
Eidolon Rebirth

Magic exists everywhere, except for the unlucky few. The myth known as no-mages, sentenced to a fate worse than slaves. Not even privy to memories of past lives. The pattern of history is meant to break, yet corruption forces a displaced sense of normality. Countless memories torment my consciousness as I vow that everything will be different. Schedule: Mon-Thur, Sat. - Will be posted before 8 pm KST on those days. Cover Art: deviantart.com/chiirex

Volatis · Fantasy
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22 Chs

12. The Legendary No-Mage!

The instructor inquired about my level of expertise, as Eris had demonstrated we weren't your average civilians. The guide led Eris off the ring as I found the best way to respond to his questions.

"Anyone will do." I wanted to sound cool, but honestly hoped he didn't choose their best magician. I'd figure they'd take it easy on a teenager even with the special circumstances, especially because of the special circumstances. They must believe I'm some hotshot noble for someone my age to have such a young and gifted slave girl.

He really took my request to heart though and chose one of their best members to spar against me. The excitement from the audience made it obvious, everyone knew my opponent's name.

His name was Dorian, a member from when the gym first opened up four years ago. They talked about scouts constantly trying to recruit him into their academies and even the military which was stricter on their selection requirements. Many seemed to gather around due to the fame of starting his own monster hunting group within the gym and its success on the battlefield. The instructor spoke to my opponent, maybe explaining to take it easy or to teach me a lesson for looking down on them.

I wondered if he had a side job as a model, his figure wasn't bulky but slim and his skin looked as smooth as snow. The audience continued to grow larger, many were interested in Dorian's arrival. Now was a perfect chance to display my martial arts. If I beat him with only my bare fists everyone will see how great it is to learn.

The sparring match commenced, I didn't have the same luxury as Eris to stand and do nothing, so I swiftly closed the distance between the two of us. I saw a mix of surprise and fear in his eyes, but damn in the last possible second, he formed his formation.

This was nothing compared to the contestants in the tournament, he would easily come out as victor were he to participate. I'm sure the instructor told him to take it easy. I thought this as I was sent flying through the air to the other end of the ring. Dorian reflexively activated a force push, blasting all that surrounded him within arm's length.

The crowd roared into a clamor with many of the women praising Dorian and others commenting on the first few seconds of the match. "Whoa, what's with that kid's demonic speed?" Another countered with excitement. "Did you see Dorian's activation sequence? I've never seen him react that fast before."

The audience members were psyched that someone was able to finally push Dorian to use his full strength after all these years, but disappointed that the match was over so quickly. That's what they thought until I got up and got back into position to resume.

Since he took it easy and didn't continue any sort of barrage of attacks, I likewise showed him I was ready to continue. His stance was alert and not as oblivious compared to the beginning. My dodging and even the cracks that appeared on Dorian's mana shield caused several uproars in the crowd. Though that was the extent of what I could do. I wasn't a match for him and I knew this as a fact.

He was definitely going easy on me since if he really wanted to, an area of effect spell would be unavoidable in this sparring ring. Before the match finished, I wanted to try one last frontal assault with all my strength behind it. I didn't want to believe that I couldn't even break a measly mana shield, it felt so unsatisfying.

Whether it was irritation at my attempts or another slip-up, Dorian fueled more mana into larger balls of blue energy. Dodging in a zig-zag pattern was enough to avoid the first two spheres leaving brute force as my only option for the remaining one about to collide into me.

A shimmering flicker coursed through the energy ball about to make contact with my fist and made it seem as if I was strong enough to smite it smithereens. I aimed directly at his chest and became frightened when my fist sliced through his mana shield without any resistance. I tried my best to pull my punch, but in the end, Dorian unwillingly flew out of the ring from his side.

I cared nothing about the audience and squinted at Eris, she stared back at me then looked away turning her head to the side. I knew it was her, which reminded me of a similar occurrence during my third match back in the tournament. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice either occasion, and I also came to the realization that she had saved me twice already!