
Chapter 2

Sorry for late upload i thought i pressed publish but apparently not. Oh well at least it lets me rewrite it better as it didn't come out to well 


On a cold December evening in the main bedroom of a large and old house we can see a lady lying down in bed gently holding 3 babies wrapped in warm blankets close to herself as she rests. She feels serene, happy and safe now that she has given birth to the triplets.

She is not the only one that is happy from this ordeal because just outside the house is her loving husband currently fighting demons that are trying to kill the family.

"JUST DIE ALREADY I NEED TO GO INSIDE TO SEE MY KIDS DAMN IT!!" shouts a very annoyed Sparda (is his name and surname Sparda or does he just have a first name and no surname)

---(Skip 5 days later)---

'And here we are the infant stage all over again. Lets hope it goes as well as it did last time.' comments Eiva as she is lying down in her bed staring at the celling, or at least what she can see of it as her eyes are still quite blurry.

'All i can do is check my Stats and try to make a game plan from there going forward. System'


Name- Eiva Sparda

Age- 5 days

Race- Demon Hybrid


Level- 1

Str- 2

Dex- 1

Agi- 3

Int- 10

Cha- 20

Mana- 5

Honkai- 20

Luck- 10

Skill Points- 0

Coins- 0

Tokens- 10

Gold Tokens- 1






[World Travel]

'At least this works how it is meant to. Now onto the skills'


Denial of Nothingness (Mastery: 0%)

Lets you create anything you can think of it also give you the ability of giving the items you create abilities/enchantments and even its own history alongside letting you edit anything. (Currently cannot do much with it due to low Mastery)

Herrscher Cores (Void/Thunder/Sentience/Death/Truth/Finality)

(Active: Void) (Inactive: Thunder/Sentience/Death/Truth/Finality) Activate via Special mission

Give Abilities Depending on the cores that are currently active.

Base abilities: Doubles Honkai Regen. Increases maximum capacity of Honkai energy. Grants Honkai Corruption resistance: High. Grants ability to live off of Honkai Energy. Grants ability to traverse space without the need for oxygen or a space suit

Void Core: Abilities: Subspace Lances. Portal creation. Teleportation. Temporal bubble (Max with 50 meters)(can only slow or stop time). Pocket Dimension.

Devil Trigger - (Stage 1) 

Allows for partial transformation by concentrating demonic energy on a part of your body

Devil Arm 

Allows you to turn Defeated Foes into Weapons

'This is good. I can work with this! my pranks will be LEGENDARY!!'

And like that the 5 day old infant child has made her first steps on the road of messing with anyone and everyone.

(PS: i will most definitely forget this later on so i will just write it here. Eiva will look like Female Merlin from the Fate series)

---(Skip 5 Years later)---

(I know i skip a lot but i cannot be asked for the life of me to write about the infant stage)

As time passed and season went by we now find ourselves in a room where 3 children are staring at 2 adults looking like they are about to have a heated argument

"Must we go" asked the only Daughter of the family with a serious expression

"Aye you must. There is no other way" said the Father to the downtrodden trio

"It will be beneficial for you and your brothers so it is a decision me and your father have made plus it would be nice for you all to go to preschool you never know you might make a friend or two "

The air in the room suddenly started to cool down and the 2 parents started to feel an ominous feeling almost like a shiver down their spine. They then searched for the source for the sudden change and their eyes fell on their daughter who's unnaturally Pink eyes now shine Yellow and have an odd pattern in them. and then she yelled

"Daga Kotawaru!! My favourite thing to do is to tell someone who i think is strong "No"!! Quick JUMP!!" and like that Eiva stunned her parents and then opened a portal bellow her and her brothers to the trio could escape. It was successful until Ava managed to get her husband to stop laughing like the proud dad he is and sent him after them.

As he was catching up to them Eiva opened a portal where his foot would land making his foot fall through and lose his balance. And to add insult to injury as he was falling Eiva opened a portal in front of his face making him kick himself in the face so that the trio could get some more time.

"Quick Dante Pull The Lever" instructed Eiva. Dante then ran as fast as he could to the very obvious lever and pulled it down making a bucket release tons of marbles onto the floor posing as another challenge for the father of three. as the trio thought they were in the clear and turned the corner of a T shaped hallway they saw their mother walking towards them and they froze in panic as she got closer and closer.

Vergil being the mature one of the group got out of his stupor faster than the others and so he lead them to their plan B "Dante Eiva quick this way!" helping them get out of their stupor the trio then ran to a room down the other hall.

"They have thought this through haven't they" asked Sparda to his wife as he was rubbing his nose

"That they have my Love and it does make me curious as to what they have planned next" 

"Shall we find out my Lady" Sparda said as he bowed and reached out his hand clearly having fun doing such an activity with his family.

"Yes Let us go and see what out kids are up to" Said Ava with a smile on her face due to her husbands antics

Back with the trio who had just made it into the room. "Everyone to your positions!" barked Eiva "Aye aye capn'" responded Dante. They then got onto a motorbike that they had managed to repair. it even had a sidecar so that Dante could sit there. Vergil then got on it and turned the engine on making it roar throughout the house Eiva hoped on behind him and Dante was ready in the side car he was also wearing one of those open face helmets with goggles.

Eiva then proceeded to open a portal out of the house into the garden and Vergil Hit the throttle just as the parents opened the door once again being stunned at their children and at how far they had planned to get out of this. but sadly they were to late as their children had already gone through the portal and it stated closing. But Sparda's instincts were good enough to react in time and go through the portal so as not to lose the children. Having had enough fun and also wanting to end this he just flew at them and caught them and he started flying back so that they wont run away.

"Scheiße i thought we had done it there for a minute" muttered Eiva in disappointment

"Now Dear that is not how you should talk what would happen if your mother heard you speak like that. Also now that you have been caught i think it would be wise to accept your Fates and just go to preschool what is the worst that could happen." said Sparda

the trio then went silent and after a minute or so of silent communication they nodded at their father causing him to smile at them.

"Then it is settled you all will start tomorrow now let us prepare your supplies"

 -To Be Continued Some time later-


Hope you all enjoyed this one. Please do let me know where i can improve. Peace!