

When I came to consious I thought I am dead but Juliet came near me and told "we are safe now"."We are in Egypt".I soon get up from the bed and I saw that my books are wet and torn up.Now my books will not help me.Solen introduced a guy named 'ash'.I asked who is this ash told me that he saved us.I thanked him and told him why he came hear.He told that he can help us.I didn't accept his help but my friends adviced me to take his help then I agreed and told ash to guide us.Ash agreed.i saw my map is in a good condition.I showed my map to ash.Ash told that he knows this place.I am happy hearing that.Then my friends told me to take rest and they left the room.Ash stayed with me and asked me about my past.I started naratting about my past.He heared my past.Suddeny he kept my hand in my hand and he told that he will be with me till his last minute.i am shocked 😲 but I too liked him.