
Eh, Killing Zombies In A Different Body?

Zombie Apocalypse, a world where the dead roam among the living. The dead yearn for the fresh meat of human-kind. Humans struggle to fight the constantly evolving dead. Shimada Yoshinori, a mute high-school student, Is betrayed by his friends as they struggle to survive. He dies a slow, painful death. However he is able to open his eyes again, albeit in a different body. __ Warning: Cringe, Depressed Anti-Hero MC.

NovelistDude · Fantasy
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Before the apocalypse happened, we were going about our day normally as students. We were at the top floor so we didn't notice the chaos in the lower floors. Everything happened so fast, everyone was bitten and became a zombie.

To be honest, we don't even know what to call those dead creatures. We just call them zombies because that's what we were familiar with.

Me and my friends ran, we kept running until we found a classroom that wasn't filled with zombies, we had no choice but to enter the room because there were zombies behind us, without any supplies we couldn't stay for long.

We all sat on the cold floor, the chairs were all used to block the doors. We didn't get a wink of sleep, we didn't talk that much except a few conversations and that was all.

"You don't understand!" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the person who spoke, It wasn't loud enough to attract zombies but it was loud enough for us to hear.

"We need to go out and look for supplies, or else we'll starve to death here!"

"Well then can you kill zombies? Your the one who pisses your pants when you see a zombie!"

"Hah?! That's because I wasn't used to their sight yet, forget it, tomorrow Shimada and I will go outside and gather supplies, don't cry when you don't get anything and starve!"

I open my mouth, but no words come out.

Yes, I am mute. I've been mute ever since I was born, I grab a piece of paper, I grimace as this is the last piece.

I show the paper to them, they both nod. "Shimada, your right. Don't we have a baseball bat here? we'll use it to defend ourselves."

"Thanks Shimada, if Nishiyama and I were to argue in here, we'd attract thousands of zombies!"

"Oh shut up, Masaki."

I smile. I've known Masaki and Nishiyama ever since elementary. They often argue and fight whilst I am the peace maker of their little arguements.

Masaki is the brainy while Nishiyama is the brawny, whilst I am.. I am.. I-I don't know.

We talk and make our plans for tomorrow, we finally get sleep after days of sleepless nights.

I stare at the ceiling. I want to live.

Hope fills my brain, and I start to drift asleep.