
Eiko Adventures

Eiko Hanma is a bullied student who always got beaten by his classmates and also in his neighborhood, He always goes home beaten which makes him look like rubbish. Despite being bullied he is always not fighting back against them but he just looks at them like nothing happens. But who knows that his future will change when he meets a person that would make his life better? A story that they mc's were bullied but became a powerful hero

JijieLadao · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

The reason

Five days passed but Eiko still hasn't woken up because of the severe injury, his stab wounds were treated thanks to the man who didn't hesitate to help him,

The next day, Eiko woke up and her vision was a bit confused, he wondered why he was in another house and one of his wounds was being treated. "Come on, where am I, it's not our house", he was a bit surprised

And the man answered "You are in my house now", "I saw you on the road full of blood, and I immediately helped you well".

"Thank you, old man, if you hadn't come, I might be dead now.", said with a smile.

Eiko didn't know that the man who was helping her had been spying on her for a while.

"Thank you, old man, I seem to have recovered, I will go home because I have a class.", Eiko said to the Old Man."

"Wait... I also have another reason why I brought you here, I brought you here because I want to tell you something about you".

"What do you want to tell about me?

"The future of the world."

"What's the future?"

According to the old man, the real reason why he brought Eiko to his house is that Eiko has an important task for the world.

A few years ago there was a demon who wanted to conquer the world, It was difficult for people in the past, many were killed, decapitated, and badly bloodied, but a few years ago there was a special child who had the power to kill the demon, that special child killed the servants of the devil and he kicks their leader back to hell. And that special child is the one who helped Eiko.

"What old comics are you reading", talking laughing

"It's not comics and it's not nonsense." the old man said

"Are you the child with power? laughing.

"You must be drunk, old man.

Eiko doesn't believe that the old man has power, and he thinks that the old man's story is just a legend that never happened, but the truth is that it happened a few years ago.