
Eileen's Journal

Eileen's Journal is about a 16 year old girl, who is learning life lessons wherever she goes. Everything has its deep meanings and has its purpose. People think that a roller coaster is only a ride but Eileen's perspective changes as she learns what Faye is teaching her. All small things will be big in a positive way. Join Eileen as she goes through the days filled with inspiration, learning, truth, emotional experience and more as she finds her purpose in life, maybe you can find yours too... IMPORTANT: This is your author please make sure to visit the auxiliary pages FOR THOSE PAGES ARE VERY IMPORTANT! Thank you Have a good day!

TheSilentAuthor · Teen
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7 Chs

Acts 5-6

Act 5:

School bell rings. Eileen is walking to her locker to get some books. She closes the door and gets spooked by her friends, Caramel and Mason.

Caramel: Wazzup?! Eil! *Eileen and Caramel do their bff handshake*

Eileen: I am pretty good *she tucks her hair at the back of her ear*

Caramel: You know? you should fix your hair *giggles*

Mason: Eileen have you studied for the math test later?

Eileen: Yeah I did *nods*

Caramel: Are you guys excited for the test?

Eileen & Mason: Are you serious? (disbelief tone and expression)

Caramel: Yeah *snickers* I guess I'm the only one who's excited *walks faster*

Eileen & Mason are slowly walking. Caramel looks back at them.

Caramel: Oh cmon you guys WE are going to be late for science *pulls both of their hands*

The three of them enters the classroom and went to their seats. Mason sits right behind Eileen then Caramel sits beside Mason at his left side. The rest of the chairs are occupied by their classmates. Tozie, Eileen's crush; the class clown and the nice and cute type of guy. Sits beside at Eileen's right side. Minnie, the quiet girl of the class. Sits at the very back. Tozie and Freddy's seats are not near each other.

When the whole class settles down, Ms. Derry walks in. She greets good morning to the class.

Tozie: Good Morning Ms. Derry! *Everyone giggles and looks at Tozie* Come on guys have some energy! Be like Freddy who gives all of his energy for his Tiktoks! (sounds normal)

*His hand points at Freddy*

*Everyone laughs*

Freddy: Thank you Tozie make me famous! (proud tone)

Tozie: Yeah sure You're welcome *stands up and do some tiktok dances*

Everyone chuckles. Freddy stands up too.

Freddy: Tozie your mom has a message

Tozie: What is it?

Freddy: She made a nickname for you, Kinetic

Tozie: That's cool-

Freddy: She called you that because you don't have potential

*Everybody looses it, Ms. Derry shook her head*

Tozie: Oh Plot twist Freddy You are me and I am you

*Everybody laughs; Eileen tries to hide her laughter*

The whole class gets loud then Ms. Derry needs to speak up to start her class discussion

Ms. Derry: Hey Mc's has a new energy drink you know what it is?

*Everyone looks at Ms. Derry then Tozie and Freddy looks at each other and smiles at each other*

Tozie & Freddy: McSquared

*Everybody lost it again*

Ms. Derry: The both of you are correct *Tozie and Freddy high five in the air*

The two guys take their seats and the class noise is getting low.

Ms. Derry: Ok let's start the discussion

Act 6:

Once Tozie sits down he glances at Eileen who is smiling down at her sketchpad drawing someone. Eileen feels eyes on her and she looks at his direction, she noticed that he is looking at her. Tozie waves at her and they smile at each other.

The class' attention goes to Ms. Derry. Except for Eileen, Mason and Tozie

Eileen: Great show *struggles to hide her blush and smile* (her tone is normal- happy)

Tozie: Glad you liked it *he tries to peek at Eileen's drawing wanting to know who she's drawing*

Tozie: Who are you drawing?

Eileen: Oh uh no one (calmly panics/startled/nervous) *Eileen hides the sketchpad because she is drawing him*

Mason: Mind your own business and listen to Ms. Derry, Tozie (pissed) *Eileen and Tozie looks at Mason*

Tozie: Mason let's talk at break *then he looks at Eileen* You too Eileen

Mason: Aren't you going to study for math test?

Tozie: News flash Mason math quiz was moved earlier

Eileen: Really? (shocked)

*Tozie points at the board showing them that there's an announcement of moving the test tomorrow*

Eileen: Cool

Mason: oh come on (mutters)

Eileen: Let's listen to Ms. Derry now,Me and Mason will be there on break

Tozie: Sounds promising ttyl

Eileen and Tozie casts all of their attention to the lectures. Mason glares at Tozie, feeling upset about something then Caramel tugs at his jacket and she shows a paper that has big letters, showing the word Jelly, shoving the paper at his face.

Mason: Yeah yeah don't rub it in...

*Caramel snickers*

Sorry for the wait. Please bear with me. I released a song called The Message (coronavirus) by Mikz on soundcloud. The message itself is important. Hope you check it out. Have a good day!

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