
Ein's GAME

Pinkulet · Sci-fi
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10 Chs


We're here sitting on the waiting area again, the police who's wearing a civilian shirt a.k.a the rapist walked infront of us, napansin ko na wala na itong posas at inaalalayan ito ng dalawang pulis na tila isang bisita lamang ang kasama nila.

When he noticed that I'm staring at him he suddenly smirked like an asshole. Well, he deffinitely is. He's been reaching my limit, I secretly throw the coin I've been playing on my fingers toward him and he stepped it.

He stopped from walking and bended down to get the coin from the floor and face me. He flipped the coin on the air and catch it, he's handing me the coin but I just rolled my eyes at him so he flipped the coin again and catch it.

"Hindi naman malaki ang halaga nito but, thank you. I'll give you tons of coins if you want" said he. Nilagay na nito ang barya na hawak nya sa bulsa nya at kumindat sa babaeng kasama ko bago umalis.

I put my earpiece on my left ear and cover it with my hair para hindi mahalata. This is a special earpiece, I saw this on my father's coat on his hideout with that coin. Well, it isn't just an ordinary coin. I implanted a small microphone on it that was connected on my earpiece.

I heard some flashes of water on the other line, apparently they must be at the comfort room. I also heard some noise like the coin was being flipped again on the air, followed by a stamping sound like he dropped the coin. The minichip I made wasn't easily to destroy, that's why I could still clearly hear them.

"So, how's your twenty-four hour of vacation inside the jail dude?" said by the familiar voice on the otherline followed by some laugh, if my calculation was right. There are five of them laughing base on the different tone of their laugh.

"That bitch, tsk. When would be the last trial?" asked by the voice I've been heard many times. I heard them laughing again, "come'on. I already want to have a rest now. I'm too tired wearing that f*cking handcuff, and talking with that stupid attorney of that bitch."

"calm down dude, everything was settled already. All you have to do is to have a lot of patience"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Did you brought my laptop?" may narinig ako na tila binuksang bag, kasunod nito ay ang paglapag ng isang bagay, I could clearly hear it kaya sa tingin ko ay nilapag ito malapit lamang sa tabi ng barya. It must be the laptop he's talking about.

Narinig ko ang ilang pagtipa sa keyboard nito kasunod ang pag-tunog ng familiar tune na nagsasabing nabuksan na nito ang laptop.

I hurriedly turned off the earpiece when I heard some moan on the other line. It seems like it came from the speaker of his laptop. It was so loud. Is that a video record of a sex scandal? did they just recorded what happened between him and his victim?

Binuksan ko muli ang earpiece at sumalubong sa akin ang malakas na tawanan sa kabilang linya.

"I want to have a copy of that dude" said by someone on the other line.

"ako rin"

"send it to me too" I heard them said and laugh.

"sure, sure. I'll send this to you all via email. But, in one condition" said by the police. I heard some sighing sound on the other line

"alright, what is it?"

"help me to get out from the jail later. I don't want to sleep there anymore, masakit sa katawan" said he followed by some laugh.

"Easy pussy, I mean easy pissy" said by the police and they all laugh again.

Mas lalong kumukulo ang dugo ko sa kanila,I can't help to curse and that caught the attention of this two ladies beside me. I turned off the earpiece and face them. No worries about the voice record, it was already recorded and will automatically saved on my laptop.

"Did you just cursed?" tanong ng kaibigan ng guro namin. I rolled my eyes at her, I don't know but I'm still pissed on her. On the day I heard their converstion with miss on the phone, she didn't allow me to go and meet her friend. Mas lalo pang nadagdagan ang init ng ulo ko dahil sa mga narinig ko kanina.

"Yes, I did" I replied and raise my eyebrow. I don't know where I inherited this kind of attitude, my dad is a kind man and I haven't saw my mom since I grew-up. Dad said that she's already lying underneath. Siguro kaugali ko talaga ang nanay ko, sa tabas ng dila. I don't also know where on hell I got my words. Well, this lady is deffinitely right. I just lost few of my memories but I didn't lost my sharp tounge and words, I'm still thankful 'bout that though.

"Hindi ba tinuro sayo na masama ang magmura?" she asked na mas lalong nagpainis sa akin. Call me a stubborn because I really am, and I'm sorry if I'll say this.

"hindi ba tinuro sayo na 'wag makialam sa iba?" tanong ko pabalik rito. I just want to kick myself now for what I just said. I admit that I'm not that type of a sweet girl, saying 'po' and 'opo'. I also don't sugar coated, mas gusto kong sumagot ng pabalang sa mga tao, at umasta na parang mas matanda ako sa kanila. I hate to admit it but at this moment, aaminin ko na medyo pinagsisisihan ko ang mga sinabi ko. Nadala ako sa inis at galit ko.

Did I just got too far? I could feel the different atmosphere on the three of us. I'm too young to have a high blood on the early age because of those people sorrounded me. I hate those people who don't have a common sense, and always stating the obvious that's why I oftenly answered them what they're not expecting me to reply. I just love doing those thing in a different way.

Nabawi ang mga atensyon namin nang dumaan na ulit ang mga pulis sa harapan namin at tuluyan ng naglaho sa paningin namin.

"uwi na ako" simpleng paalam ko sa kanila.

"Sumabay kana sa amin" pagpigil ng babae sa akin.

"I can go home alone" I firmly said and leave them.

I have some business to do.