

Layla Doves a seemingly normal girl With some bad luck following her That’s until she met three odd teens that changed her life From having to be kicked out of her home with her mother to going to a new school for the gifted. But something with everything good comes bad and this something is not only going to change her life but the life of every living creature in the forest And Layla and her friends are that found out this evil plan Will Layla and her friends keep their heads down? Or will they try and stop this plan to change the world?

amy_ng_6070 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


The fresh breeze rustling the trees. The sky was grey but still had bits of sunlight that beamed thought. Layla walked to the group standing next to the clear, glittering river.

"Great so can we get going now," James said and started to speed walk straight into the forest followed by Luka and Lorenzo. Layla chased behind.


The group make it to a nice grassy clearing in between the old oak trees. With flowers growing partially around the base of one of the biggest trees, large roots sticking out, with vines wrapped around its branches. Lorenzo going straight towards the flowers inspecting the petals.

"Gerbera, daisies, iris and gardenias," Lorenzo mumbled standing up and started to look at the tree "And a rope?" as they pulled on a rope so mouldy and old like no one has touched it in years before climbing it disappeared in the tree.

"Well, what are we waiting for an invitation?" Luka spoke up before following. One by one the group climbed up onto a small platform with a small house in which the front were two windows and some candles overgrown with plants and vines. Luka walked up, opening the door to be welcomed by the smell of dust and rain. Inside were dusty bookshelves with old colourful books. A couple of hammocks and a small kitchen.

"Nice! We should clean it! make it like a secret hideout " Luka said with a smile, grabbing a broom from the corner and starting to sweep dust flying into the air.

"Welp why not," James coughed out opening the dusty windows blowing the dust outside. Lorenzo disappeared before reappearing in a burst blue light with a ridiculous amount of cleaning supplies falling onto the floor.

"You can never get used to that," James said with a sigh.

"Yep," Luka agreed

All five teens chose a job to do slowly cleaning the dirty old tree house. Layla's lungs burned filled with dust as she and Luka were still sweeping the floor of dust out though the door, Lorenzo wiping the windows, James wiping every object in sight.


Finally, after hours the tree house spotless and the group covered in dust and dirt. Layla slumped onto a green beanbag, the rest following her lead talking and laughing. Lorenzo passed out instantly. The smell of rain and dirty lingered in the air and the grey clouds rolled in rain softly dropping down.

"We should wait for the rain to stop since Enzo probably can't do a teleport this big" James said

"Didn't they do that yesterday," Layla asked confused

"Yeah, but most people have limits on their power if they push it, if they do, they need to recharge. Like right now Lorenzo sleeping to recharge." said Luka. Slowly the rain got heavier until it was pouring down.

"Welp were going to be here all day," James said and Layla couldn't agree more.

"I told you we should have taken umbrellas," Lorenzo said in a tired voice stretching before disappearing in a blue light. After another flash of light Lorenzo appeared with four umbrellas.

"Here you go," said Lorenzo handing each of them an umbrella. Leaving Layla with the final umbrella.

"Thank you but what about you?" asked Layla

"Oh, I'm not walking," said Lorenzo before disappeared in a blue light leaving them. One by one the teenagers climbed out of the tree house into the pouring rain. Slowly making their way back to the castle.

This is a flower that represents friendship and symbolizes purity and innocence. Their bright color symbolizes good energy and transformation and is a universal symbol of friendship


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