rubbish. Add QQ3041446938 to remind you, and at the same time you can personally customize the novel you want to read, and

then click on the folder of Alliance Basic Boxing!

"Ding...Select the target, the basic boxing technique of the alliance (non-influence, 70%), please perform the following operations:

a: copy, b: cut,"

Qin Yu's eyes widened when he saw this.

"Damn, you can copy?! Can you cut?"

Anyone who has used a computer knows the usefulness of these two options.

In other words, Qin Yu can instantly obtain the opponent's basic boxing technique for the alliance, and he can also make the opponent completely forget how to use this technique.

"Although the basic boxing method of the alliance is not popular, it is the most effective exercise method for exercising at the stage of preparing the martial artist. Of course, this is only for the civilians who can't afford more advanced human-level exercises."

Thinking of this, Qin said. Yu directly clicked to copy.

Immediately Qin Yu withdrew from Baojian's board and clicked on my computer-Qin Yu.

And Qin Yu's disk is divided into the same as the other party's:

a disk: memory area

b disk: martial arts area

c: attribute area

three areas.

Qin Yu directly clicked on the martial arts area.

"Alliance basic boxing (not into the stream, 54%)"

also appeared in only one game, and that was the alliance basic boxing method.

But Qin Yu's proficiency is only 54%.

Qin Yu clicked on the blank desktop around him.

"Ding... the host clicks on the blank desktop, please do the following:

a: paste, b, delete in batches"

"There are still batch deletes? Do these ghosts still occupy memory?"

Qin Yu thought in confusion, but Qin Yu knew himself What to do now.

Then I clicked Paste directly.

"Ding...found that there are martial arts, the basic boxing technique of the alliance, and began to compress two folders!"

And the computer prompt also made Qin Yu nod slightly, unexpectedly there is a function of compressing folders.

In other words, I can integrate all the same martial skills.

And while compressing the folder, Qin Yu's mind crazily popped up segments of messages.

These messages are the perception of the basic boxing technique of the alliance.

"Ding... File compression completed! Get a new file "Alliance Basic Boxing Method (Non-flow, 100%)"

As the system's prompt sound fell, the memory that emerged in Qin Yu's mind also slowly stopped.

Suddenly Qin Yu I feel that my original unfamiliar feeling about my body disappears instantly, and every bit of strength in my body seems to be under control.

According to Qin Yu's calculation, I am afraid that I can kill my previous self in a flash.

"I can't think of a 100% understanding of the basic boxing technique. So powerful. "It's no

wonder that Baojian, whose strength is 20 or so lower than his own, will brazenly say that he will defeat him.

The powerful emotional martial arts actually has so many benefits.

"By the way, there are other attribute areas, go and see. "

Qin Yu didn't waste time, and directly clicked on the attribute area of ​​Baojian. What

caught my eyes were a few drivers!

"Strength: 175"

"Speed: 13m/s"

"Physique: 160"

"Soul: 9 "

Chapter 3Chapter 3: A frightful punch!

Qin Yu clicked and found that there are also two options for copy and cut.

Seeing this, Qin Yu was slightly excited.

"Since it can be copied, I will just pack it and take it away!"

Qin Yu smiled and selected all directly, and then copied.

Qin Yu is not stupid as to why he didn't click the cut. So many people outside watched. If he clicked the cut and Baojian suddenly died, maybe something vegetative or something came, then he would be investigated?

As a traverser, the first rule is to keep a low profile, but Qin Yu remembers it strictly.

Qin Yu, who copied the four attributes, directly clicked on his own attribute area.

And Qin Yu's attribute area is a bit stronger than the previous sword guard.

"Strength: 199"

"Speed: 15m/s"

"Physique: 170"

"Soul: 18"

Qin Yu who saw here clicked and pasted directly.

"Ding...The host will paste the driver, because the host's computer is different from the other's computer. After the driver is integrated, the system will delete some of the driver's functions to run perfectly in the host. Add QQ3041446938 to remind you, and you can customize you privately. Novels I want to read

According to the magnitude of the difference, the driver that will be merged will retain 10% to 50% of the functionality. "

After listening to the system, Qin Yu reacted for a few seconds before reacting.

"My day, to put it bluntly , isn't it that absorbing one hundred attributes can only increase ten to fifty points? Why is it so complicated? "

Qin Yu unable Tucao a lot will only use the official language of the computer system.

" Om! ! ! ! ! "

However, just after Qin Yu's complaint was over, a heat flow instantly emerged from all parts of Qin Yu's body.

Qin Yu suddenly felt that the power contained in every inch of his body's cells was increasing crazily.

while Qin Yu also felt in his mind also revealed a Road clean, make clean the shares of Qin Yu felt his consciousness has become very clear.

not polite to say Qinyu feel smarter!

and At this time, the file names of several drivers in Qin Yu's attribute area have also been changed.

"Power: 245 (+46)"

"Speed: 20m/s (+5)"

"Physique: 210 (+40)"

"Soul: 21 (+3)"

Qin Yu's attributes have increased to varying degrees.

Baojian's attributes basically retain more than 20 to 30%. Add QQ3041446938 to remind you, and you can customize it privately. The novel you want to

read is just a handshaking time that can increase your strength so much, and Qin Yu also finds it unimaginable.

To know 50 strength points, it took me more than a year to cultivate. of.

"in my present strength coupled with basic boxing league, the fear is that schools can easily beat tenth of it! "

Qin Yu suddenly smiled when he thought of this place, and every top ten test was rewarded.

"Ding... the driver integration is complete. Note: The same computer host can only be operated once within three days. Please the host to find another computer to operate."

And just after Qin Yu copied and pasted, it originally represented other people's "online The three words unconnected also appeared underneighbors.

"It can only be operated once in three days. It seems that copying is also harmful to Baojian's body. If it is cut, I am afraid that it will cost the person who has been cut only once!"

Qin Yu thought to himself.

Qin Yu also clicked on the comprehensive attribute table.

And inside is a txt.

Name: Qin Yu

Realm: Primary reserve martial artist

Strength: 245 (1 point 1kg, normal person 50)

Speed: 20m/s (normal person 10m/s)

Constitution: 210 (defense power, recovery power, bearable power)

Soul: 21 (Normal person 10, mental strength, soul strength,)

Martial skill: Alliance basic boxing technique (


influence , 100%) Technique: Wu Qin Yu nodded slightly when he saw this.

But at this moment, the time stopped around also resumed its flow!

"Ready to fight!!!" The

examiner's voice also reached Qin Yu's ears in a timely manner.

I saw Baojian put on a standard starting style of the basic boxing of the alliance.


With Baojian's stern scream, he rushed towards Qin Yu instantly.

Bao Jian blasted out a fist, and his fist made a sound of breaking through the surrounding air.

"Hey! Baojian's basic boxing technique has reached 70% proficiency!"

"Unexpectedly, the first one in the school to reach 70% proficiency was actually Baojian."

"It seems that Qin Yu lost this time. It's settled."



With Baojian's punch, almost all the students present looked at Baojian on the ring in surprise.

The top ten in the college saw this scene with a solemn expression!

You know, practicing basic boxing techniques to 70% means that Baojian's future practice speed will increase substantially.

Although it is impossible to surpass himself and others before Wu Kao, if he is in a school in the future, he is definitely a big enemy.

When Qin Yu saw this scene, his eyes flashed, and then his feet slipped, and his right fist also blasted out.

The two fists slammed together instantly.


A sound of collision spread throughout the ring, and everyone saw this scene thinking that Qin Yu was crazy.


However, after a crisp sound of bone cracking, Baojian's right hand twisted unexpectedly.


Baojian's eyes suddenly widened, and he couldn't believe it, watching Qin Yu's fist blast directly on his own xiong.

His xiong bore instantly sank into a fist mark.

"Puff!!!" A

mouthful of blood with visceral fragments sprayed out of Baojian's mouth, and his body also flew out like a rag bag.

Seeing this scene is that the examiner looked at the scene in front of him with a look of disbelief.


With a sound of landing, everyone who was sluggish on and off the stage woke up instantly!

"Hiss! One hundred percent proficiency in basic boxing?!"

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